Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


The college process is hard if you are not aware of the responsibilities and steps you have to go through to become a college student and be successful throughout college. My senior year in high school was stressful because of the ACT and trying to find a college to attend. If I could go back I would give myself advice about selecting colleges, the reqirements to abtain my degree and available sources that can help me throughout college. When selecting colleges you have to do your research especially when you want to go far away and plan to live on campus. when selecting a major you need to know what classes are required for your degree and the classes you need to have before you take certain classes. This will help you have an idea of the classes you plan to take each semester. Some classes are not as easy as you think in college, therefore you may need a tutor. This is why reseach is important because you need to know the sources that are avaliable for you to help you be successful throughout college such as tutors,help rooms and


As a senior in high school I was unsure of what I wanted to do in college and was unsure about my choice of school. Now that I have two years of the "college experience" under my belt I am very happy with the decisions I made. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to get involved! There are so many great activties and organizations offered in college that offer opportunities to meet new people and make amazing connections! The people you meet through these connections become some of your best friends and may open doors for you in the future. Also, don't be afraid to try new things. College is a time to diversify yourself and your interests. Take advantage of the multicultural events on campus or try your skills at a new hobby. Though, it's still important to remember not to run away with your new found freedom. Study hard, but take time for those midnight study breaks with your roommates. Those are some of the moments you'll always remember.


I would keep my mind on studying harder and make sure that I was dual enrolled while in high school which with my good grades all the way through school I would not have to take any prep classes and could start earning my degree as soon as I enrolled in college. This would also ensure that I would be eligible for a lot of scholarships that I might not be eligible for if my grades are not top notch. This would ensure that I did not have to work hard along with attending college which would allow me to keep my focus on keeping my grades at a 4.0 average which would help me when I go to get my Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in my Major of Music and my Minor of Art. I f this did not pan out for me, I also have Electronics that I can use as a backup Major. My life has been all about Music and Art starting with my kindergarten years so I am very passionate about Music and Art.


Don't waste time in community college, university life is very different, but still fun. There really is nothing to stress about, the biggest change will be the weather, but it is easy to adjust. The school is accomodating and makes the stay as enjoyable as possible. Transporation is not a big problem everything is either in walking distance or can get there by bus. The bus system is easy to use and the wait time for the bus is short. Everything is cheaper in Iowa and having a Wal-Mart is very useful for a student, just be sure to save up at least $500 before the semester, and if you spend it wisely it can get you through a semester quite easily. Buy the very basic essentials, because if you stay busy and have a healthy social life you will not be in your room too often wasting time.


I would tell myself to take advantage of all the opportunities and take as many college classes as possible and to spend more time on filling out scholarships. Also to spend more time studying and prepping for the ACT's so that I could get a higher score. I would also tell myself to be more active in clubs and to do anything to give my resume the wild factor to set mine apart from everyone else's. I would also tell myself to pick up extra hours at McDonald's so that I could have more spending money while in college. I would also talk to myself about time managment. Tell myself to start a study schedule and to stick to it. Also let myself know that it is okay to set some time aside for fun.


there is plenty of advices that I would advice my self : the first one is : do not be confused and everrything will go okay ,, it is just a matter of time . the second one : if you want to be successful know what you want and be the best at it. the third one : don't think that university id like high school you have to be reposnsible for any of your actions . the fourth one : the success key is to work with gruop so you axchange information and you will be social and get to lnow people better . the fifth one: try to help students with any thing because that will benefit you a lot .


That I would fill out more scholarships.


Even though i was a pretty good student in high school, i still wished i would have tried a little harder and learned more.


I would tell myself to reconsider my major and looking into something that is more of a passion than an interest. I would also tell myself to avoid dorms, especially with a random roommate because things just don't work out well. Don't take large lecture classes that are scheduled early in the morning, avoid campus food because it's expensive, don't be afraid to walk/bus everywhere, and keep all the classes organized. Be social and join a club, get a tutor if you need it, continue to apply for scholarships and keep in touch with the professors. Don't be afraid to email your advisor about any questions or concerns because they are there to help. Always take advantage of extra credit assignments, and lastly, don't skip class, no matter how easy and convenient it would be because you will do better if you go and not pay attention than not going at all.


I would tell myself to take a couple Advanced Placement classes this semester because I could use those few extra college credits. Senior me should know to think of the bigger picture, too. I am too focused on what has happened in the past, what is happening right now, and sometimes about what could happen in the future, but never the big picture as a whole. Having a broader view of life, I now feel, is how you should see things. We should think of the past, of course, but mostly just as a means of knowing what to do and not to do for the future, not to only dwell on the mistakes we ourselves or others have made. Seeing past the frame out the present helps to prevent stray from our future plans and goals. Senior me, you need to take a step back and look, is this decision going to put you in a place you want to be? Will these goals be reasonable further on? I know you think things through so very much, but don't think about one little things too much or you will never go anywhere with it.