I would tell myself that college life is not as scare as i first thought it was. Sure it is hard being away from home, and your old friends from high school, but you will develop you many friendships that will last you a life time. These friendships will help you on your worst days to bring your spirits up and they know you would do the same for them. I would also tell myself that i need to stay focused when times get tough in my major. Sometimes projects are harder than expected, or you have to stay up late to finish homework and projects, or study for an exam, but doing all of these things will pay off in the end when you are applying and accepting your dream jobs.
I would tell myself not to waste time worrying about the details and stress of the transition into college. God has completely provided everything that I have ever needed. There are amazing, genuine people here and they truly want to invest in me. School is harder in many ways, but easier in others. I would tell myself that classes are tough, but you have all the means necessary to succeed--it just depends on whether you put the time and effort into using those resources. Also, every other freshman knows exactly what you are going through. Do not be ashamed of feeling a little homesick or scared. Everyone is in the same transition period. It is okay to branch out, meet new people, and experience what life has to offer-- just take a leap of faith.
As a senior in high school, I was absolutely ready to get out of "small town Iowa" and begin attending the university of my dreams. I thought that as soon as graduation was over, my hometown would merely be a reflection in my rearview mirror. Howevever, there are so many things that I miss about living at home. Namely, I miss my family. The transition from seeing them every day to seeing them maybe once per month has been the most difficult thing for me. I have never considered myself a homebody until now. I want to tell the me from a year ago to spend more time with her father, rather than worrying about her friends and relationship. Family is forever, but friendship can be extremely fickle.
Despite all of the bad stuff, I would tell "senior" me to stop worrying about her career so much- that everything will work out. I want to tell her to let the pieces fall where they may and to just "follow her gut." My hometown may be miles behind me, but so many great things have yet to come.
The transition between high school and college is unlike any other that you will experience in your life. Now, you're on your own. You can spend your time any way you'd like, and I suggest you spend it wisely! The first few weeks will be rough, but once you get over all of the newness, it is truly the greatest time of your life. You're in control now. No one will be telling you what you can or cannot do. The possibilties are endless, and it is a whole new and exciting world. Be careful, though, because if you thought high school went by fast, I can guarantee your time in college will flash before your eyes, so enjoy every second of it.
I would tell myself that education is really important and its everywhere in life. Push yourself, Tai! Work hard & study hard so you dont have to worry about anything! Learn as much as you can and try you best in everything you do. With education, you can have a better chance than others at applying for a job, finding a house or even buying you own car. Dont give up now, keep going and constant remind myself that in the end its all worth it!!
To my high school senior self, you should have worked harder and believed everything will turn out well, since it really did. I am at a four year institution, where I may be able to potentially graduate with two majors in four years. It could've been even better if I kept pushing myself harder, since I believe that you are able to do that. Regardless, I am still proud of you with all of your accomplishments.
When I was a high school senior I thought I was going to a completely different university. Iowa State was not in my radar. But as the other school fell through with working alongside me, I had to find alternatives for a quality school that would benefit me. One of my big concerns was how I would fit in at any other school. So the advice I would give myself to transition into Iowa State would be to relax. People are really here to help, and asking for advice is nothing to be ashamed of. I would also tell myself that exploring the different activities is important, but if I'm not comfortable in a group, there is always one that will fit better for me, I just have to keep looking. All in all, I would tell my high school self that college is an important part in life, but if I don't slow down and enjoy it I won't get the optimal amount of the experience of college.
Federal loans=Good, Private loans= BAD! Take a year and go to school not on full time for one year, that way you can get in-state tuition and save yourself from a life of college debt payments. Also, get a job and pay off while you attend.
If I could go back and give myself advice it would be don't be afraid. I was scared coming to college and into a bigger city. I was afraid I wasn't going to make friends. There is no reason to be scared because everything works itself out to be the way it was meant to be. Now I am comfortable living here and love my college.
If I were to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself the advice of study more. In high school I wasn't the one who would study for a test or quiz. Looking back now I wish I would of gotten into the study habbit, as college is harder than it seems. Now in college I am trying to get myself to study more, but it still doesn't happen as much as I would still like it to.