Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I would tell myself to just be yourself even at first if you don't find many friends. Also to get involved in as many clubs and organizations as possible that you enjoy. Intramurals are an amazing thing. Also to actually go to class and take you studies seriously because the freshman classes are the easiest and it will only get harder from here. I would also tell myself to be more open and willing to meet new people becuase if you don't ever say anything or do anything you will get pushed into the background of everyone and it will be hard to make friends. Also as soon as you get to college test out churches around in your area and see if the people on your floor go to church and where, maybe you could go with them one day. Along with church get invovled and test out the multiple christian youth group meetings because you may find out that you meet your best friend there. The most important thing may be AVOID THE DESSERT BAR at the dining centers.... once you eat one your hooked. To help avoid the weight go to the gym!!


In highschool, the classes were a lot easier, there may have been more frequent homework, but it was significantly less rigorous than college school work. If I had one piece of advice to give my highschool self it would be to pay more attention to school. The higher my GPA would have been, the more Scholarships I could have earned to helpe me pay for school. On top of that, a lazy work ethic in high school can carry over. Building a more consistent study schedule in high school would have helped me prepare for college. It was until about the second half of my first semester when I started getting used to have homework to do every night. Study hard in high school and college will be easier for you.


I would tell myself to be prepared for the college work ahead and learn time management. The first semester here hit me hard and fast and I was not that great at time management and fell behind quickly. Now that I have gotten everything figured out, I wish I could of better prepared myself.


Dakota, this transition is going to be even harder than you think. Those first 2 months are going to be incredibly difficult on you. You just have to stay strong and keep pushing, because I promise it will get better. There are so many good things at Iowa State that just take time to find and adjust to. Don't get too discouraged during the beginning, feeling like you are just a small fish in the massive sea of people. There are plenty of activities and groups on campus to get involved in, and once you get involved in those you will meet new people, make friends, and feel like you are valued for who you are at Iowa State. There are going to be times where you will feel like you are cant win, but if you step outside of your comfort zone, trust the advice of those you love, and stay strong in what you believe, there are countless lessons to learn in your first year as a student. Take it from me, if you stick with it and stay true to yourself you will come out on top.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell myself to not be afraid. I would tell myself to not be afraid to get out there more and to not be afraid to try new things. Now that you are in a new place you wont be around things you are used to and its scary to jump into something new, but being brave makes all the difference. Find where you fit in a thrive there. There are so many opportunities at ISU and it just takes courage to discover where you fit in and what you are good at.


Dear Hannah, College is just around the corner! After attending ISU for almost a year now, I have some advice that'd I'd like to give you to hopefully make the transition smoother. First of all, create a 4 year course plan. Doing so allows you to plan out your college career and have a focus. Without this, signing up for classes and making sure you meet all the requirements will be hard. Next, learn how to ride the busses! Do this while it is still warm out. Winters in Iowa are brutal so taking the busses to class is necessary. As for classes, sit close to the front. The farther back you sit, the more people will be in front of you who will distract you. Find a quiet place to study. Go to your teacher's office hours. Take classes that interest you. Stay caught up on homework and don't put things off till the last minute. Don't put too much on your place - you will get stressed out. Lastly, enjoy your time at school. College is the best 4 years of your life. Good Luck! -Your Future Self


Go to a community college for a semster to gain in-state tuition.


I would have told myself to take even more college courses in highschool. I would also tell myself that to start making a weakly to do list (something I found to be extremely helpful in college). As a computer Engineer I would have encouraged myself to learn more programming languages during my free time. I would tell myself to work on my speed reading skills. Most importantly I would tell myself to work more so that college would be more affordable and enjoyable.


Some advice that I would give to myself when I was in high school and still worrying about what my life would be like at college would be to stay focused! It is so easy to skip classes and to not do your class readings, but if you do you will see your hard work pay off. Also I would say that you should be open to getting involved in clubs on campus because if you do you can make so many new friends! Meeting and making new friends I think is one of the most important college experiences to have. To put it shortly, my advice about college is to do what your supposed to do when your supposed to do it, but also at the same time dont forget to have fun!


Being a high school senior was a very stressful and scary time for me. I had known what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go but I had many pressures on my from family and friends to change my dreams. The best advice I could give my high school self would be to not worry about it. I still followed my dreams and am doing what I love, but I shouldn't have spent so many nights second guessing my decisions. The greatest advice I can give myself or anyone is to not worry too much, especially when it comes to following your dreams.