Take all of the AP classes you possibly can. Even if they do not directly apply to your major. Never underestimate the value in taking as much out of highschool as you possibly can.
I would tell myself to continue being the person that I am and really hold on to who I am as a person. To appreciate every little moment of everyday. I would tell myself to have fun with band because now I really miss it and I wish that I had enough time to play in some form of band with my trumpet.
I impart some knowledge to myself with the way that college works and some of the ins and outs of some processes in college. All in all, I would tell myself to do what I would do and use yours senses to see when things are bad and stay true to oneself.
Scholarships, scholarships, scholarships.
If I were able to go back and talk to my senior self I would advise him to take more credits his first term of college. I would also tell him to try a little bit harder in his AP Calculus class, so he could have a better grade when it transfers for college credit. I would say these things, because I am currently working on getting my Associates of Science Transfer Degree in Business to Southern Oregon University done in two years while also getting a one year certificate for Massage Therapy. I am trying to at least maintain a 3.0 GPA while I am doing this to keep myself eligible for scholarships, because I am doing everything in my power to not have to get student loans. The only reason that I am so worried about it is that I am paying for college by myself, but luckily I obtained enough scholarships and grants last year to make it through my first year of college without debt, and I am hoping to do it again. Thank you for reading my essay question and giving me the opportunity for this scholarship.
I would tell myself not to worry so much about my high school grades and be more focused on actually learning the material to the point that it is easy. During my senior year of high school I failed AP Chem. That really took a toll on me going into college thinking that it would be as difficult. I am proud to say that after my first semester of college Chem I got a 96{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} on the final and an A- in the class. I took what I remembered from AP Chem and applied that to what I studied for my college Chem class. And in the end it became easy because I remembered what I had already learned from high school and added onto it in college. So if you can learn something from a class that will help in the future, that bad grade will be nothing but a letter in life.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I wouldtell myself to apply for scholarships, and apply for aid early. I would also tell myself that college isn't quite like highschool, as it is in many ways more serious, however I would remind myself not to lose hope and to always try my best. Also that College isn't scary, but does require hard work.
College is the best time of your life, but it goes extremely fast. Don't let yourself get caught up in high school drama. Enjoy high school as much as you can, but continually look forward. Work hard in high school, get involved, and get yourself excited about your future. I'm only done with one semester of college and can't even believe it has gone as fast as it has. I have met some of my best friends, joined the most rewarding organizations, and taken interesting classes. College has opened up my world to so many new opportunities such as internships, study abroad, traveling, and much more that I never thought would be possible. Thinking back to a year ago, I wouldn't of even believed that this life was a reality. I am extremely thankful for all of the endless opportunities and possibilities college has opened up for me.
First off, let me tell you; it WILL get better so don’t give up. When you show up to your first class and can’t breathe because you’re nervous, don’t give up. Sit down next to someone and introduce yourself. They are new too. When you have to give a speech in front of your class and you feel like you should say you’re sick and leave, don’t give up. Take a deep breath, swallow, and talk slowly. When you’re sitting alone at the lunch table and think “maybe I should just go home”, don’t give up. Look around and notice everyone else does it too and it’s not because they don’t have any friends. When you think sleeping in sounds better than going to class, don’t give up. Get up and know that this will save you from a slippery slope on down the road. College is no walk in the park, don’t get me wrong, but it’s exciting, it’s unforgettable, and it’s worth it. Whatever you do, just don’t give up.
The advice I would give to my high school self is simple. Learn how to manage your time. Time management is key in succeeding in college. If you know how to manage your time wisely, college should be a piece of cake.
Life can be dictated by one decision. Before you make that decision, take the time to think and reflect. Do all things to the best of your ability keeping your head held high and a smile on your face. Most importantly, do what you have a passion for and put all your time and strength into whatever that is whether it is a sport or a specific class. That passion and committment will pay off and contribute to a successful and fulfilling future. Be kind to everyone and leave a legacy that people remember positively. Most importantly, set attainable goals. The moments when a goal is reached is such a rewarding experience and the road to that goal not only teaches patience, but perseverance as well. Go on a mission trip to a third-world country. The experience is lifechanging and the ripple-effect can start from you. Take pictures. You can never have enough of those photos to bring back happy memories. Do not worry about what others think. Be yourself, respect others and command respect in return. Get off your iphone and spend quality time with family and friends because you never know when time will stop.