Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I would first push myself harder to work on getting scholarships and getting a summer job. I think that's my first mistake regarding college. But, in regards to college life there's a lot I could say. I think the first thing I would tell myself is that it's ok to relax and forget about work sometimes. But, the most important advice I could give was to make a schedule and adhere to it and try to mold my past self into a more efficient worker. I had no idea it would be much harder to just sit down and work on school work when you aren't on 8 hour schedule that high school gave me. I would also convince myself that getting work done is important to getting a better nights rest, which towards the end of my freshman year of college my sleep schedule was rapidly depleting into 6-5 hours a day. Also don't bring so many clothes to college, I'm not going to wear more than the same 4 pairs of jeans and 10-12 T-shirts


As I just finished my first year at college I have learned many lessons that go beyond what I ever could have imagined. Looking back on it knowing what I know now one thing that I wish I would have known my senior year as cliche as it sounds is appreciate what you have. You dont realize what you have until you no longer have it and it can be something as simple as not having to wear shower shoes when you shower. One of the reasons why I wish I would have known this during my senior year is because everything was given to me shelter, food, clothes and so on. And coming out of college 30,000 in debt makes you appreciate more of what you have even if it is the little things. Another thing that I wish I would have known is there is more to life than what your GPA is. Making the transition from a high school senior to a college undergraduate as important school is you need to find a balance between school work and your social life. And that is what I wish I would have known as a high school senior.


Going back to my highschool self I would give myself three main pieces of advice. First I would tell my prior self to do would be to join a fraternity. I am currently in a fraternity and it was the best decision of my life I have learned so much about my self and gotten involved on campus and the Ames community in such a positive way. Secondly I would tell myself to choose a random roomate to live with for freshman year. I chose a random roomate and met some of my best friends and even my girlfriend through my roomate. Lastly I would tell my highschool self to relax and make the most out of my college experience. For college is more than just and education, it is where we find out who we are, meet the best friends of our lives for who we are, and shape our lives into what we want to become and contribute to society.


Take as low of credits as you can afford that first semester. If you can, don't work either. Time management skills usually aren't developed in the high school and it takes some getting used to in college. Having as much time to work with is ideal. Don't sign yourself up for a lot of things because a heavy load can be overbearing when adjusting. The dorms aren't really a rewarding experience at Iowa State. You should stay in an appartment somewhere, you will enjoy it more and also save money. Also, get to know your professors, if they an put a name to your face they will be much more likely to offer help of advice when you contact them.


I would have given myself the advice that I need to teach myself to study because studying is the MOST vital skill needed in college. It may seem easy at first, but it is not.


I would tell myself that every single grade counts and college is much harder than any class you took in high school. I would also tell myself to be more open to new ideas and people that I would never meet in my hometown.


The advice that I would give myself, knowing what I do now about college life, would be that I should not be afraid to have fun in college and eperience new things, as long as I keep the end goal in mind. I have seen too many individuals who did not know what their end goal was so they could not handle college life. But as long as you have an end goal, which for me is to stay focused on getting a good job with a corporate company and working my way up if I have to, then you will do just fine. I would also give myself the advice to not be afraid to take on something that is difficult, it only means that in the end you are gaining more experience in the real life. Things that are difficult to do can sometimes be the most beneficial to a person in the end.


I would tell my past self that it's ok to take some time to adjust to a new situation. College isn't easy and it's ok if you don't make friends immediately or if you don't love everything about your school. Do your best to try new things and meet new people. If you live in the dorms leave your door open and be friendly to people walking by. Remember that everyone is in the same situation as you, and everyone is looking to meet new people and feel accepted. Try not to hide away in your room- go out and explore, meet new people, learn about your campus, try out the bus system, have an adventure. College is all about new experiences, and it's best to jump right in!


Living away from is easier than you though, just remember to do laundry every week, be friendlier, and as always remember study.


I would tell myself to just breathe and not to worry so much about college. Being far from home isn't too bad, but you will miss home more than you probably think. You're going to meet some amazing people in college so be open to every person you encoutner because he or she might just end up becoming your best friend. Call your parents often-not just for money- because they are the reason you are where you are. Don't forget to relax in college. Your GPA (although important) isn't everything and one bad test won't ruin you. With that being said, don't fall behind in classes or skip just because no one is monitoring you now. YOU have to be your own motivation and driving force. If you work hard and push yourself while still keeping in mind the truly improtant things in life, college will be, without a doubt, one of the greatest experiences of your life.