College is the time of your life. There are so many opportunities and activities to do, that they are too numerous to count. Here is some advice that will help ease you into the 4 greatest years of our life. 1). Stop worrying if you will make any friends. There are so many ways to meet new people on campus, that I made new friends on the first day I moved in. Here's a hint: everyone is just as nervous as you. You're not the only one, so man up and go talk to people you don't know. 2). Plan accordingly. Make sure that you know when assignments are due, and not wait until last minute to finish them. The worst thing you can do is to be stressed out over an assignment or a test, so plan to start them beforehand. 3.) Take moments to just relax and have some alone time to yourself. It does wonders. 4.) And finally, enjoy yourself! College so far been has been the best time of my life. Go out and have fun with your friends and cherish the memories that you will make together. Enjoy!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senion in highschool, I would tell myself to be confident. As teenagers, we are all confused and scared of the future whether we like to admit it or not. I have learned throughout my 19 years of life that being confident is key. Being confident doesn't mean to be arrogant, instead it means trust in yourself. I have always had doubts in myself when it comes to balancing my busy life, but somehow I always am able to maintain a socail life, while working 20 hours a week, volunteering and maintaining a 4.0 GPA. I would have told myself so long ago to thrive, and to have pride in my accomplishments because in the end that is what motivates me to keep going toward my dreams. I gad a tragic past, dealing with the suicide of my mother, and I encourage everyone to take every obstical and use it to your advantage. I would have told myself to be confident, and thrive.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to focus more on preparing for college and not to wait until the last minute to finish everything. I would tell myself that to ignore the drama that goes on during the last year of high school and to take things more seriously because friends won't be there to help you when you need to get everything ready to go to college. The final piece of advice I would give myself is to be prepared to study for classes in college because one has to keep there gpa up and not let it drop.
If I could go back in time, I would surely tell my high school self to relax and not be nervous. I remember walking into class for the first time in college being very nervous, when I truly did not have to be. Nerves and anxiety only add to the frustrations that every college student has to handle.
I recently finished my first semester of college at Iowa State and I couldn't have asked for a better start at my new life. To look back at my high school graduation feels like a lifetime ago. To look back even three years ago, I never would of thought I would be at Iowa State. As a senior I definitely had senioritis and wanted nothing more to go to school and meet new people. What I wasn't thinking was how much I will miss my family, miss the friends that matter, and realize how fast I will grow up in the five months at college. I would love to go back to high school for just a day and remember what it was like because it is a complete 180 to life away from home. I have definitly learned a lot with school, time management, becoming involved and doing things on my own. What I would tell myself then is even though you think you don't need to study, you should start. It will help with college! Appreciate all the things your parents do for you because you will miss it. And to be open to possibilities!
Spend more time on finding financial aid. Simply work to the best of your ability and try to find a course of action that will help you succeed. Get to know your teachers. When the time comes teachers can be extremely useful.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself about as a high school senior I would probably tell myself to stick to my ed plan and apply for scholarships. Continuing your education after high school is very hard when you lack financial assistance and with no ed plan you tend to be unsure of what classes to take. I would probably also tell myself to apply to the very expensive university I have always dreamed of going and not waste my time in community college. Knowing what I know now about financial aid, scholarships and loans I would tell myself about all the opportunities available. Building my self-esteem would be number one on my list, there where so many insecurities that I had when I left high school that lead me to decide to stay home and not pursue my career like I should have. Finally I would also get me more excited about college since I had no one to encourage me and tell me about how fun planning your future is.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to open up and communicate more to people in college. You only get one chance at college, and you should enjoy it to the fullest. During my freshmen year of college I was so focused on my classes that I forgot to take time off to enjoy and socialize with my community. It is possible to balance homwork with your social life and still have fun. I have learned that the more people you meet in life, the more you become uderstanding and conscious of people's feelings . By having a large social group, you are able network and have a larger support system. Communication is essential in college, and should not be taken for granted.
You are going to be out of your comfort zone. You are going to meet new people, and you're going to make new friends. Instead of being shy and worrying what other people think, put yourself out there. People will like you, and you have to deal with the fact that some people won't like you as well. They don't have any affect on your life, so don't worry about them. Focus on studying, and make time for friends. Remember that school needs to come before any extracurricular activities. Always remember to have fun!
If I could go back in timeand talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not be afriad to go outside of my comfort zone. Throughout my college years, I have learned to step out side of my comfort zone and it has turned out to be a great experience. By doing this I have been able to grow as a person, make a difference in the community around me, and get to know many people.