Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


High school is pretty awesome place, stay in school don't skip classes, meet new friends and study smart and try to be best.


Prepare yourself for balancing your social life, your school life, and your work life. Things may not always go the way you want but keep pushing forward towards your goal. Also remember to not put off applying for scholarships or other opportunities that come your way. Be careful when it comes spending your money, there is a difference between things you need and things you want.


I would tell myself to take a deep breath and not put on so many classes. I have four years to decide what I want to be and what classes to take. Don't put so much on your shoulders and one time and take more fun classes. Don't be afriad to ask the teachers, or the people around you, for help. I would remind myself to have fun, and stay in contact with my friends, both new and old.


Take advantage of every opportunity possible. Pack as much into your time in college as you possibly can without getting in the way of your academic achievements. Read your textbooks, they're part of the curriculum for a reason. Question what you're learning and try to make sense of it rather than just memorizing facts, because that will give you a much deeper understanding of the material. Help people whenever possible, even if there is no immediate reward or recognition. You never know when someone will be able to return the favor. Make connections with professors, fellow students, guest speakers and potential employers. Success in life is partially about who you know. Find a good group of friends that shares similar values and motivation as you. Be open to making friends with lots of different types of people-- you never know what you could learn from them and what they can learn from you. Mistakes will happen and that is okay, just make sure that you learn from each mistake that you make. Lastly, be happy! Keeping a positive attitude no matter what happens will bring you great success in school and in life.


Sit down and do it. Just suck it up. Getting good grades and being persistent in how you work will pay off! Take the ACT and just accept the fact that it's scary. It could help you with college in the future. Have a good work ethic and stick to your schedule because no one is responsible for you except you. It's okay to miss out some things like watching TV and taking naps because neither of those things will benefit you in the future. Please, just do your work and try your hardest. No one makes fun of someone who succeeds.


I would tell myself to research what I would like to do and what interests me, and go right after I finished high school. This way I could make a good decision about what program I would like to do in college. I went to college after I had a family and found that the major I decided on was not really what I wanted to do. Now I am trying to find scholarships that will allow me to go back to school for something that really interests me and not a fly by night decision. I try to instill this into my children so that they can make good decisions about attending college in a program that they are interested in. Lorrie E Foss


i would tell myself to stay focused on school and not other things. i let my grades slack when i entered into a relationship. that really let my last year of school slip.


Make sure to study hard your first semester and not get distracted by collage life.


Upon beginning your freshman year at Iowa State and moving to Ames, work less so that you have more time to make new friends. Don't pass up any of the opportunities presented to you while you're in college because they will help shape your future. Apply for internships, even if they are unpaid. Look for jobs related to what you want to do, even if they pay less. You don't know where you're going to end up after you graduate, so any experience will go a long way. In class, always take advantage of extra credit, office hours, study sessions, and don't skip class or get lazy with assignments. A little extra effort can be the difference between a B and an A.


If I could go back in time to that year, I would tell myself then that college is hard work and a great experience. Tell myself that the first year is difficult, I will have trouble with grades and struggle with money. However, through everything, I will learn more about myself and be a responsible student. I discovered alot about myself this past year, and made true friends. It is an impact going to college and I will change for the better. I will develop new skills that will help me excell in classes and I will learn from my mistakes I made this past year. I would tell myself to focus on school work, not only on paying tuition. Grades first, and this of knowledge will help me for this upcoming fall of 2013. The transition from high school to college is an adjustment, but it is a great time. A time to make new friends, try new things, and discover yourself.