Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I would have told myself to plan better and take advantage of programs offered in high school to learn more about what options there are and how to prepare yourself for the next level of education. I would also have told myself to look into majors more in depth and really figure out what my interests were sooner and also to go with what I enjoyed and would make me happy, to save from changing majors after two years of college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would hug and congratulate myself for deciding to go to college, the beginning of a successful life. I would say, "Juan, being the first in your family to attend college and not having much knowledge about superior education is going to be very hard, but not impossible. There will be very difficult times in life, but you must fight through the hard times and always try your best. Always help others who are in need and ask for help when help is needed. Speak your mind and share your thoughts, be creative and spontaneous and be actively involved in something you care about. Difficult times in school, financial problems, and working hard are lessons in life that will make you stronger and will help you become a better person." I would tell myself to always stay positive, to meet as many new people as I can and make life long friends, to try my best at everything I do and to not take a single second of college life for granted because they are truly some of the best years of your life.


Freshmen year of college was definitely a transition year for me. It wasn't until last year, my sophomore year, that I truely figured out what college meant to me and what it all had to offer. Searching for a college was different for me than for most high school seniors. I knew what field I wanted to study in and I knew immidiately upon arriving at Iowa State for a campus visit that this was the school I was going to attend. By having relatives at other colleges I knew I wanted to join the Greek Community at Iowa State and I am so happy I did. My expiernce so far within my Greek life has been priceless. If I could go back and give myself advice as a high school senior it would be to let your guard down and get involved on and off campu. It is the best way to meet people and gain the most out of college that you possibly can. It wasn't until the end of my freshmen year that I learned this and it has, from then on, carried through each year of college.


First, I would tell myself to SAVE MONEY! It's fun to go out with your friends and enjoy your last summer before college, but if you don't manage your money well, you will soon be living off macaroni & cheese and pocket change - it may not be your first year of college, but it will come! Second, I would tell myself to maintain a balance. Get a part-time job and balance that with school and friends. It's very possible to do without letting any of the the three suffer. Last, I would tell myself to do everything you can! Get involved right away with clubs and organizations, go to extra seminars and workshops, volunteer with an agency related to your career field. This is how you will not only meet your future peers in the industry, but also how you'll meet future employers and mentors, all while staying more educated about your industry and its opportunities.


I would look my self right in the eye and tell me past self to ditch that slaker attidute and give every class and every assignment my best effort becuase this school requires it to get a mediocre grade. I would say that there is no attendence requiremnt however that dose not excuse absence from class in the slightest; every class missed is an entire hour to two hours of information that I will have to figure out on my own and then be behind.


The advice I would give my self is don't expect to get all A's, stay organized, know that some people will make bad choices while they are in college, try new things, stay positive, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, and find time do still do the things you enjoy like exercising.


I would tell myself to never forget the morals and goals I had when I was in Afton. To never give in to the peer pressure that college provides. I would remind myself that I never once wanted to be the typical sorority girl and warn myself of how being a part of the greek system hurt me. After realizing how binge drinking effected my GPA I would tell myself of the future dangers and how to drink responsibly if the need ever arrived. Next I would tell myse lf to never stop going to church despite the business of my schedule. Church is a very big part of my life now and has helped me in so many ways, never give up on the Lord. But most of all I would remind me to always remember who we are and to always enjoy myself.


Personally, I would have looked more into the social aspect of each college that I visited. I was entirely wrapped up in finding a college that fit my academic needs that I didn't take into account what I would be doing with the rest of my time. I love my school, however I find that I am bored with not a lot of social places to go to besides greek town. I think I would have rather gone to a bigger city to be able to expand who I am, not just contain it in a small town. Other than that, the transition was relatively easy on me because I had watched my sister go through the same experience.


I was a frivolous high school student, which culminated in my receiving an abysmally low G.P.A. Now that I am a college student, who has been on the Dean’s List several times, I often reprimand myself for being that foolish in the past. I always think “How could I squander away my education like that?” And that is something I would tell myself not to do if I had the opportunity to speak to myself. Getting a good education should be my principal endeavor, for it will enable me to accomplish a multitude of grand things with my life. Dating girls, playing video games, and hanging out with friends may be fun; but when they thwart your ability to study effectively and achieve outstanding grades, you should extricate yourself from those distractions to become a better student. They are not going to help you succeed in life, but taking full advantage of your education will. Getting an education is more than achieving mere grades; it is about the knowledge you acquire that will resonate with you. With immense knowledge, you will be able to help a plethora of people – just as Martin Luther King Jr. did.


"Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna get." Except you do. College is not just what you see on "Animal House" or "American Pie". College is either the most rewarding time in your life, or it is the biggest drunken blur you will ever have. Why be like everyone else and fall into an alcohol indused coma every Thursday- Saturday, when you can be YOU and be that explorative and adventurous person you know you are. You will have ten photo albums full of memories in one year if you live life the way you want to, versus living the way you think people want you to. That transition is hard, you will fall into poor groups of friends, because it's really hard to find your place at first, but you know exactly where you belong and by October, you will be living the life you've always dreamed of with good friends by your side. Get involved, join anyything and everything, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. This is the best time of your life, and you should make the most out of it.