Oh gosh! Where to begin? There are so many things that I say I would like to change about my life but they are all a part of what made me the person I am today. Each thing I did, and the trials and tribulations I went through, all had their own role in molding me into who I am now.
But if I could travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to go to college straight out of high school. Not to waste time working in factories, to go to college and get a degree in something that I could make a career with. Going back to school has been a huge step in my life. I think it would have been a lot easier when I was fresh out of school and didn't have any thing to worry about except my friends.
I got married not long after graduating high school, and had my children soon after. Although I don't ever regret having my kids, I just wish I had waited until I got an education and was able to provide them with a better life.
The key to success in college is time management. If you know how to manage your time well nothing will stop you. Also, you should make relationships with your professors and advisors. These people have most likely been where you are today and can help you along the way.
If I could travel back in time and reach out to myself as a high school senior, I would thoroughly educate myself on the myriad of resources and options available to aid and finance my continuing education. I had no clue as to what all is available to those willing to seek it out and apply for it! I would also emphatically stress the importance of applying myself to my studies and clearly illustrate to myself just how much effect my efforts will continue to reflect upon my current situation and future standing. When I was younger, I took those things for granted. I was the oldest of four children from a small Texas town, and the first to set foot outside of that tiny town. I wish I could tell myself that if I had the will to make it happen, I would be able to find a way. I would insist on following my inner voice, or my "gut," right from the very beginning, and to dream as big as my imagination would allow! I would cast aside any doubts and self-imposed limitations, and continue moving forward into my future with creativity, perseverence, and gusto!
There's absolutely no need to rush things. Don't ever take anything, or anyone, for granted, as it can be taken from you so fast you didn't even know it happened. Appreciate your friends and your family. Home truly is where the heart is, and you cannot run away from your problems. You can move 2,000 miles away from your high school drama but unfortunately you carry your drama-causing self with you: you must be the change you so desire to see in others. Take a good hard look at your life and what you have, and really appreciate it for what it's worth. There's nothing more beautiful and precious than that.
Learning to study correctly and not procrastinate are keys to success at college. These are two important aspects one needs to be successful in an intense college career. Also, a social life is important, allowing you to make connections and friends that may help you in your future. Save your money for the imporatant things.
Most importantly: HAVE FUN! College is a time to be serious but it's also a time to experience life and enjoy the experiences provided to you.
Try harder. Go to school every day. Enjoy it. Do not procrastinate!
If I could go back in time, I would advise myself about which classes that I should take in college so that I would be better organize and save some money. Since I was given missleading information by my high school advisor, I would tell myself about which classes that I should take in high school so that I would have gotten Bright Furtures.
Don't be worried about making friends. Just leave your door open when you're there and a lot of the time you'll make friends on accident. I made one friend because we had some classes together and then before I knew it I had made 10 plus friends all from my same dorm house. Just go with the flow and enjoy it.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll still land among the stars!” This quote, by Les Brown, follows me everywhere I go. Literally, it is engraved in a golden token that I keep in my wallet! My freshman year in high school, my Algebra 2 math teacher exposed me to these words of advice, but it is not until now that the full weight of their meaning can help guide me. Had I understood it at the time, I may have saved myself some stress over these past two years in college.
One of the major stressors that I have experienced is the pressure to graduate in four years. It may not seem like that should be an issue, but once the desire to graduate with your freshman class, as well as the financial aspects are factored in, the pressure can be daunting. What I have come to realize though, is that education is the overall goal. There is plenty of time to experience all of the opportunities that college has to offer. The sky really is the limit, and I should be proud of myself for the accomplishment, no matter how long it takes to finish.
If you are going to college with no idea what career you want to persue, look back to when you were a child, what did you want to be then and why. That could help you to realize what you are looking for in a career which can at lease rule out a few majors. Make sure you major in a subject that has opportunities for careers. If you choose a major in Liberal Arts and Sciences you need to know exactly what you want to do with that major and how likely it is that you can get a job. The worst feeling in the world is getting to senior year and having no idea what your major can do for your future. Plan ahead! But also, have fun. Don't do anything stupid that can prevent you from getting a job (getting arrested, getting visible tattoos) but be spontaneous and try new things. You can start over in college, so why not try to be a better version of yourself?