Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have a few words of advice. First I would suggest to myself to take college credit courses in high school. Now that I have almost completed two years of college I see how helpful it would be to have come to college with credits. Having credits starting out would allow me to register earlier, not have an 18-credit load each semester, and it would allow me to be able to take "fun" courses. Another piece of advice I would give myself is to be open to new experiences. There have been a few experiences in the past two years that I have held back from. For example, I did not join a club freshman year of college because I was nervous to be a part of something big. My sophomore year of college I joined Colleges Against Cancer, a club that puts on Relay For Life, and I am now future publicity executive member for 2014-2015 school year. I have loved my experience at ISU thus far and have learned a lot about myself and life along the way.


I would have told my self to study a lot harder and then to look for scholarships a lot sooner.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to get involved in many extra curricular activities, and to vollunteer a lot. It is so important to have different experiences in high school, so that you are not just coming to college and not knowing what to do. You need to gain independance throughout your high school years, so that you are ready to go to college. College is a huge step to make, right out of high school, and having the resume builders sooner is much better than having them later. You need to learn how to manage your school work, along with many other things such as work and vollunteer work, as mentioned above.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to branch out and not be quite as shy and quiet. I would tell myself that college is a time to meet new peopel and give yourself a new identity so come out of your shell and get involved in activities. College is where you will meet some of your life-long friends and it's important to put yourself out there and get involved in as many activities as you can. Also, have fun! College is one of the most exciting times in your life so enjoy it.


I would tell myself to not jump in and declare a major right away, because "you" will change it plenty of times and it would be much easier on yourself to not jump in on the hard classes you will have with the major I came in with.


Build up your GPA in your sophamore and junior year of high school to increase your chances of recieving scholarships. Enjoy high school activities, but also work so you can save money for college. Be outgoing and make lots of friends at college. Learn to be a good time manager. Focus on your studies. Get help when you feel you are stuggling and keep studying. It's easier to maintain a good GPA than try to make up for bad grades. Take time to have fun. Don't eat to much at first. They same food will be there for years. You don't need the weight gain. Workout at the great facilities provided. It's good for your mind and your body. Perceiver to achieve your goals at school. The rewards are always worth the effort.


If I was able to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, two words come to mind, live life! Due to the fact I was severely bullied all throughout school it was difficult for me to be open, meet people, and get involved. I to this day am still scared of making mistakes and not being able to find friends, but I have recently learned I can't just hide away from the world because that isn't living. I have missed out on many things because I played it safe and I regret that to this day. I am free to make my own decisions and if I make a mistake so what! I would tell myself that don't always focus on what others think of you, they don't matter because the only thing that matters is how you think of yourself. Live the life you want to and enjoy doing it. Don't hide the fact that you are who you are, show that to people and you will have the power to do anything and to find those friends that accept you for who you are.


Don't worry! Don't stress! There are so many extra opportunities in college that you'll easily find out what you're passionate about, so there's no need to worry about it in high school. Make sure that the path you choose is for you, not for your family or your guidance counselor because you will quickly realize that you it isn't your fit. Learn how to study in high school so it will be more natural in college.


I would tell myself as a high school senior to just let it all in. It will be hard at first and you will miss home, but after a while it really feels like home and it is a place you will fall in love with. Also, work hard! You are at Iowa State University for a reason and you should be proud of yourself for making it this far! Things will get hard and you will have to study and really focus but you can do it! Just stay orgainzed like always and try your best! Go out and do things out of your comfort zone, too. You will find out who you really want to be and all you can do! Everyone says to get involved, but really do it! You will meet so many new people and make so many friends and not to mention make more amazing memories! The opportunities are endless and get out there and follow your dreams! Do everything you have always wanted to do and enjoy it! It will go by fast!


I would tell myself to take time to find yourself before pouring tens of thousands of dollars into something you may not want to actually do. Similar, I assume, to most of my peers, I didn't view college as something that I could choose whether or not I wanted to do. I knew that my parents expected me to go, and I blindly followed what they and society told me to do. I wish I could've found perspective on who I actually wanted to be and who I actually was so that I could have made an informed decision on what I should study, instead of switching my major four separate times. Trying to find what I want to be the rest of my life has caused me a great deal of anxiety, and if I could've gotten it sorted out before going to college, I feel I would be a more confident, less stressed person. I still don't truly know who I am, I don't know if the path that I am on is the path for me. Getting a better grasp on all of this beforehand would've helped me out immensely.