Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be utilize the opportunities you have. One thing I wish I had done more of is money management and grade management. Durning school I had a job but would often go through money on useless things. In college it is hard to have a job and work while trying to get a degree and it helps if you have some money saved up. One other thing I would tell students is take advantage of college courses you can take throughtout high school. It may not seem important at the time, but it will help you in so many ways in college. I would also encourage myself to learn how to take the most beneficial notes for a class. In college there isn't anyone sitting by your desk telling you how to take good notes. This would help me in the long run if I properly knew how to take notes. My last piece of advice would be enjoy the time with your family. They won't be there everyday in college to encourage you and comfort you so take advantage when given the chance.


Although I don't regret anything I did in high school, I would tell myself that high school is child's play compared to college. I would also recommend to myself to appreciate the bond between all high school seniors because in college you have to work really hard to develop a friendship and it takes even more work to maintain it. I would also tell myself to continue taking life one step at a time but think forward to homework that is due next week.


Do not choose your major off of what you liked as a child, pick what you want to do for the rest of your life. Choose a major and college that suits your talents and potential future employers, and please have more faith in yourself as a person.


If i could gop back to hoigh school and ask myself, i would focuse a little more on my schooling then going out and all that. also i would have asked myself how much it cost and all that so i can save up for books and registration. th advise i would give myself is to be more organized and pay atteention in class beecause college is diffrent from high school


As a senior in high school, my situation was extremely different than what most people probably went through. I had been homeschooled most of my life and was graduating early. I was even taking college classes before I was technically finished with high school. I was already used to the college course load, so that did not surprise me. I was working and saving almost all the money I earned so that I would not be the typical broke college student. I had a good system of time management already in place. When I transitioned to Iowa State, it was much smoother than I expected. That is precisely what I would tell my prior self. The months before my transition, I was more nervous than I have ever been in my whole life. The idea of being on my own scared me; I was running around like crazy trying to make sure everything was perfect before I left. The advice I wish I could give to that version of me is that taking life one day at a time is much better than worrying about things you cannot control.


The advice I would give is take your GPA more serious. Study harder and worry more about school then the extarcricularr activities. Yes they are good charter builders but no one cares that you sacked the quarter back 7 times in one game. The colleges just look at the GPA for scholarships, placements and ranks. Be serious your freshamn year and work hard even if you are unsure of what you want. As a senior I was more focused and very determined to achieve my life's goal. But wished I had taken more AP classes. Over all do the best you can each day.


get involved. Clubs don't take it too personally if you try them out and it doesn't suit you, so learn more about a club, see what they are about, studying comes first, but a social life can help studying go faster and be less stressful.


Going back to senior year, the advice I would give myself would be to take the college credit courses that your school provides for you. I would also tell myself to not stress about the little things because college is fun and teaches you more about yourself than anything possibly could. I would tell myself to make the most of senior year and not stress out about if I will be good enough in college.


Too really get in the right mindset before you come. You have to have the right attitude about college coming into it so you don't get homesick.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell myself to relax. College is not as hard as people tend to tell you it is. Just study and actively listen to professors in class and you'll do fine. Have fun. Meet new people (they are just as nervous about this thing as you are) and try new things. You never know where or when you will meet new people.