Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Knowing what I know now I would tell my senior self, not to worry so much the first year. Everything will work out in the end. Study hard, and join lots of clubs. Many of the friends you meet in college will be your friends for life, I still talk to many of them, even though our paths all went different directions. Don't be afraid to ask questions, professor love when you ask questions. It may seem like a stupid question, but it is not, more likely others have the same question too. Asking questions show professors that you want to understand what you are learning. Biggest thing about transitioning to college don't worry and have fun.


Not fearing on what could happen and just fallow your dreams. Also knowing that there are people out there willing to help!


My first year at Iowa State University was incredible. I appreciated my decision to attend this school every day and was consistently happy with my classes, professors, friends, and various opportunities I was given. It was beyond what I even expected--and I had high expectations! However, these high expectations made me so excited for college that maybe I did not spend as much time enjoying the rest of my time in high school, but rather dreaming about the upcoming years instead. I wish I could have spent more time with my friends and living in the present rather than the future. I wish I could have grown more then, especially knowing who I would become and how easily I could grow. I wish I could have tried to be this person then. However, we all live with regrets and I just have to remember this for the future. When I am finishing up my college years, and really as I go through the rest of life, I should remember this advice every part of my journey: spend maximum time with friends, do not be afraid to grow in new ways, and always, always live in the moment.


The number one thing that all people who are about to take the step into college should know and remember is simply to do EVERYTHING you want to do. College is a place of opportunity and really the forum where people are suppose to explore, meet new people and try new things. Why? You’re 17-19 and you can. If you fail, I guarantee that you will make fiends along the way. Don't allow fear, or doubt, or other people to talk you out of propelling yourself toward the things you are passionate about. You must live your life in ways that will make you happy. If you can start taking risks and doing what you enjoy now it will forever be in your benefit. Let go of any and everything that can hold you back and simply do what you want. Professors are there to get you to where you want to be, administrators are your enablers use them. College is the perfect place to find someone who is passionate about something and create something magnificent together. Be who you are and step forward with your head high. Also, study abroad. It is a must.


I would tell the high school senior me that please work harder on your studies and build a good studying habits because it will be something that will come to bite you later on. Also focus more on studies and make plans to hangout with your friends after you complete your assignments and homework.


Knowing what I know now about college life and how to make the transition, the advice I would give my high school senior self would be to not shut yourself out from people who you think would not be your friends. Making friends at college can be difficult for some, but I had the opportunity to experience Formal Recruitment and am now an active member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Having friends just not be your best friends but be your sisters is the one thing I truly wanted from going to college. On the flip side, my freshman year I lived on an all-girl dormitory floor. Most of the girls on the floor lived in single rooms, except for me and a few other girls, who lived with a roommate. I wish that my roommate and I had more things in common, but you cannot change yourself to be like that other person. You have to be yourself. However, let yourself spend a little more time with your roommate to see if things will finally click between the two of you because you never know how much of an impact someone can have on your life. Make many friends.


Time management is crucial to success in the classroom. College has higher workloads but using a syllabus to help plan time usage helps make it manageable. Procrastination is detrimental to long-term recall and retention.


I would tell myself to have a more positive outlook on college. My first impressions of it in high school were that it's scary and its hard to make friends there. But in reality, I just had to be more open to the idea or meeting new people and getting involved in things that like, and through these things I could find people with my same interests and make wonderful friends. College is so much easier if you go into it with a simple mindset and let people in. This also helps with classes as well, because you become less stressted about people in your class and instead make study groups.


I would have told myself to take time off and work to save money, because I cannot keep my grades up working as many jobs as I do just to stay in school. Then I would have told myself to pick a college with a stronger Political Science program so that I could better prepare myself for my future through my field of study.


Talking to myself then, I would have suggested a different major and pushed myself to play college football where ever I could.