If I were to go back to give my high school self some words of wisdom, the most important advice I would say would be, "Don't be afraid to learn who you are." All throughout high school, who we are is described by what our parents want of us (and sometimes more often, what they don't want of us) and what our friends expect of us, but what we seldom do is learn who we are. College is a whole new arena, where discovery and exploration is every bit as vital as exams and building your resume. Don't let yourself live out someone else's dream, or live in the shadow of what has been expected of you, but instead go to that play you never would have before, or join the tight rope walking club that you may have just otherwise walked past. You may discover your life passion by simply trying something new. I did, and it ended up as a career opportunity. After all, if you don't take the chance to learn who you are during college, whose life are you living for the rest of your life?
I would tell Basil Rain in her senior year to not freak out about college. You'll fit in fine and you'll get the accomodations that you need for your education. The proffesors are more than willing to work with you and your learning dissability. No need to worry if they won't sign the forms that will give you more time. They will and they understand.
You will see your best friend again. I know she went to the University of Iowa but you guys can take the Megabus to go visit each other on the weekends. You guys will constantly text and call each other to keep in touch before and after classes. You guys will constantly be facebooking each other telling each other about your crazy new lives.
You will also meet so many new people that you'll never feel invisible. You'll get along great with your Henderson housemates and you'll all spend a lot of time studying and watching anime and going to concerts together. They'll be your new support system.
There is nothing to fear when you enter college. You'll enjoy it and it'll be a new experience.
If I were able to go back into time and give myself advice, I would tell myself to get involved with campus activites. At my school, there over 800 student clubs! My first semester I was still a little scared, so I chose not to participate much. I joined my school's Forestry Club, and I loved it. Being involved with your school helps you meet new people, and also gives you a sense of pride in yourself and your school. You will learn so much about yourself, the other people in your club, and your topic of interest. The best advice I could give anyone about college is to get involved and to stay involved. I've learned many valuable networking skills through the clubs that I am in. These skills will not only help me in the short term, but will also be important later on in life. Joining a club gives you the feeling that you truly belong to the school, you are just not another number, but you are a part of something much bigger. As soon as you join a club or participate in a school activity, you will want more.
Be aware of all of your opportunities and options. There is so much that can be done and so much that you will want to do but the goal is to remain focused. Do not let the freedom of being on your own over power your morals and stanings; you what is right and what you should be doing. Most importantly, if you are sleepy and don't feel like going to class,go to class anyway and fall asleep in class. There is a great chance you will pick up some information subconciously.
You are a beautiful, strong, smart, and an outstanding woman! There is NOTHING wrong with discovering your own path. You have a good head on your shoulders and a good sense of what you need to do to take care of yourself. Trust your instincts! You will learn that you LOVE the outdoors, so take every opportunity that see the natural side of our planet, Earth. You will figure out your perfect study habits. When you use these along with focus and hard work you will see that a 4.0 is achievable! Do not be so trusting. Unfortunately, some people will try to take advantage of you. Men will come and go in your life. Do not define your self and worth by any boy. Find someone who adores and loves you for who you are and will help encourage you to be your best. When you are feeling alone and gloomy know that you have people in your life that support you. These relationships are the most important thing in your life. They surpass any grade or exam because they give you something that school cannot. They give you love and affirmation of your wonderfulness!
Go to school for what you want. Don't do what your father wants no matter how much he makes fun of your dreams. Do what makes you happy in life.
Going back to talk to my college self I would say the hardest thing about college is planning everything that needs to get done. Its important to pick classes that fit your ideal schedule and not to overwork your schedule. Having a job and doing extra activities is worth it and fun, but remember to plan out time to do everything you need to for school. Look every professor on rate my professor or ask around to make sure they teach well and grade fair. Having a crappy teacher really effects a students motivation, and academic achievment. Don't take anything too seriously and don't get attached to the friends you have because you'll always be meeting new people and so will they.
The biggest piece of advice I could give to my high school self is to not be intimidated by anything. I was scared to move on from my high school life, so much that I didn’t even apply to any colleges. I had self confidence issues and was afraid of being rejected. I had very little emotional support from my family growing up that I thought that was the way of the world, I relied on myself so much that I had no idea that there were so many opportunities available to me. Looking back, there are quite a few things that I wish I had done differently. I wish I have the experience of going to college with my peers at an age when life was just beginning. I don’t regret where I am in my life now by any means, I think if I did things they way I wished of, I would have been able to feel like a normal teenager for a bit.
In the case if going back and talking to myself, life wise I would not want to really change anything because I have also learned things even when I was not in school. The biggiest thing I would say is to wait until now (2011) to go to school and to go to Weber State University and to not waste money on other schools that did not help me. School wise I would say get better at note taking and learn to tell someone you need help and not wait until you can not ask for help anymore. These are the things I would tell myself if I could go back and talk to myself as high school senior.
I would prepare myself and try to take more college classes while in high school. I have taken a variety of classes in college to decide on my major which is good. I was undecided on my major to start out so kept my options open. Don't worry if you are undecided.