Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


That I should have taken some college coarses at the community college while I was in high school.


College is very exciting, but can be extremely scary because it's such a big transition! One of the biggest pieces of advice I would give myself would be to really put myself out there and to never be afraid to go for something. I would tell myself to not be afraid to introduce myself to the person sitting next to me, or to join that club, or to join that intramural soccer team. I would tell myself to keep my options open, as far as academics go, because even if you have your heart set on a certain career you may go to college and realize it's totally not right for you! College is an exciting time and if you are willing to be open to all the possibilities it has to offer, then you will gain the most out of your experience. If you just sit back and try to "get by," chances are you will become overwhelmed, homesick, and stressed. So just enjoy this time while you have it and act like a kid while you still can!


Deciding which college to attend next fall is obviously one of the few major life events we experience growing up and my goal is to make sure that you all take this decision seriously. Forget about what your friends and girl/boyfriend are doing and focus on how this effects you. Pick the college that made you feel at home. Make sure that the college offers the major you're interested in, allong with clubs and activities you enjoy. Live in the less appealing dorms your first year because you're more likely to socialize with others more in them. Don't pile on too much course work because it's a huge academic change and if you go in unprepared you'll most likely be on academic warning your first semester. Schedule lectures back to back, hour breaks are rarely productive and you're less likely to skip lectures this way. There's also nothing wrong with saving money and attending a community college first to get your core class credits prior to attending a university


Do not shy away from anyone or anything that interests you, opportunities multiply as they are seized!


I would definately have told myself not to worry so much. If I had taken stress off of the decision making and just went with what I knew was right, I would have a much better end of my year. I would also tell myself to get more involved right away, as the beginning of the year is the best time to do so.


Prepare yourself for loads of work. Everyone says that there is hardly ever homework in college, but that is not true at all! My work load now is really heavy. Also, let loose! Make sure that you get to know other people, and make lots of friends because they really do come in handy later on. My biggest mistake was not making very many friends, and I often regret that I was too shy at the time. Start actually reading the assignments, because it really does help you out in the long run! Also, spend LOTS of time with your family. You may not realize it now, but you really will miss them, and they will miss you too. You will need them for many years to come, for their love and support. Lastly, even when things are tough, you just have to hold on and keep believing in yourself. Take everything day by day, but don't procrastinate! Remember to breathe, because EVERYTHING will be alright.


Everyone has something they would like to change. I wouldn’t change a thing. I am who I am because of the trials life has placed on me. Although there are things I wish I had a heads up on. I would tell myself to keep up with math. Find someone who is patient and can teach you. When you get into MJC, go to all of your classes. Take it seriously. School is a privilege, not a right. Don’t worry about where your life is going; you’re on a good path. The years ahead will not be easy. Your heart will be broken, and the people you meet are not always good. When you meet Casey… spend as much time as possible with him. Take lots of pictures and keep him as close as you can, no matter what he says. You love him; you just won’t realize how much until life happens. Just remember you are becoming a strong, independent, wise person. You have a lot ahead of you, trust me. Never be afraid to take risks, and keep an open mind. Keep strong, and remember who you are. That’s what is important.


You have to study more. You have to get into the habit of using all the little in-between scraps of time to study, read, do homework, and be productive. If you don't get your work done, it's going to be a huge struggle. Don't start watching all the tv shows that you watch now. Just stop it! It really isn't as important as you think. Actually, it's not really important at all. What you should be doing is studying hard and hanging out with your friends and family. You won't get to see them while you're at college, so make the most of the time you have.


I will advice myself to keep going even though sometimes things seem hard for me since the English is not my first language. Life fill with opportunity keep on working hard to get where i want to be 5 to 10 years from. When i was in High School i was struggle with the FCAT , ACT, and SAT because English wasn't my language. When I graduated High School I did not receive a diploma because i didn't past the ACT, SAT, or Fcat reading I feel so umbarassed during that senior graduated. After graduated high school i was very stressful because i did not receive diploma but when i think about it I study more and more to get my diploma. After going through so much I graduated may 2011 and on April 2012 i had received my diploma I was very happy that day. Looking back from high school as a senior I realize that i should not stressful during that time I didn't receive that diploma because there is a time for everything. At some point in life I have to be struggle with something cause everything in life is not easy and keep going.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to make sure I schedule things from the beginning. Putting things down on paper or otherwise organizing them is critical. Without an idea of where your week is going, you can get distracted easily, missing classes, assignments, and even fun activities. By establishing a means of routine, you make sure you're not wasting time. Even by planning things like relaxing and watching TV, you'll actually find you're having more time to relax than if you just did things as you saw fit. Since I work so much, I have to be diligent about not wasting time unncecessarily.