Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Alright man look, I know you are pretty sure of yourself these days but let me tell you a lot of things are about to change. You need to think about the future. A lot of people will tell you life is short and you need to make the most of it. Don't believe them. Life is long and each decision you make now you are going to have to live with for the rest of your life. That might not seem like that big of a deal but picture yourself 40 living the same lifestyle you do now. It wouldn't be healthy. You need to change what you're doing and make an effort to succeed. You have a lot of potential and a lot of people around you who are willing to help you out. All you have to do is make it easy on yourself and take a little advice from people who know better. A little humility goes a long way in this world and you have a lot to learn.


Looking forward to the future is a good thing. I spent my high school dreaming of college, and now I dream of a career. This is what keeps us going, but learning how to live the life of a busy college student is teaching me to enjoy the present. Every senior gets at least a mild case of "senioritis," but the sooner you learn to enjoy the last few months, the better.


I would tell my self to save all the money I make my senior year and make sure to work hard and not to fight through the senioritis. I would tell myself to cheerish all the friends I have now and make apply for all the scholarships possible.


Focus on your academic work and save the fun and games for after you've completed all of your assignments. College is a different ball game. There won't be any teachers to hold your hand or be on your back to make sure you finish what you have to do so there's no time for slacking. College is a time to hit the books and prepare your self for a life long career. People you meet in collge will seem like the nicest people and act as if there all for you to do well, but all is not as it seems. Don't let anyone at the school stray you off your path of success. Keep your head straight and stay focused. I may make it sound ike college is pure work and no play but there's always time for play after your work and anything else that needs to be done is finished first. I know you're going to succed in colllege. Just remember to always stay focused and know what your about when your out there.


I would tell myself that its not as hard as it seems. There are entire departments to help you succeed and they want you to succeed because it reflects well on them. Colleges and Universities aren't there to intimidate you or make it feel like a better future is hard to attain, they are there to make you prepared for a better job, and to make sure you have fun and know 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} that what you're doing for a living is what you want to do with your life. It's easier to start college when you're 18 than when you're 21 or older.


Learn to love Knowledge. Don’t go to college expecting to walk through it as if it’s a breeze graduate and make stacks of money. First of all going into an engineering career expects it to be hard. The classes you will take and the knowledge you will gain from them will redefine who you are and your outlook at life. The people you meet will make a mark on you and you will make a mark on them. Learn to accept people for who they are and they will eventually accept you for who you are. The pursuit of knowledge, being hard, should become a passion in you because if it is not and you go to school for the money you can earn when you get out then you won’t enjoy school, you won’t do good in it and you might not even pass. Learn to love knowledge because if you love it then no matter how hard it gets, and it gets hard, you will pursue it with everything you got and through that hard work character is built and a good engineer is forged.


I would tell myself to be more involved with activities in the community that aren't athletic related and to connect with more of my teachers on a more personal level to have those networking abilities. I would tell myself to bond more with my close friends and really enjoy opportunities like school dances and all fo the "free time" that's available while you're in high school. I would also tell myself to stay strong and never change because who you are and what you're doing now rocks and to never second guess that.


Hey you, I hope you're working hard in school! Now that I have experience in college I want to help you out and give you some advice. 1. Complete all the scholarships that you can apply to! It's really nice to have money to buy books, help with your living arrangement, and to buy food. 2. Be open to new ideas! Take risks, well "legal risks," that will help broaden your perspectives on life and give you new experiences. 3. Join many clubs! I know a majority of your life-long friends will come from clubs. It's nice to share something you have in common with other people. 4. Be positive! I know it's hard to go to college when your're not sure what you want to do with your life, but stay positive, talk to other people about majors, and take a wide range of classes. I know you will find the right major for you. 6. STUDY! College was not ment to be easy, it is a place to further your knowledge and that involves working hard to recieve that A' or B'. Finally, 7. Have Fun!


Keep up the good work! Taking AP Biology will really help you. That pre- calculus class will come in handy. Keep your head up!


Take high shool more seriously is the advice I would've given to myself. I was the lazy kid that never wanted to do anything. I don't regret it because high school was fun, but that's not all I should've done. I should've worked harder for better grades, joined clubs, and do things for the community. It would've worked great on applying for scholarships now, but my choices are limited because of what I didn't do during high school. I don't want to be the kid that relys on their parents anymore. I want to work on doing everything independantly. If I knew my life was going to be like it is now, I would've worked harder for better chances.