You will not party every weekend. You will not meet lots of cute boys. You will not get by without studying. However, you will meet amazing people and live on an amazing campus. Also, get a job early in the semester and apply for scholarships like no other.
If I could time travel into the halls of Spingarn SHS when I was a student and have a conversation with little Kendra, it would definitely be life changing. I would start by asking her not to freak out because I know how super paranoid we are and that I was only here to help. She of course would think she was dying before deciding that the idea of meeting our future self is actually quite cool.
I would begin by telling her that Michigan will be a good decision because of the memories and to not worry about having Shan as a roommate because you guys will settle your problems. More importantly, I would tell her that the idea of taking a break from school is not only the worst thing we've ever done (along with not applying for more scholarships), but probably the reason for our feeling of fulfillment in life. I would tell her to never let the idea creep in our mind to rest. I would tell her to study more and save money. That networking is essential and to change the crazy flip hairstyle on yearbook picture day. Seriously!
If I were able to give advice to myself about college and life in general, I would focus on one idea; change in inevitable, how you deal with that change is what determines your success and happiness. The fall after senior year is the begining of a new chapter in life, when that change happens it is crutial to determine what is important to your own life. Who are the people you want to be there for the long haul? What do you want to do with the remaining years of your life? What kind of person do you want to be? These questions were very difficult for me to answer before I was thrown into a new and different environment; college. If I could go back and talk to myself last year, I would tell myself that there is no deadline for finding the answers these questions. I would say how much one year has taught me that life goes on around you whether you're standing by watching others enjoy it or if you're enjoying it for yourself. Knowing what I know now, I would encourage myself to become an active member in my life.
I would tell myself to not pack all of your clothes at one time. I would tell myself to not judge the school based on how it looks or how many people attend it. I would say that it is hard to make friends in the first month if you don't keep your dorm room door open and that there are hundreds of kids just like you if you make an effort to find them. Lastly, every freshman is going through the same thing, so don't be embarrassed to eat in the dining center alone.
Having the opportunities to experience such diverse experiences that many will not as fortunate to experience as you will is an awesome feeling. There is something new to be experienced every day here at Iowa State and new faces around every corner. By following your dreams and never losing hope, you will accomplish great things. Iowa State University is the right choice for you because there are so many options of study here for you, the student body is great, and you can live your dream of studying abroad quite easily. College is a lot of work, but it has proven over and over again to be worth it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the most important advice I could give is to take opportunity to gain leadership experience. More leadership experience would have provided me with the confidence necessary to make a smooth transition to college. Leadership experience is one of the main things the majority of employers and other organizations are looking for and it definitely gives you an edge over your peers. I feel I would have had more opportunities to be involved with employers and organizations faster if I have had this experience in high school. It also would have been an easier process to actually do these jobs that require leadership because I would have had skills to build off of instead of starting with nothing. Transitioning to college can be a stressful process so it's helpful to eliminate the anxiety provoking factor of not having leadership skills before attending college.
I would explain to myself that you need to get used to sticking up for yourself; think of yourself not so much for others, take care of you. You won’t have anyone to hold your hand and lead you to success. Don’t be afraid to tell the people you were raised to respect “no”. In this time you are what is important. You are at the front door to the rest of your life. The easy part is over. The hard art is just beginning. You can’t let your worries of the people you are leaving behind stop you. This is your time. Not moms, not grandmas, yours! Do not hesitate to grab it and run with it. Run as far as you can and when you trip, get back up! You will stumble, we are not perfect, but you will have the skills, know-how, and determination to push on. You will laugh so hard you can’t breathe, you will cry so hard you think the world is worth giving up; I’m here to tell you that it is worth every struggle. Daddy is watching from heaven and our baby sister needs us.
In all honesty, I was the typical high school senior freaking out about anything and everything about college. Being the first to fly out of the home nest, my parents were also scared for the transition.The biggest piece of advice I would tell myself and my family is to calm down--if I didn't know what I was doing, I could call or email someone to find out the answer. Many resources are available to seniors in high school, and I had no idea where to start. I was also pretty worried about how expensive college would be. It turns out hours upon hours of filling out scholarships really does pay off. It seemed like they took forever, but that money is donated therefore I don't have to pay it back. One of the other things about college that worried me was the social life. I am definitely a non-alcoholic, and I was scared people would pressure me into bad decisions. It turns out once people knew that I didn't drink, everyone laid off and no pressure was given.
Given the opportunity to go back in time to give my 18-year old self advice, I would tell her to recognize her potential and to exude confidence in all that she does. As a junior in college, I have found myself looking back on my early college years, and realizing that I came into college a very self-conscious and diffident individual. After battling an eating disorder in high school, I had a lot of room for growth in the areas of self-love and self-discovery. It took me over a year to finally recognize my true potential as a leader and to go confidently into new experiences. My freshman year was full of excuses, seeking of approval, and doubt. I can now say that I have held leadership positions on the biggest student run organization on campus as well as other major organizations, and I can attribute that success to my newly found self-confidence. Had my 18-year old self discovered the power of confidence earlier in college, I can only imagine the positive impact I could’ve made on my education, campus, and overall college experience.
My advice to you, self, would be develop good study habits and better time management skills in general. I CAN NOT STRESS IT ENOUGH. High school has so much less homework than college, and there's also so many more opportunities for you to take advantage of, and without good time management, you waste most of those opportunities! Not to mention, you end up staying up way later than you planned, which makes you more tired the next day, which can result in poor performance in class or even missing classes. In order to avoid all of this and get the most out of college, learn to use your time wisely. This means, for example, if you have a class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, don't leave Tuesday's homework for Monday night. You had all weekend! And something might come up on Monday night that you'll be forced to miss due to your procrastination. Work on projects a little at a time, instead of leaving it all for the last few days. If you are able to take this advice to heart and make use of it, it may be the greatest thing I ever did for myself.