I would tell myself that I do not know everything! Coming into college I thought I had it all figured out. Man, was I wrong. I had terrible study habits, time management, and stress management skills. I would tell myself to read more, take better notes, and spend a lot more time on my studies than what I think I need. Lastly, I would tell myself that even though times get though, to let it go and it will pass. Good times are always just around the corner!
If you are planning to attend a four year college you should start at a four year college. The advisement at Mesa Community College is awful, at least at the Main campus at Dodson and Southern. I have heard, but cannot confirm that the Red Mountain Campus is better at preparing people to go on to ASU, but I have no personal experience with that campus.
Most of the teachers are good, some are very good, but the administration seems to want only one thing: to get as much of your Pell Grant and student loan money as it can. It will fail to advise you what subjects are required for a transfer until you are already a year or more into it.
Teachers are given dictatorial control over grades. If for any reason a teacher doesn’t like you they can destroy your GPA and you have absolutely no recourse.
If your goal is some kind of professional certificate (they have a good nursing school), or if you are content with a junior college degree, than this is the place for you; but not at all a choice for continuing on to a four year college.
I graduated high school at 17 years old. At the time I had my own job and apartment and supported myself. I met a guy at 18 years old who was very controlling and manipulitive though then I did not know it. I ended up getting married and having children by 19 years old. College was a dream I could not make happen. When my kids were old enough I went back for some courses and did well though I was never able to pursue my academic dreams. Until now. I am now 35 years old and free from this man. I would tell myself these things along with the many hardships I had to deal with because of the path I took. I would not be so quick to rush into things at such a young age when I was most vunerable. Now that I am older I realize the mistakes I have made and would have my younger self be the free being I am now and could have been then.
If i could go back to my senior year of high school i would tell myself a great many things that i know now. For one I would tell myself that i shouldn't have consumed every waking moment to studying and actually having fun and enjoying my last year in high school. I would also highly stress to myself that the importance of not putting off college applications and fanancial aid. These are two things I didn't do and regret now. I focused more on getting good grades and homework and studying that the year passed without me realizing it and i missed out on alot. I focused so much on that that college deadlines completely slipped my mind and I was unable to start college when i wanted to. I wish I could go back in time and fix those two main things but all I can do is learn from the mistakes and move forward.
If i was a high school senior again. The advise i would give myself about college life is. To take my schooling more serious and not getr so cought up in relationships that i would lose focus on my education. College life is great but we need to understand that it about the education and our future. I also understand that even so some college classes may seem hard. We should still step up and do the work thats before us because hard work pays off and will help us be better at the perfession we choose. Sometimes its hard to make such transitions but they are going to better us in the long run. Life is about transitions and we need to get used to it while were young because we will face many in a lifetime. So dont be afraid to better yourself while your young. Run into the harder tasks and know you will be better in the long run. There is always time for friends and fun, but dont make it your focus because friends and fun will not get your bills paid and the things you want in life. Take charge because its your life .
Talk to strangers. They might be your best friends one day.
Stay in school! You don't want to have to go back to school at the age of 37 to try to finish your education. Please do not get discouraged. You may find yourself struggling with classes or tempted by partying but stay focused. I would like you to reach out and ask for help if you need it. You are not alone and the only way that anyone else will know what you are feeling is for you to share what is happening in your life. Your mother and father are both alcoholics so please be aware that you are predisposed to this disease. If you find yourself in trouble, reach out and ask for help. Do not be ashamed or embarrassed. The most important thing that I can tell you is to always remember that you are loved. It may not always feel that way, but you are. You are a good person with a giving soul. Take advantage of that and find ways to serve those around you. Step out of your comfort zone and do not let fear decide your fate.
Follow your heart. Make you're own decisions. People come and go like the wind. They will enter you're life for what they like, stay because of who you are, and they leave for who you aren't. Learn from your mistakes. Don't blame anyone but yourself. Apply for more scholarships. It's gonna be tough. Have an open mind. "Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono- the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness"
Make sure you don't spend your extra finanical aid money.
If I were to talk to myself as a high school senior I would encourage myself to take more AP classes and really challenge myself. In highschool I did not have to study a lot because classes were relatively easy for me. The transition to college was challenging for me personally because I did not know how to "study", therefore I did not get as good of grades first semester as I planned to. I would also encourage myself to go on as many job shadows as possible to really figure out what I want to do with my career. Everyone told me I did not need to know what I intended to do as a career but once I got to college I quickly learned if you did not know what career field you wanted to enter you would be behind in your major if you changed later on in college. Lastly, I would tell myself to be open to new people and experiences when you get to college because it makes it so much more enjoyable.