Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Going back in time to my senior year, I would advise myself to take school seriously right from the start. I would tell myself to get involved in more clubs because these clubs are not only fun and interactive, they help students find friends that share similar interests. I would also advise myself to develop a strong relationship with at least one professor at some point in school. Professors are not only good for helping you study for classes, they can provide connections to you in the work place in which you may seek an intership or future career. Professors can also provide recommendations to these employers and can really help you even after your time at school.


Number one piece of advice? Time management. There is no one going to babysit you here in college. A lot of the things we take for granted at home are no longer in play. Things such as 'dinner at 6:00' or 'lights out at 11:00'. To start to prepare for this transition, I would recommend to become familiar with using a calendar frequently and also getting homework done early and thoroughly.


Congratulations on making it this far Jessica! Now GO TO COLLEGE!!! I know you really don't want to stay in school, but small colleges are the way to go. They are more intimate and less stressful. We should avoid the huge universities unless you want to be lost in the system and not really matter. The smaller classes allow you to really become involved and get to know your teachers. Don’t be afraid of failing because no one is better than you are (and you won’t). Don’t spend 40 k a year to attend a private school when you can do your General Ed requirements in a community college just as easily and much cheaper. Don’t lock yourself into a program until your second year because you are going to change your mind and maybe even change it again. File for as many scholarships and grants as you can even if you don’t think you qualify. Less is more when it comes down to loans. We like history now so dive in and explore all of the fun facts. You are smart and deserve the best so go out there and get it!


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would tell her to work even harder. I would tell her to take those community college classes during my free periods. That way she wouldn't feel so behind when she comes to her new home at ISU. I would tell her not to worry about losing friends when she moves to Ames, because she will meet so many new and different people. These new people will give her strength to grow and experience new things. Although I wish I could go back, I don't regret not doing these things. Since i never took extra classes on my free periods, I got to have great times with my friends and enjoy being the senior I was at the time. Even though I fretted about keeping friends forever, I found even greater ones here at my new home. Sometimes I wish I could go back and change the ways things turned out, but I know that then that would change the woman I am today. And this is who I want to be.


I would tell my self that I would need to work harder in High School and get into more clubs. To do more community service and help others out. To not things I would need to do like Financial aid and when are the due dates. To be a more social person so you will be able to meet others and maybe become friends with them.


Before coming to college, I wish i would have taken the time to explore all my college option instead of settling on ISU just becasue my dad and brother went here. I let other people pressure me into choosing a school I wasn't 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure about and now I regret it. I also wish I would've better prepared myself for the transition to college. I had no idea how homesick I would be after just the first week. It really made me realize just how much I took for granted during my grade school and high school years. No one tells you what to expect when you come to college. It's a whole new life. I feel like a completely different person. Although there have been ups and downs, I have learned to make the best of it and be greatful that I even had the privilege to further my education. All the hard work will be worth it in the long run.


If I were to give myself advice coming into college I would say: Even though it may seem like a simple thing to make friends and be social with people, its actually a bit harder than you think. Don't be afraid to talk to new people and socialize with people you don't know. It may be a little uncomfortable at first but it is important to make friends soon. This is not meant to scare you, but instead incourage you. If you keep quiet and are too shy then other people will start to make friendships and you will wish you would have done that as well. Don't wish for that anymore and instead just DO IT. It may seem easier for other people to speak up than for you, but just try it and once you have your best group of friend you will be glad you spoke up too :).


If I could talk to my high school self I would say, "Hello beautiful, you can breath easy knowing that we are finally at a satisfying and fun time in our life. I know things are rocky, and you are struggling with a desicions about college but relax. Trust your gut, that is the simplest way to help you out. It makes things so much easier. You know deep in your soul what you want to do, so make us both happy and trust yourself. I know you are sad since you are moving away from your family, but chin up dear, they will be there for you no matter what. You will soon take pride in yourself and your work. Finally, just love yourself and have some fun... it is your senior year after all."


If I had the opportunity to speak to my high school senior self I would advise him not to go to a large public university. I would make sure he understood that he wouldn't have as many opportunities there as he would think. I would encourage him to sit in the front half of every class he was in, because when you sit in the back you get lazy. I would also tell him to talk to everyone he gets the chance to. I'd tell him that he will learn more from other people than a higher education could ever teach him (but it will teach him a lot). I would make sure to tell him not to be dissapointed if he doesn't meet people right away, because he will find the group he's suppose to be with. I'd tell him to try to make a friend in every class just in case you have to miss and need notes. I'd remind him to go to every single class; never skip! You will so much! Besides notes, he will miss opportunities!


I would tell myself not to stress over the small things. I would tell myself to stay focused on the big picture and keep my eye on the prize. Keep focused on yourself and what you need to get done while you are here or you will regret it. Write in your planner every little thing that you have going on and manage your time wisely. Set high goals... high enough that they scare you. Manage your time because you have your whole life to party. Try to meet new people but make sure they are people who won't get you into too much trouble with the law or academically.