Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Study more and work harder


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself two pieces of advice. The first thing that I would tell myself would be to be more outgoing the first week of classes and make many friends because Iowa State University is so diverse it is a nice way to meet many people from many backgrounds. The second thing that I would tell myself would be to join as many extra curricular activities as possible instead of waiting to do them my third year of college. There is not much that I would remind myself of as a senior in high school, but those would be two things that I would tell myself and have as much fun as possible.


Unfortunately, my school didn’t provide us with a proper guidance counselor to clarify doubts, help us with any application processes or guide us through college life when I was a high school senior back in Puerto Rico. If I knew some of the things I know now, maybe my first year in college wouldn’t had been so hard and stressed. I was completely lost in college, because of lack of knowledge I made some basic mistakes for which I gave myself such a hard time. Because of economic struggles, going to the United States straight out of high school was out of the question. I would’ve done some research about colleges, campus life, budgets, tuition, scholarships, etc. I’d guide myself through college requisites and basics, which I didn’t understand back then. Also, I would indorse not push myself so hard and give myself a hard time when things don’t go according to plans. As John Lennos said “Life is what happens while were making plans”.


I would encourage my former self to take a minimal course load during my first sesmester. While I had a great deal of academic success as a college freshman, I had to push myself to the edge of my abilities to accomplish this. There were a number of weeks where I saw no other option than to drop out and start over the next semester. While I was able to pull through my 19 credits of accelerated math, physics, and music, I saw another student leave college entirely due to the stresses of his first semester. The transition to college was challenging because I was accustomed to participating in multiple activities outside of classes in high school, and it took time for me to realize that college is less conducive to living that sort of "all or nothing" lifestyle.


If I could go back to High School I would tell myself to take some AP classes so I could pick up some credits. I would have also thought more about my college decision. Although I have fallen in love with Iowa State I basically just looked at colleges my parents told me to look at. I would have first thought about what I really wanted to major in. Going into college I really had no clue what I really wanted to do. I went into engineering, but switched to Accounting because I found it to be way more interesting in my point of view. Overall I am happy with who I am and the choices I have made. I believe you can always say you should have done things in the past, but you may not be the same person today it your past was different.


The advice I would give myself as a senior in high school would be, to not be shy. College is the best time of your life and why not share that with your fellow classmates? Talk to people in your classes, talk to people in your hall, and don't be afraid of talking to people. Meet people! Join clubs, and get yourself involved with campus. I would also tell myself to learn how to study!! Having to study for a high school test and a college test are very different. Learn how to properly read textbook information and take proper notes. Also never be afraid to as a professor for help. They are always more than happy to help.


I would tell myself to spend a year or two at a community college to get my general eds done. The transition from such a small school to a slightly bigger one will be less overwhelming than going to a school with over 30,000 students. I highly encourage a community college first then going to a university because the classes are the complete opposite from high school classes and it is very difficult to adjust to that kind of learning.


Cameron, You are to embark at an awesome journey at Iowa State. You made the right choice in going there. Here's some advice though to make sure your freshman experience will be one to remember. First, make make sure you to use up all your meal plans, because they expire at semester. On that note, bring plenty of snacks and drinks to satisfy that late-night hunger. Secondly, don't have a roomate who is in a fraternity and comes home at 3:00am and wakes you up. Third, be outgoing and approachable, and not seclusive and quiet. The best way to make new friends is to go up to someone and introduce yourself to them. Fourth, get involved on campus! Join as many clubs and organizations as you can to get involved. You'll be amazed at the connections you make from joing different clubs. Most importantly, remember to have fun. College prepares you for your future, so along with studying for classes and making good grades (strive for that Dean's List), also make sure to enjoy the expereinces that college has to offer. You only live once. From, Your-Not-to-Distant-Future-Self-Cameron


Senior year was the year of not knowing what to expect in college. If there was a way to travel back in time and give myself advice about college life, I would take that trip in a heartbeat. First of all, I would tell myself to expect to be nervous and anxious during the first couple weeks while transitioning to your independent life and meeting new friends. Speaking of friends, be less reserved and more outgoing in order to warm up to them. Also, I would recommend attending all lectures and stay caught up on homework. Trying to catch back up after slacking behind is brutal and stressful. Study hard, but you have to make time for social activities and relaxation. After all, that is what the college experience is all about, studying hard for your degree while interacting and meeting new friends. Another piece of advice is to be very organized. This way you are guaranteed to not forget about important events and homework. Finally, I highly recommend that you talk to your instructors and get to know them by attending their Supplemental Instruction sessions. With these notes in mind, I would have been more prepared for college life.


Go to class every time and you will succeed. Don't get lazy and take school days off just because you can now. This isnt high school, and nobody but yourself will make you go. It is important.