I would tell myself to not change for anyone. Stay your goofy fun loving self. College is a tough but fun experience. You will meet so many amazing people who will change your life for the better. Stay true to YOU. Do not blend in with others, make sure you pave your own path, do your own thing. Don't blend in with the norm make your own style, stand out against the crowd. People will judge you but thats not any different from high school. On that journey make sure you discover yourself by being yourself!
Don't be afraid to try new things. Doing things that are outside of people's comfort zones gives people opportunity to learn more about what truly ignites their flames. If I could restart my college career, I would push myself to do everything that makes me uncomfortable (that is still safe and legal of course). More specifically, for example, I would push myself to move to the school across the country that I thought was too different from what I already knew and I would make an effort to get to know personally every industrial engineering classmate. Like ripping off a band-aid, challenging oneself is difficult, but it is absolutely necessary for personal growth.
I would tell myself to go into college with the most open mind possible. It is a time for self-discovery, self-improvement, and just re-creating yourself in any way possible. Take life seriously when preparing for college, but always remember to go with your gut feeling and go out there and get what you want. Iowa State will change your life in more ways than you can even imagine. Don't stress about the little things that seem huge to you now, because in a year you will be thankful for those experiences. Your best friends will be waiting for you at your new school, and it's just up to you to get out there and find them. The best years of your life are still ahead of you.
I am still so naïve. I am still learning so much and I am still needing all the advise I can get. But what I have learned over my first year at college could be summarized in one word: proactive. Be proactive in everything you do. First off, be proactive with finding scholarships. Every penny earned toward college is worth it. Earn a penny now and that saves you from having to pay three penny's in the future for that one. Be proactive in getting involved in your community. Not only does community service and work look great on a resumé and application, but it impacts you –the individual– more than you think. It builds character, it gives you leadership skills and communication skills, and it helps you meet more people that in the future may be your connection to a job. Your connections become so important when trying to enter the work force, so why not start making them early on while still in school because soon your teachers become your peers. If I could rewind, I would strive to redefine my work habits as a new word: proactive. Being proactive makes the transition stage much easier.
If I could go back in time to give advice to my senior self, I would have quite a bit of advice to give. First, save as much money as possible because the FAFSA does not give money to middle class families. Second, just because your mom told you that you couldn't rush, doesn't mean you can't. Rush because joining Greek life would be very rewarding and will help you make much better friends in the long run. Third, live in a communal bathroom dorm. It builds charater and helps you make closer friends. Fourth, fill out as many scholarships as possible. Fifth, don't be afraid to talk to your professors because they will give you some great tips and you will find out that they are actually cool people. I found out how to study for French exams, how to do statistics homework, and that my Introduction to Business teacher was a ballet instructor all because I went in during office hours. And lastly, don't be afraid to do anything. Learn how to live on your own, but ask for help when you need it.
Go greek freshman year!
Take some college credit courses, they really help take the work load off. also try and be even more prepared than you are because there are many changes that can happen to things you have planned for. Also, learn how to talk to others if you arent good at it because it will become important and so will learning how to manage your time.
I would advise myself to improve my time management skills, because it would have saved me many late nights and the unnecessary stress that came along with it during my first year.
Apply for scholarships! In high school, you don't realize the harsh reality of taking out student loans. Four years of tuition adds up, and a few hours a week in high school can save yourself years of stress after college.
Get a feel for different career paths. I entered college not having a good idea of what I really wanted to do. Althought I enjoy Mechanical Engineering, I wish I would have had job shadowing experiences in a few other fields to eliminate some "what-ifs" I have had throughout my college years.
Work more during your summers, and save more money! Prior job experiences definitely help during interviews, whether it be for an on-campus job or an internship opportunity. It may be difficult to save that hard earned money in high school, but you'll have personal expenses in college you need to prepare for. It's great to have money to spend in case you need to unwind after a rough week of exams.
Get good grades. Apply yourself. College is super expensive and you need all the help you can get to get through this hard time.
Do not fall behind in any classes and get help as soon as you need because college classes do not slow down. The classes only speed up as the year goes on. If you need to get a tutor get a tutor because its alot cheaper then retaking a class.