Learn good study habits before you get to college; it's hard to form them once you're here because there is always something else you'll want to do. Studying should come first but you should still always make time to have a life and have fun. College should be the best time of your life, not just what gets you the highest paying job possible.
College is very different from high school. The level of difficulty and importance of college classes is enormous. Study skills and the determination to succeed are extremely important. Start developing these skills now and college will go very smoothly.
You may not like hearing this, but your parents are right on almost everything. So stop trying to fight them, and work on making your relationship better with them because it will make everything easier in the future, especially in college.
Apply for scholarships! Yes, you think you have enough money saved up and you do have some, but scholarships are such a great help.
Your roommate may not become your best friend. It is a common misconception for incoming freshman. They can definitely be great people and a lot of fun to hang out with, but don't get caught up on becoming besties. There are so many new people and things to do, everyone is in the same position so don't stress about it.
Enjoy having everything paid for because in college you will be poor. A poor college student. So save your money for those rainy college days.
Even though it is tough to stay focused, the only way to succeed is by keeping on track. Spend those extra hours studying; enjoy when you figure out a solution to a problem. No matter how frustrated you become at this moment, it can always get worse. By using these tools, you will have a better time in future classes, because you will have already learned how to stay balanced in your school work.
I would reasure myself that I will go through many changes through my years in college. I cannot expect to know exactly what I will look like when I get to the end, and I should be willing to adapt to those many challenges ahead. As long as I keep my sights on the goals which I have laid out for myself; I will not fail. Sure, I will struggle at times and I may even want to quit, but if I keep persevering I will gain much faith in the abilities that I have been given. I will become a stronger soldier in this life of up's and down's. Ryan, you can do anything that in which you put your mind to. Have faith. Be a leader. Become the man that you dream of being. Impossible is nothing.
"God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference."
I would have chosen a school that was less expensive, even though I love mine. I have had a great experience at Iowa State, regardless of my cultural and personality differences with the majority of people here, but I wish I didn't have to work two jobs. I work one full time and the other only ten hours a week, but have to work both to stay afloat. I would have much rather been able to focus more on my studies and extra-curricular activities but more than half of my college life was spent working to pay bills. Once I graduate I will have several thousands of dollars in debt and will need a well paying job immediately to start making those payments but in today's job market and with Iowa State's job placement help, or lack thereof, the outlook isn't promising.
Experiencing college now is not a task to underestimate. Resty, you are a superb student and i wish that you taken High School a little bit more serious than you did. But that is okay since we are still on a good note even now. College is not that hard unless you do no take the time to focus on it. You have to be dedicated and think that this is all for the best. Study and take some time to do extracurricular activites as well because it will really help to build a successful person that you will become. Do not be afraid at all of this new field. Yes, high school came easy but college is a whole new level. You will have to rely on yourself more and sometimes no one will be there, but that is when you can stay strong and believe. One more thing, enjoy life as well.
College should be called the gateway of opportunities. Muhammed! You have the chance to not only create an abundant future for yourself; you can help others do the same. College isn’t about taking meaningless class on subjects you don’t care about. College isn’t about just getting a piece of paper to make more money at some fortune four hundred company either. It’s about learning who you are as a human being. It’s about learning what your ancestors did in the past so you can sit in a chair, at a university, to higher you level of knowledge. College is about being the creator of the new world. My best advice to you is to take every opportunity presented to you. Help others who want to be help. Become the new leader for the new world we live in. Don’t let college past you by. Because at the end of the day, we are creating tomorrow by the actions we do today! So get up! Work hard to create tomorrow! But, be smart about how you create it today.
If I could go back in time to speak to my former self, I would tell him not to worry about anything. College is a great time to experience new things; to try. Failure and success are both apart of the transistion, both need to be accepted. Learn from any failures you have and enjoy your successes. Oh, and bring a bike!
Make sure u get into the college u now u wil do your best and be ready for it because if u get out of it you have to own money back to the school. Don't get into a college and miss classes are dont do your work because then it will be all waste of time,just make sure you ready to go to college.
I would have told myself not to assume I wouldn't like a university. I am a transfer student and went to a small private college my freshman year because I didn't think I would like the change of small classes in high school to large lecture halls. I would tell myself to be ready to read a lot, but not get extremely caught up in having to have every single reading done exactly on time. I don't mean this in an irresponsible way, but I know that I need a good amount of sleep and I know which classes are going to challenge me on my readings more than other classes. Also, I would tell myself to get to know my professors more because they are here to help you and want to be a part of my college career.