I grew up without an education so I never went to highschool. If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell myself to get my GED as soon as possible and attend college as soon as possible as well. Look for scholarships as much as possible and don't be afraid to ask advice about how to get them. Also even if your not sure if you qualify, apply anyway; the worse thing that could happen is they say no and you don't get the scholarship.
If I could go back to high school I definitly would make sure to take as many college credit classes as possible as they are way cheaper, easier, and also you just have them done. I would make an even bigger push on scholarships because it is a pretty good feeling when you have a smester without any tuition. I would also try to get involved in organizations above the school level as a way to expose myself to new people and also work on leadership skills. I would also do more career building activities in high school to put me in a better positon for interviews while in college.
Trust your insticts! Dad has raised you well and you are prepared for whats ahead. The impossible courseload you have now is worth every tearful night! Make sure you solidify your friendships early this year because you don't know it yet but Spring term as a senior is all about finishing hard and beginning to break away with your friends and become your own person. You will excel and grow at college like you can't imagine. The diversity of people and cultures is unlike anything you have been exposed to but the way you have been raised will help you flourish. Take it easy on dad it is going to be hard for him to let you go!
It will be good if you already have good study habits, good work ethic and are ready for anything that is about to come your way. Stay focused, prepared, and know that you WILL graduate. Turn in all of your assignments, be prepared, on time, and always be accountable. Don't try to fit in, hang with the wrong crowd, party, and do other things that will deter you from your goal. It will be rough at first, but if you try your best, you will succeed. Especially since you are in the Early College Program, you already have a little bit of experience. You've got this!
If i could go back in time and give myself advice about college life, and making the transition from high school to college i would tell myself yes college is important. Yes college is hard and time consuming but its well worth the time and effort. I would tell myself that it takes a little more effort than high school because most general education classes are eighty to one hundred students and the teacher does not usually spend one on one time with them. i would tell myself that i would have to learn to be self motivated. Don't be affraid to change your mind. If you pick a major and realize you don't like it or it does not interest you the way you thought it would pick another one. College is a lot of hard work and self discipline, but it is also fun. It is a chance to meet new people, make new friends, and learn new things. It is a serious thing but if you take it too seriously you will never enjoy it. work hard but also have fun. College is when you learn who you are and who you want to be.
I would give my self the advice of filling out as many scholarships as possible because it is hard to pay for college mainly out of the money I make from work. Also to make sure to keep track of your schedule because with all the classes it is hard to keep track of what needs to be done and when it needs to be turned in. Also put aside plenty of time to study for each class. When having work and school it can be hard to balance both.Also take plenty of good notes in your lectures so that later you can refer back to them and understand what you learned. Even though school can be busy make sure to also get involved in organizations too so that you can meet new people while also getting experience to put on your resume. College is about experiencing new things and learning from it. Don't be afraid to try new things and to meet new people. Another important thing is to not wear yourself out becuase it can be bad for your health and make it hard to do your best.
One important piece of advice would give myself would be "College is not all about the parties and the social life. It is about finding yourself, but at the same time gaining knowledge that will help you find a career path later in life." Coming into college, I was looking for a chance to branch out and make ner friends. However, I quickly learned that although making friends is important, the education you get coming out of Iowa State is what really matters. I would also tell my self to start making good study habits in high school in preparation for college. As a high school student, I hardly ever studied and managed to get a 4.0 cumulative GPA. But now looking back on that, it is so hard to make good study habits now when I've been used to just being naturally smart. It is imperative to realize the importance of studying in high school, and find the type of studying that is best for YOU.
Go to school.
Don't think that you can go out and find a job and figure out what you want to do. You don't have the connections to be able to start a career with just a high school diploma. You're smart and intuitive and good with people - don't allow your self-doubt to get in the way of starting your life.
If I could go back and speak to my high school senior self, I would have a few pieces of advice to give. The first and most important is to try and work hard. College is not a joke. It is not easy. It is the rest of your life, and by not working hard, you only hurt yourself. It is all about full accountability. The only person who can decide your own fate is you. Only you can decide exactly how far you go in life. The beauty of this country is that you can be anything or anyone you want to be. The only factor that can stop you is how much effort you put in. While I hadn't always worked my hardest, I now realize that if I had applied myself more, I could be at the top of the world now.
Be frugal with your money, and spend it wisely. In additon do not over commit yourself to activities such as Yell Like hell, focus more on classes your first few years and start assignments early.