If I could go back in time and tell myself one thing about college, it would be to not procrastinate. College can be overwhelming, so stay organized with a planner, and do not let the "fun" side of college get the best of you. These have been some of the best years of my life, and just be a sponge and soak everything in. The professors are some of the most helpful and brilliant people you will meet, and can be some of the best contacts you will have when applying for grad school or jobs. Take advantage of the amazing gift college truley is.
My advice for myself if I could go back in time is to not be afraid to leave your comfort zone when you first arrive at college! Those first few days are the biggest opportunities you have to familiarize with the campus and to make new friends. Also since I chose to live in a dorm I would also advice to ALWAYS keep your door open while you're in your room! It's the perfect opportunity to meet some of the people who live on your floor. Also don't be afraid to introduce yourself to other people who have their dorm room doors open as well. In addition I would advise participating in as many activities as you can during the first few days! As well as signing up for ones to join that'll take place during the semester. Meeting people and being involved on campus can ensure you a great year at college!
Don't be afraid to get involved, people aren't as scary as they seem. By simply jumping in you will learn so much and regret nothing. You'll meet great people and create a solid community and better yet solid friends. Sitting around in your room isn't going to get you anywhere, you've got to go outside of your comfort zone and be willing to try new things. Take advatage of those new expirences, they don't come around everyday and they will be the things you remember for a life time.
Also, big part of balancing your new life is not being too prideful to ask for help, and equally important, to give it. You're going to encounter things that you can't figure out or handle alone, but don't worry, there are tons of people who are willing to help and it's not a burden to them. Don't be afraid.
Yeah, you are on top this year. Live it up because things will never be this simple again. Now, calm down, don't worry, you will like college, even though you complain before it starts that you hate it. You will make friends with wonderful people. Nonetheless, before senior year ends, express to the people you have known for years that you love them and will miss them. Tell them that you wish them the best. Do not judge yourself based on others, in any way; not in grades, athletics, or looks. Everyone is unique and individual. Oh, and when that boy asks you out to Prom, be a good date. Talk to him? You know who it will be; he has only had a crush on you since forever. Also, listen to your mother and get the blue dress! It is okay for you to be pretty! Don't let others make life decisions for you, but listen to their advice, and know that they only want the best for you. You do not have to be afraid of change. By the way, it would not hurt to apply for more scholarships. Quit complaining and find them!
I would tell myself to start teaching yourself how to study. I would push myself to do better and doing the maximum amount of work available in order to get used to the class load in college. I would have made my mazimum amount of effort. I would have made sure that I was building up my will power in order to be prepared for college life.
The advice I would give myself is simple, sweet, and true. Don't sweat the small stuff. You will find a college where you fit in. You will make new friends in college. Your roommate will be alot taller than you (1' exactly), but you will get along swell with him. You will get involved. You will look for programs that get you prepared for college because they help you make new friends and get accustomed to the campus. I feel like I diddn't make this clear "dont cry over spilt milk" . College is more fun than you will ever imagine. The homework actually pertains to things you are interested in and the friends you make will be real. One more time to make it three. Relax everything comes with time.
So you're entering college? Here are some words of wisdom...
1. Try to avoid isoltaion- open youreself up to different cultures, ideas. Don't forgo your religious training, sow love.
2. Join a study group or culutural society, try different foods! Variety is the spice of life!
3. Smile, leave all attitudes at the door ! The world will smile back and with an open mind you'll approach new things with positivity and humility!
4. Stop, look and listen! Resist the temptation to be heard , don't force your ideas. You'll be amazed at what you will hear!
5. Exercise daily! A healthy body begats a healthy mind and you'll be able to eat without regrets or fat accumulation.
6. Expand your vocabulary
7. Learn another language, besides exercising the other side of your brain it's humbling and gratifying.
8. Reach higher! Dare to go beyond the "isms' of lovers, loved ones and friends.
9. Lastly don't be afraid if you stand alone. Maintain your vision! Accept your fear and walk through it. Just as the sun burns away the clouds, so shall your dreams be realized as you press on , focused on your goals!
I would definitely take more time with the housing application and roommate process. I ended up with a roommate that was completely different from me and she ended up stealing things from me when I wasn't in the room. If I had known that this would happen to me, I would have searched for a roommate that had similar interests as me. You can join many different groups on facebook in order to meet people before you move in. I never really took advantage of this opportunity and I got stuck with a roommate that does not get along with me. Otherwise, I would have paid a little more money to get a single room. I also would have chosen a meal plan with fewer meals because now, at the end of the fall semester, I have many meals left over, and it is a waste of money to not use them all.
As a student currently attending college, high school, and going through the college admission process in order to finish my undergraduate studies I can readily give valuable information on the topic at hand. While in high school you must learn that it is never too soon to begin the preparation for college. Whether it is studying for standardized tests, working towards your desired GPA or accumulating multitudes of extracurricular activities, you must begin as soon as possible. It may seem like the upperclassman years in high school are the time to begin college readiness but the truth is that this time occurs much sooner. This is due to the fact that during the upperclassman years you will be too busy with a job, harder classes, standardized tests, and college applications to focus on the smaller things that would make each endeavor easier in the long run. Also, diving into the scholarship search both rigorously and thoroughly will be both beneficial and time consuming.
I would tell myself that I need to relax and embrace who I am. I worried far too much about leaving my boyfriend behind, not being able to handle classes, not eating properly, not doing everything "right." Three years into college, I am finally starting to understand that there is no "right" way to go about living, and that I am far happier when I roll with life's challenges and changes instead of fighting them. I would remind myself that imperfection and impermanence can be fascinating and beautiful; many of history's greatest discoveries were the results of mistakes, and error is an integral part of art. Besides, if I were always perfect then I would have nothing to learn and would quickly be bored by anything new I tried. It is truly a struggle to believe this when I intend to enter the medical community, where the pressure to be perfect is ever-present. Yet, I recognize that expectation is not realistic, and I would let myself know that failing on occasion does not make me a failure. Coming to college with that acceptance would have made all that I have done more enjoyable and intrinsically valuable.