Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


There are two areas of college life that'd I'd give myself advice in. The first would be time management. Time management affects everything especially your academic studies. In order to suceed succesfully you need to have a schedule and stick to that schedule. Homework is extremely important and assignments can be started in advance. A planner really helps you lay out and see everything that you need to do in a timely fashion, whether its with work, home work, social events, classes and appointments. It is the best way to manage your time effectivly. The second area I'd give myself advice in is the social life. It's not enough to just be at college studying, but developing relationships and networking is really important. I have noticed that people with a steady group of friends tend to succeed more. Your attitude becomes more positive, and you can relate to issues going on with yourself that most students are typically worried about as well. It also helps your studies because you can organize study groups, or simply have a study partner to keep you focused. After all it is human nature to be dependent on others.


When I was a senior in high school I believed that college was going to be easy, carefree, and would fly by, so I would tell myself to study extremely hard and take full advantage of all the resources Iowa State has to offer to freshmen. I also would get involved with a learning community right away to get extra help and meet new people.


I would apply for more scholarships to help pay for expenses. I would also work during my senior year to save money for books and supplies for school.


I would have told myself how important it is to surround yourself with positive people and great influences. I would emphasis the importance of starting college career on a successful path and the gain personal values. Know who your friends are, and be positive in every situation.


If i could go back in time and give myself advice about college, i would say Get Involved! Getting involved in as many things as possible helped me to meet so many wonderful people and i felt as if i had something to offer my school. It made me proud to say i go to Iowa State University. Meeting so many people in the clubs and activities that i got involved in made the social aspect of college that much easier. I met some of my best friends by getting involved within the Greek community. Getting to know so many people made the huge campus feel like a small, homey community. Walking the mile across campus, it was very unusual if i did not pass anyone that i knew and could wave hi to. As for the school aspect of college, time management is my biggest piece of advice. Every Sunday night, plan out what you need to complete each week whether its homework, working out, or attending meetings. From that list, choose what you are going to complete each night that week. Treat college as a full time job with hours from 9 am to 5 pm.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell my self to get ready and to brace myself. Because college is a much bigger work load. I would say to myself to not waste time get into college as soon as you can and don’t wait. Then I would tell myself when I get there do everything I can to expand my knowledge and learn everything in sight. I would also tell my self to make a routine and don’t change it and that I should always be organized with everything. Id make sure I planned a daily schedule. It will make life so much easier. And finally I would tell myself to work as hard as I can if not harder study till I cant study anymore and never give up because it all pays off in the end.


If I could go back in time and speak with myself as a high school senior, I would give myself the following advice. Be open to new experiences and different people. Go to your classes, they’re there for a reason. Turn homework assignments in on time. Study for exams, preferably starting about a week in advance as to avoid cramming. Flashcards are extremely helpful. Try new foods, and always take things that are free. Make the effort to get along with your roommate. When you need your own space just leave, it’s difficult to always be happy with someone who lives in the same room with you at all times. Get to know the people living around you. Be safe when walking around at night. To finish, avoid spending all your time with your significant other. Make time for friends and yourself as well.


I would tell myself to relax and enjoy the time with my family. Being away from everything you've ever known is difficult, but as long as you remain open, the future holds so much more. I would also tell myself that you could never apply for enough scholarships and you can't volunteer enough.


Start at a community college and save money


I would say not to stress out before I go. I was very stressed before I went to school and even stressed my first year. Eventually I dropped out and got my Associates degree but I came back to ISU to finish my 4 year degree and it has been the best decision I could have made. College classes are challenging but they help you grow as a person. There will never be another time in your life where you can choose what time you want to have an activity, how late you want to take classes and still have time and energy to have a social life.