The first thing I would tell my high school self is to take more time to get a job and save money. I had a part time job but never worked very many hours and I usually spent the money I earned. My advice to myself would be to save money because when it comes time to pay for your college tuition, books and room and board you can never have enough money saved. I sometimes struggle to find ways to pay for college but have made it work. Saving more money in high school would have helped me out this year. That would be my biggest advice to myself.
If I could go back to when I was a high school senior, I would take more classes that increase my knowledge instead of just taking classes that seemed easy. It would have been well-worth it. I would have taken a difficult math class and more english classes. I should have embraced my areas of need instead of shying away from them.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would make sure to say, "It isn't worth getting worried over. Just go out there, be yourself, and everything will fall into place if you work hard enough." I was verry worried when I left high school, because I was making a transition into a university that had more people than my hometown. I wanted to make friends and fit in, but at the same time I did not want to change who I was as a person. I worried myself by thinking that it was going to be hard to make the transition into college, even though it turned out to be quite easy. I kept my head up and kept thinking of the positive things that would make my college adventure an amazing one. I wish I would have known that the transition into college is not worth all the worrying that many kids my age do.
Celebrate your last year of high school. Complete any important paper work in the fall of your senior year of high school. Spend time with your school counselor to prepare for your first steps in college. Spend your first year as an undeclared major enrolling in a variety of courses that interest you. Make sure to live in campus housing for at least one year because this is where you will meet your best friends. Get involved in new extracurricular activites and expand your involvement in them by taking on leadership roles. Leadership involvement will benefit you for the rest of your life. Don't let stress affect your social life; everyone else is stressed too. Get a part-time job. Keeping on a busy schedule may not seem fun, but the structure it provides for your future is priceless. It is hard work that will best help you appreciate what a college experience does for your life.
You really need to learn how to study. Work harder and learn to write better English papers. Be prepared to work a LOT harder than you are right now and focus on your school work. Enjoy your time in high school, learn new sports and don't get tied down.
I would tell myself to put in the effort. By slacking off and not putting forth my full-potential, I was cutting myself short. It doesn't take a dramatic life change to put everything into perspective, but for me, it did help and is making me see how much I shorted myself years ago. Instructors are not going to care about putting in any effort towards you if you aren't going to put in any into their class. By putting forth everything that I have, I have managed to consistantly get A's in classes and become "known" to the instructors. They are willing to help with any questions and help me before I start falling behind. They aren't the bad people and can actually help you if you are willing to talk to them. They are just regular people too.
I would place a lot more emphasis on remembering to stay focussed on school. Never have I found myself completely out of check of knowing why I'm here, but it's definitely been hard at times when school is challenging and all I want to do is rest or have fun with friends. There's one thing that makes up your reason for coming to college, and that is to get the proper education and life experience needed to succeed once thrown out into the "real world." Knowing from internship experience, the real world is a scary place, but I know that Iowa State was the right choice to get the knowledge I will need later on. So just a reminder to myself for my reasons for coming here and a glimpse into the future that things will end up the way they're supposed to be I think would be perfect.
If I were to be able to go back in time and talk to myself, I would harshly let myslef know that although high school was a blast, and it was thoroughly enjoyed, I should have looked a little more towards others. Although I was not a part of the "popular" group, I was a bit proud and perhaps belittled others a little more than I should have. Now, that is not to say that ran around bullying, but I definitely did not go around saying hi to everyone and striving to help. Of the many things I could severely scole myself for, that would definitely be the first to come out. I have learned in the last few months that service and empathy should be a great priority if one wants to lead people. Without mentioning my present calling, as a leader I´ve found the best way to help the group goal be achieved is through service to the group itself. I would tell myself that the best way is kindness to other people. High moral standards and a "not follow the crowd" attitude are the best way to personal progress.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college, probably the most important thing I could tell myself would be to push myself a little harder just so that I would gain as much as possible from my classes. I made really good grades, but I feel like I could have learned more. As I have grown through my college experience, I have gained a lot of personal discipline in all areas of life. I wish I had realized that getting a good grade on paper isn't what going to school is about. By putting just a little more effort into my studies, I am becoming a more confident, well-rounded, and strong person.
There are many things I would like to convince myself of back when I was in high school. For one I wish I would've taken more high-level math classes to prepare my self to the adjustment to classes in college. I also wish I would've taken more community college classes in high school in order to better suit myself and learn more towards what it is I want to do in my career path.