Bailey, you're beautiful. I know you disagree with me, but you'll soon come to realize and accept that no matter how much you disagree, others will always tell you this. It's true. You young, innocent girl. You're very intelligent. Moving out of your parents' house is the wisest and best move you have ever made for yourself. But I must say, you are going to let other people's opinions and perceptions of life sway your own decisions. Please, PLEASE do not allow this. Yes, the partying and memories are all experiences that I have under my belt; but I would take it all back if I could. Don't drop out of college! Learning is in your blood my dear. Dropping out will only set you back financially and waste your time. You know how I know? Because I'm back at school, right where I starter. I look back at you and see all of the promising potential you have. Follow your gut instincts, not your peers. Thrive in school the way you're meant to. Question, learn, discover. Bailey, my sweet 17 year-old self. Follow your own path and you will succeed.
Assuming I could go back to my senior year of high school I would tell myself to not get bogged down on the little things. In high school I would always stress out over the smallest details. Although the little details can sometimes be important in getting that A, it is also important to take a step back and look at the big picture. University has made me realize that grades are not everything, if you pull an all nighter to get a project done and end up getting sick for a few days because of it, the all nighter would not have been worth it. Health is more important in the big picture than handing an assignment in "just the way you wanted it". If I were still in high school I would have said that those few extra points were way more important in the long sceme of things. However, after staying up late finishing the final details on a project resulted in an illness causing me to miss a few days of classes, I would have much rather taken the B instead of playing catch up.
I would tell myself to take advantage of opportunities that come my way. You won't know until you try, whether it's worth putting in the time and effort for. Who knows? Great things could transpire if you stick your neck out there and become more involved with various activities and take hold of some of those opportunities.
College will be exhausting, it will be hard. You will realize how important the value of a dollar is. College will show you who you were really friends with in high school and who were just there to be convenient. College will open your eyes to all sorts of activities that you didn't have access to before. It'll introduce you to people from all over the world. Some of them you'll become best friends with, some of them will end up being your worst nightmare. Stay strong. You know who you are and what you believe in, and just because other people strongly push their different morals and opinions on you does not mean that you have to change what you believe. Trust yourself. Your decision making abilities are about to be tested, but you're going to pass with flying colors. Practice sleeping, because you'll wish you got more of it. But most importantly know that your family loves you regardless of what decisions you make when you leave. They are behind you step by step.
I would tell myself to say yes to things. Take a fun class every semester, run for a position in a club, ask out the prettiest girl in the room. You never know what will be the best decision of your life.
If I were to go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would definately tell myself to not quit caring about homework. Many high school seniors, even myself, seem to catch "senioritis" and give up on trying in school. I would tell myself to continue to complete all my homework to the best of my abilities because colleges really do care about your grades and in college the schoolwork is going to be much harder and take up more of your time. I would also tell myself to start better time management skills because in college, knowing how to divide up your time between different activities and completing your homework is vital. It is great to go out and get involved in different programs on campus, but it is essential for your future to receive the best grades possible and learn as much as you can while you have the opportunities available to you.
Hi Daly, I'm you in the future but … wait!!! … this isn't a joke!!! … I'm serious … yes I'm you … please came close because I don't have time. I had the opportunity to come back in time and quickly advice you about the opportunities you have in your hands but I didn’t saw before. I know what are you thinking, this seems strange, but pay attention. You still have two year to get better grades before graduate from high school, and you have to take advantage of this. Study hard every day and join some sciences clubs biology related, we know you love that science. You have to be prepared for years to come because you could qualify for advanced student programs. Don’t be afraid of what people could say, because important is what you get for your future. You need to give the best of you in these crucial years to come. You are smart and you deserve to be where the best students are. Be smart, because you are, use your potential to get what you deserve. I don’t have time … I have to go… please you can do a better future…..
When you first enter college live on campus. You get a lot of opportunities to meet new people and experience the freedom, but community it brings. Be involved with at least one major club. This is a great unifying point for students, and helps you to meet a like minded group of people.
Dear, high school Sarah,
you will do great things in your future, you dont have to worry about that, what you do need to focus on is being more out going, you might as well work on that now because you will need the social skills in the future because you will be a cosmetologist working one on one with people from all walks of life in less than 2 years! you also need tto take school a little more seriously right now, education is so important, you know that, but maybe tak some running start classes to get ahead. college isnt too hard you can do anything you put your mind to.
love, future Sarah.
The first thing I would tell myself is to just chill out. Yes, college is a big decision, but it's not something to continuously lose sleep over. I didn't know what I wanted to major in or where I wanted to go to school and didn't decide until mid-senior year (far after most of my class) and it stressed me out to no end! I was considering too much of what everybody else wanted and not what I thought was the best fit for me. Just because everyone in your class is going somewhere in state doesn't mean you have to! I would remind myself to find a place that would make me feel at home, help me succeed, have fun at it, and meet great people along the way. Iowa State University has done all that and more for me and I am so incredibly thankful I chose to be a Cyclone! It's a feeling I cannot put into words accurately enough. Once a Cyclone, always a Cyclone!