Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Katie, CONSERVE YOUR MONEY. I promise you, you will be much happier about having groceries then you are about having that new shirt. Throughout the course of high school I've had 4 jobs; my parents recently underwent job changes, which drastically decreased our income. We have 10 children in our family, and all of us are either in college or are going to college. My parents owe several thousand in college bills, and I hope to help them out as much as I can. At Iowa State I plan on getting a job, and luckily my good grades are providing me with a small scholarship. Hopefully my parents and I will be able to scrape together enough money to get me through medical school.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior one piece of advice I would give myself would be to wait until after the first few days of class to purchase text books. During freshman orientation it may seem advantageous to get all of your books reserved and orded. However, professors often do not require textbooks or they will state that the text book will not be used at all. Waiting after the first few days to buy text books can save students a lot of money and stress.


Be open to new things, even if they scare you. Try out a club your other friends aren't interested just because you like it. Go Greek and meet tons of people within the first week of school. Talk to strangers in your classes. Let go of your past, becasue honestly no one cares who you were in high school. It was high school for God's sake! Also, try out different majors or classes that interest you, even if they don't fit in with your major. Also, don't be afraid to choose a major that your parents disagree with either. Although they may be paying for college, it is you that will living with that career choice for the rest of your life, not them. They are your parents, and they do want the best for you, although you may not see eye-to-eye. Lastly, make the most of it because it goes by way too fast!


As cliche as it is, no one cares what you did in highschool. That said take what you have learned from it and take this chance to apply it to what you want to get out of college. This is the time to re-invent/discover who you are and what you want to be doing for the rest of your life so make the most of it and just try to have a positive attitude about what ever you are trying to do. Your attitude is your altitude; it determines how high you will fly.


The many expansions of thought that occurred upon beginning college could have been so much more great had I relaxed more in high school. Worries of college preparations seemed so daunting and insurmountable that I often forgot that I had one year left to do those preparations. I would remind myself that, just like any transitions in life, there's really no "right" way to prepare, nor is there any possible way to be totally ready. Look ahead with excitement and treat each experience as it truly is--more knowledge. We go to high school and college to gain academic achievements and we do so by accumulating knowledge, but it doesn't start or end in the classroom. Every encounter is a tool that helps us discover our paths or helps us along them. Don't forget that senior year is an experience in itself that is actively preparing you for college, even if you don't recognize it as such.


High School Senior Elliott, College is a fast pace, rapidly changing world that is completely different from what you are used to. It is the greatest ride you will have ever riden and it is by far worth every second of it! Find time to go to those club meetings that you weren't sure about. Say hi to that girl you think you talked to at the dorms before. Remember to call your parents more, they will always love to hear from you. You need to go to class everyday, even when you don't want to, it will always be worth it. You also need to try going to bed every night at a more consistent time, your morning classes will thank you. Also, try to always eat something for breakfast. There is no reason to not put your best foot forward everyday. I know a lot of these things sound silly or obvious, but trust me, I think I might know a thing or two about this all. Have fun with all that you do and just believe in yourself, no matter what. All my best, College Junior Elliott


Dear high school senior self, Drop the judgments. Let go of any expectations. You are about to enter a time of self-discovery. Exciting life experiences await you. Step out of that comfortable bubble and make every effort you possibly can to meet new people, take advantage of opportunities, and enjoy this time of liberation. Get involved but don't spread yourself too thin (and don't put your name on too many club email lists). Don't rule out Greek life; it's a community full of talented, passionate, and confident leaders who love to serve their community and inspire others. Realize you can go places alone (except avoid being by yourself late at night). So what if you have to grab a meal alone? Find your table. You want to watch that soccer game but no one will go with you? GO! But, don't forget why you're here: to learn. Open that textbook and enjoy expanding the horizons of your mind. You WANT to learn. Lastly, the best moments and people come from unexpected places. Choose wisely. It's your time now. Enjoy your adventure, Your college self


The advice I would give to myself would be to always keep your options open, and know that things don't always happen the way you want them to. As a senior, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go and had the rest of my life planned out in my head. It's easy to forget reality and make unrealistic goals. I would tell my senior self to keep my dream, and do whatever it took to make it happen, but know at the same time that realistically, for whatever your personal situation is, it works better to make smaller goals, and complete those one at a time to work your way up to achieving your dreams. You can't automatically end up at your dream job, get rich, and live happily ever after. You have to go through a lot of struggles and tough decisions, and at times your dream seems so far away it may never happen. But accomplishing those little things and doing whatever you can every day gets you one step closer. Never give up on your dreams, and know that only you can make it happen.


Next time STAY IN STATE for college. It's cheaper even for a middle class student


I would tell myself to work harder and focus on what is really important. Don't goof off so much. Take your classes more seriously. But don't take them seriously for the sake of the grade. Take them seriously because you will only ever find what you are truly and deeply and happily passionate about by taking these subjects more seriously. If you take a break every once in a while and reflect on what it is you truly love to do, you will have a much easier, and a much shorter, time in college. Keep talking to your friends and work hard after high school to maintain those friendships. Above all, love your life more! This is a time in your life when you can experience new things and grow into who you really are as a human being! Live it, love it, and learn from it. You will never, ever regret working harder, forming and maintaing worthwhile friendships, and trying more earnestly to figure out where your niche is in this world. Love yourself, your life, and the people in it, and you will never go wrong.