If I could go back and tell my high school self anything it would be to never give up. Life and transition into new situations are stressful. Anyone, even the most confident of people can break under pressure. My advise to myself is just that. No matter how bad things get, no matter how hard it is, there is always a way to perservere. In life I have found there are always people willing to help, you are never truely alone.
I would tell myself to not give up and always follow my dreams of what I want to become. Don't let others put me down or allow them to tell me I'll never make it. Always keep my head high and never give up.
If I could go back and talk to myself, I would tell myself to keep my head up. At college, you get a fresh start a large population of people who most likely do not know you. They cannot judge you because they do not know very many people yet themselves . Furthermore, they do not know your past or your mistakes. I would also tell myself college has a vast amount of activities you can take part in, and in order to prepare for that, I should join a lot of clubs while I am in high school. It is good to keep yourself busy with many activities. You learn new things and meet new people by participating in clubs. By keeping very busy, it would prepare me for the business of college. Lastly, I would tell myself to keep on applying for scholarships no matter how many letters came in the mail to say you did not recieve the scholarship. Eventually a letter will come in the mail saying that you will recieve the scholarship and it will make you extremely happy.
One of the main things i would tell myself, is to study more and study harder. I came into college not having the greatest study skills or habits and during my first semester it caused me to struggle. Dont let up just because it is senior year, every year of high school counts and will effect if you get into schools and what schools you get into as well as the awards and scholarships you can recieve. I believe in high school i had a pretty good work ethic and worked hard, but i do think that i could have worked a little harder and pushed for a bit better grades. College is right around the corner from senior year and you dont realize it till summer break hits. I would say prepare yourelf to your best capability, work hard, and apply for as many scholarships as you possibly can.
Hi there, I know you don't think that school is super important, but you're wrong. This next step is going to be very challenging, but you need to stay strong and do your best. If you get stuck, ask for help. Find other people in the same situation and talk. Talk a lot and more importantly, ask questions. Lots of them, both big and small. Don't pretend to know something if you don't . You will be so grateful that you did. Feel dumb sometimes, feel foolish, feel all that school has to offer because this is what life is about. There are so many things to do and so little time, so don't waste it. Good luck!
If I could go back to my senior year, I would tell myself what my parents told me before they left after dropping me off at school. One piece of advice was to not be afraid to be myself, because there will be people that will love me and hate me for who I am. Another was to stand up for what I believe in because there will be so many people that will try and persuade me to be like them. Along with that, in all of my classes, put one hundred percent into all of them; study hard and above all do my best. That is all anyone could ask of me.
The last thing would be to enjoy college to its fullest. College is one of the most exciting times of your life and if you don't have even a little fun, when you are older and out of college you will look back and say, "I wish I would have experienced more of what college really had to offer." So, enjoy college all you can because before you know it, it will pass you by and be nothing but wonderful memories.
College students are much friendlier than high school students. Continue your study habits because they help out a lot in the future. Your true friends are in college, not high school. Start wearing Cyclones clothes proudly because I wear them everyday! Start getting involved in campus organizations as soon as you start school because networking is essential. Just when you thought how great basketball managing is, just wait until you are the softball manager (it's even better)! Overall it's the best experience you will ever have so don't miss out.
You have no idea how much you need to study for your tests. Always take notes because they will come in handy. You will read more in your first few weeks then you did in your entire senior year. Time management is an important skill you will need to learn. Sticky notes will become your best friend. But, don't get scared there are so many people who are willing to help you. You will meet so many amazing people who will help you get a broader view of the world. The transition to college isn't easy, but I wouldn't change it for any reason.
First off, I am a firm believer that everything in this world happens for a reason and that trying to change past events would only ruin our culture's future. That said, there have been many moments in my life I wish I had a "re-do" button for. The biggest regret I feel, having just completed first semester of college, is not devoting enough time to my studies. No matter how cliche you may find the words "time managment", they never really stuck with me until now. In high school I was able to balance varsity athletics, with earning my Eagle Scout Award, and maintaing above a 3.0 GPA. Now that I am in college though, I have found that all the extra time I have in my schedual is actually working against me. If I was a high school senior again, I would start to develope better study habbits as well as organizational skills. Most importantly though, I would get into the habbit of creating a "To-Do" list for each week, in order to prioritize my commitments and assingments.
As a high school senior, I was concerned that it would be difficult to make friends and that I wouldn't fit in at whichever university I chose. Looking back, I would tell myself to just relax! A confident, independent person is already travelling down the road to adulthood and responsibilty whereas a person who is nervous and worried about what others think hasn't even started the journey. Other people will accept you for who you are and if they don't, they aren't worth being around anyways. And yes, there is still the possibility that you won't make friends, but that's not the end of the world. If you aren't happy, do something to change it! Action is what defines us. If there are not people you can relate to in your dorm, go join a club! Often we confine ourselves in unhappy situations, but simply taking the initiative to change your own situation can make all the difference. So confidently go in the direction that will make you happy and all will be well!