If I could go back in time and give myself advice about the ransition from high school to college, I would say that college is a place where you have to want to learn, not just feel obligated to. You have a will and motivation that will come out when you find your passion and career path. It is important to work hard for what you want and stay focused on your goal. You have the power to make the life you want. It is a privledge to go to college, so use your time wisely.
Learn to study in high school and do not arrive at college thinking you can just go to class and understand the material. It takes motivation and time management to succeed at the college level. Also, arrive at college ready to accept new ideas and cultures and be open to new opportunities.
Making friends is more difficult. People are generally friendly but making the jump from acquaintance to friend requires effort. Stick to plans you make and don't flake. You'll have much more free time during the day - use it to do homework rather than doing homework at night. It's difficult to motivate yourself to do calculus problems when your bed is tempting you. And speaking of homework, it can and will sneak up on you. Deadlines seeming far away always arrive faster than expected.
Get involved on campus. Run for hall council. Don't sign up for a club if you aren't going to go, you'll get emails and feel guilty about it, but not guilty enough to tell them you don't want to be in their club. You'll just let the emails come. And under no circumstances should you get behind on reading your email. Unread emails are stressful, even though they're 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} campus spam.
Last but not least, branch out. Explore yourself. Don't stay in the bubble you created yourself during high school. Put yourself out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. Don't forget to have fun.
As I reflect on the rough semesters I had my first years of college, I can think of exactly what I could have done to avoid all of those late nights and sleep deprivation on test days. My first piece of advice would have been to never leave homework for last. Doing homework right after class has helped me understand class material more effectively. Secondly, I would have advised myself to use the library as much as possible. During my first couple semesters of college, I never visited the library and would always try to do homework or study at home. I realized I wouldn't get anything done because of all of the distractions I was faced with at home. As soon as I started going to the library I was able to concentrate and get things done faster.
If I could go back and give myself advice about college and the transition to college life I would explain that being in college is the equivilant of running a marathon. The first weekend away from home will be difficult and getting into a groove will take some effort and time. As the weeks go on though you begin to feel comfortable and realize that you can actually do what you have invisioned since the day you were excepted; as weeks turn into months the individual days that seemed difficult at the time (due to no sleep, to few hours in a day, etc.) have now just become another small part of the bigger journey. At semesters end the relief of finishing the first of many mile markers is overwhelming and joyful, but still prepares you for the next. I would tell myself all of this and focus on the idea that college is a marathon, in hopes of telling myself that even though individual days will seem hard and may take there toll to the point where I will wonder if quitting makes the most sense, always remember to look for the finish line and just keep running.
The advice I would give myself is to never lose sight on what you want for your future. Stay focused and continue to believe in yourself and move forward. I would also make sure that I know to relax and have so fun, and to engage in multiple clubs and organization to meet new people.
There are many career paths and many journeys along the way, chose one that makes you want to get up every morning with energy to learn. Explore your options the first year of college, so that you can truly see what will be the career path that will be life changing. once you get to your second year truly commit to something that you know in your heart will make you love what you do and enrich your life with happiness. Life is not all about money life is about living and making decisions that will better your life and those around you. Mistakes will be made but the great thing about that is its the greatest teacher in life. From every mistake something great will emerge because making mistakes will help shape the person that you will become, be sure to learn from YOUR MISTAKES. Every career can touch someones life in one way or another let your career choice touch you and shape your destiny so when you go on this great adventure you'll have an amazing story to tell, in hopes that someday someone else will be inspired to go out and do the same.
Get involved early! My first semester I was unsure of what all Iowa State had to offer so I didn't join alot of clubs or organizations because I was worried about whether I could handle it. I found everything was completely manageable and it was the best way to meet people who are interested in the same things as you.
Although high school seems like it will never end, it will and much sooner than you think. Treasure the moments you have with the friends you have now, because in a few short months you will be parting in different directions in life so make the most of today. I know your mentors keep reminding you of all of those important deadlines that seem to be of little importance to you, but heed their advice. These people are trying to help motivate and prepare you to succeed. Finish this school year out strong to help mentally prepare yourself for the hours you will spend studying in college. But don't spend too much time worrying about that now, because college life is very fun and evenful. You will meet many new people, some might even become very good friends. Don't forget the support system back home though. You have people on your side hoping you will succeed. School might seem like an endless journey, but in the long-run it is only a small part of your life. You will work your entire life after graduation, so enjoy this wonderful thing they call college.
Although I wasn't the most anti- social student in high school, I tended to be very hesitant when branching out to do different things and meeting new people. So, the first thing I would tell my past self would be to cut the act and embrace college for what it is: a unique opportunity to experience new cultures and adventures. Being hesitant or shy is just a barrier to the college experience that can really put a damper on your time unless you stand up to it. I would tell myself to just be an honest representation of myself and to not care about what others want me to be. Be yourself!