Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to study more! I think it's really good to get into the habit of studying quite a bit because college tests require a high amount of studying. Also, I would tell myself to review my notes from every class, at least 20 minutes every day. As I have learned in one of my psychology classes, reviewing for as little as 20 minutes a day can reduce your studying time the day or so before the test. I feel that this is a really helpful tip that I am working to improve on and wish I would've started doing earlier. I would also tell myself appreciate the friends you have in high school. When you go to college, you lose a lot of the people you talked to in high school and make a lot of new friends, which isn't a bad thing. However, in college, you go by your own schedule and may see differnet people every day, where as in high school you might see your friends every day at the same time.


I would tell myself to become more involved and meet as many people as possible. When I first came to campus, I was a bit afraid that I wouldn't meet anyone because I was from out-of-state. But, as fait woul have it I met many friends that first week and I would now call some my best friends. However, that has changed and I have become a bit more selective when really I wish I was more like that first week me who accepted everyone. i would also tell myself to get more involved because in my first few weeks I was hesitant to join clubs, but now I am in many clubs that fill my schedual. I even joined a fraternity, which i never thought I would do in a million years! So if i could I would tell myself these things to make my overall college expierence better, earlier.


If I could re-visit my high school self, I would tell freshman Kayla that soon youll find a group of people that are your kind. And that those people will be your friends for the future years of your life. I would tell high school me that college IS an option and not to be afraid of what the future holds. Fear will always be a struggle; but just keep telling yourself that nothing is permanent. I will tell high school Kayla, this too shall pass; but enjoy this part of your life for its entirety.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to really study hard to prepare myself for all of the studying I will be doing in college. I would warn myself that school, homework, and tests aren't going to be as easy as they were in high school. I'd be sure to tell myself that making friends might take a little time, and to not get discouraged so easily because then the college experience isn't as enjoyable. One of the last things I'd be sure to tell myself is to try to get a job as soon as you can; in college you're on your own and money and work experience is definitely a necessity.


Don't ever take the easy route in high school. Slackers in high school meet a rude awakening when they go to college. Also, get more involved with activities. Being able to connect with different people in different places is one of the most useful skills in college. Strive to be your best, because the competition in college is much tougher. Practice good study skills, and ALWAYS read assigned readings. It makes classes so much easier and more enjoyable. Prioritize tasks efficiently, and avoid things that can be distracting (and detrimental) to your education. Always have the attitude in your mind that you should not be wasting any opportunity to learn in college. Finally, take advantage of everything college has to offer: make friends, play sports, be independant, and most importantly, learn what you love.


I would definitely go back and tell myself to prepare more for the classes but also for the life on your own. It is a vast change going from living at home to going ot a big sprawling campus with tons of people all around you at all times. That big of a change takes a while to get used to and being prepared for it just makes it a bit easier. Getting better study habits would also be a big help because things that you could use in high school does not work as well in college. Also being able to start to operate on less sleep than normal was a big thing that is semi neccessary to function and do everything you want to do.


Stay on thosescholarships, they're important. Definately live in the dorms, you meet tons of people. Don't be too intimidated by the large class sizes and all the people, you'll still meet tons of people who share your interests and are fun to be around. Classes are hard, but all of the work you did in high school set you up to succeed so don't worry and work hard.


I would tell myself to relax and not be so stressed out about leaving home to go to college, it is so much fun. Don't be afraid to be outgoing and talk to new people, you will be so happy when you make lots of friends. TAKE YOUR HOMEWORK SERIOUSLY! It is as hard as everyone says! Above all, remember to have fun and be yourself!


First of all, enjoy your senior year! As anxious as we all are to get out of high school, and as fun as college really can be, don't rush yourself! Participate in school activities as much as you can, and make sure you stay focused at the same time. As far as moving up to the next level, it's okay to be nervous! College is a unique experience for everyone who tries it. Be proud of yourself for being one of those people, and make a story of your own. Get involved as much as you can, meet a ton of new friends, work hard in the classroom, and one day, when your kids are looking at colleges to attend, you'll have plenty of good advice and stories to share with them.


STOP! Dont take that full-time job and stop worrying about the little amount of money you owe presently. Use every resource that you have available and believe yourself there are many. Time will fly by before you know it and the sooner you take the leap into the college life the better off your going be finacially down the road. Do all the work involved while attending every class and you will find wonderful results regardless of how difficult a class may be you can work through it. You will find many challenges throughout your life that require difficult decisions and i will tell you from experience that going to college directly after high school is not one of them. Your education is the key to your sucess regardless of all the things you will hear pay very close attention to this one. Thank You!