The best advise I could give myself as a high school senior is to spend time researching about the school I wished to attend as well as the program I was interested in. My mistake was researching schoosl and not having a great understanding of the type of program I was entering into. I would highly advise incomming students to have a better understanding of interests and programs. Also I would advise myself to find and talk to students who are currently enrolled in the school and program ofinterest, nothing beats a first hand account of the school and classes.
I would tell myself not to be afraid to talk to new people. I would stay in my dorm on weekends and only hang out with people that I knew from high school. Get involved! My first semester was a world of difference from my second semester. Second semester I established a routine, made so many new friends and did lots of group activities. I would also tell myself that college is difficult. It takes so much more work to get A's than it did in high school. I can't be perfect and my gpa will not be a 4.0. The only thing you can do is try your best and know that a C is not the end of the world. It's okay to be average.
Learn how to study. That is the biggest difference between high school and college. In high school, you can get away with simply "being smart." You have a great high school GPA, but it's about to get rough for you. College is a collection of individuals who are just about as smart as you, and the thing that separates a 2.5 student from a 3.5 student is their abilty to actually study. There will be so much information thrown your way, that simply absorbing it won't be enough. You will need to know how to LEARN that information so you can KNOW it, not just regurgitate it. You will be fine socially. Just learn how to learn. That is the most important part.
If I knew what I know now I would become more involved in my school with both athletics and academics. I was told that if I didn't play some certain sports than I would regret it later on and here it is the start of my sophomore year of college and I already regret it. With schoolwork, my senior year I had planned on taking an easy class schedule so my last year would be a breeze while I should have looked to the future and better prepared myself by taking courses that require time to do good in the class. College classes were a big wake up call because I actually had to study which was much different from high school.
Take school more seriously. Thank god that you joined the Marine Corps. Love your family, they are the reason you will be motivated to complete college.
Dear Natalie, high school is not the real world. No matter how many times you hear that, please realize it. In college you can not walk into class late with a hall pass, you can not put your head down on your desk and fall asleep, and you can not turn in homework weeks late and still get credit. In college, it is entirely about your life and you doing something to make it happen. There will be no teachers on your back telling you what you need to do, just you and your own perserverance and wanting to be there. Failing grades in college mean retaking and repaying for classes, and not to mention looking bad on your transcripts. It is very costly, and you will probably be paying off loans the rest of your life. In the end, it is all worth it. But the most important words of advice? Forget about what career "makes the most money." Focus on what YOU love doing, and do that.
Dear me,
STOP WRITING THOSE COLLEGE ESSAYS. I know you're slaving your time away perfecting them but spoiler alert: the college you will attend doesn't require an application essay. But hey, it gave you some well needed writing practice. That being said, here's some advice from you with a year's worth of college experience.
Yes, college is as great as you imagine it to be. In fact, better. All that stupid high school drama and social "rules" you never seem to understand is gone. As for majors, let's just say Animal Science is not your calling..you'll understand after the chicken coop field trip for Animal Science 101. But you'll find your passion, don't worry.
The one thing though I will stress the most is don't hold back on anything. Try new things, even if they scare you. Talk to that person that sits by you in your Chemistry lecture. Sign up for that skydiving club. Do things outside your comfort zone that spark your interest, live. I wish I could go relive this year again, so have fun.
Love, a college experience me
I would recommend myself to take two years at the community college to get all my general education classes done, but don't declare a major yet. While you are attending NIACC I would recommend you think strongly about what you really want to do with your life, do you want to sit in an office all day? Probably not. What activities do you do that you really enjoy? Think about these. Also don't take your high school friendships for granted. They might not be around in the future when you need them. Don't stress about the little things, because once you get life experiences the little things you are stressing about now seem like nothing. By your senior year in college you will have been through so much you'll be a stronger person. Enjoy every minute of high school because it's the least stressful part of your life. Enjoy college but don't have too much fun and make sure to introduce yourself to atleast one person in every class, then if you ever miss a class you have someone to exchange notes with.
Dear Katherine,
Hey it's me, your future self. College is coming up and now that you've finally made your decision about where to go, the hardest part is over with. Don't worry, you will LOVE your random roommate and will find all of your classes okay. You will make some awesome friends and have a lot of fun moments. As far as packing goes, do NOT bring twenty folders and downsize what you plan on bringing by half. You won't use most of the things mom deemed as "necessary." Don't be afraid to be yourself right away and study a lot more for Social Psychology. The tests are hard and will be your nemesis this semester. Avoid the stupid first year boys and wait until next semester where you will meet an awesome (and cute) guy in Statistics. Oh, another thing, do NOT go home earlier over Thanksgiving and miss the Oklahoma State game. I won't tell you who wins but you don't want to miss it! Most of all, relax. Colllege is freedom and is tough but completely worth it! Hang in there, socialize, and study, study, study!
Good luck!
Future Katherine
Alright Jackie, this is it. You're almost done with highschool and you're one measly summer away from starting your own life and making your way towards the idependence of adulthood. Now I know you're freaking out right now but don't worry, beacuse your future self has a few tips for you. First off don't worry about losing your close friends from home, they love you unconditionally and will always be there for you. Next, (and I know this one might be hard for you) Open up! You're about to meet a ton of new people and they want to know the real you so don't be shy, just get yourself out there! And finally, the freshman 15 is real, Jackie. Learn to love the gym!