Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time to talk to myself during senior year, I would give myself an earful. I would stress to no end how important it is to start strong in every single class. Getting behind is too easy and not worth it in the end. Taking time to study all the material is something that will truely pay off later. Also, try to study in small groups of people that are in your same classes, that way you aren't trying to take it all on by yourself. And, ask for help! There are many opportunities for students to get in contact with their professors or Teaching Assistants, so do it. Not only is it important to stay on top of your classes, but you still need to have a social life, otherwise you will feel mentally and physically drained. Make time to do things with friends and workout in order to give your brain a break. Overall, enjoy the limited time you have on campus and making friends, but stay focused on your schooling as well.


You have always seen things as black and white, with very little room for grey. College will teach you about the grey. There is not always a right or wrong answer. Challenge yourself to learn about others views, even if you don't agree. From these conversations you will make strong, true friendships. Finally, don't worry about the future. Prepare for the future, but know you can't stop it from coming.


I would tell myself not to fret, college isn't as scary as it seems. Just go in, be yourself, and be the best person you can be.


What I would tell high school senior Mauricio is that college is like a bank, and you get from college what you put in plus a little interest. I would tell him to get involved, make lots of friends, and find people with similar interests. There are going to be times where it is going to be easier to become part of the scenery instead of getting involved, but working together with people that are similar experiences and interests is a rewarding life experience. Involvement is the easiest way to make friends, and that is an integral part of the college life experience. The more friends that one makes that more likely you will befriend someone who is on a similar academic journey, then there might be a time where you might be struggling and your friends can offer a helping hand.


As a high school student I was carefree. I had the earth's time in my hands, I could grow up whenever I wanted and do whatever I wanted when I needed to do it! Being a child of parent's who didn't get the chance to go to college, receiving a college degree was not even an option. If I could go back to high school and talk to myself I would say two things, start your financial savings immediately, and although keep having fun and being a kid, don't forget the responsibilities of becoming an adult with grades and family.


If I could go back and give my oldself some advice, I would tell myself to go and apply for as many scholarships as possible. It's better to get the most you can get so you aren't struggling to come up with the money at the end of the semester that financial aid didn't cover. I would also tell myself to become a better studet than I am now. Always studying harder and testing myself in new ways to become a better student as well as a better person. Coming here has opened up so many opportunities for me that I would like to prepare myself for. Tell myself to get organized more to prepare for all the amazing things ISU has to offer.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself a few pieces of advise. The first piece of advise I would give myself is to enjoy being taken care of. In high school, teachers make sure you are getting your homework done and your mom still makes you supper every night. When you get to college, you are completely on your own. It is scary and exciting at the same time but you need to learn how to fully take care of yourself. This brings me to my next piece of advise. This next piece of advise to myself would be to learn how to study properly. In college, you really do have to study for exams in order to get a good grade. In high school, I did not study as much as I should have and my grades showed this. If I would have learned how to study properly, I would have known better once I got to college. If I could go back in time and give myself some advise, I would not change anything because life is a learning experience.


I would tell myself that college is not what I thought it would be. I thought that college was an all-frat house lifestyle that was crazy all the time. When I came to college I found out that college is not like that. For some it is, but not all. I would also tell myself that there is a lot of free time as a college student, so keep busy with organizations or clubs. And I would tell myself that the first months are hard at college. It sometimes feel that you don't know anyone and have no friends, but as time goes on, you will meet people and become friends with some. College can feel like a big jump, but don't worry yourself out. It's really fun, and I wouldn't have guessed the people and friends that I would have met. It is a different world, but it is very great!


College is a place where a person’s life begins. They may find their significant other; they find lifetime friends, receiving their degree leads into their career, which can lead to where they live. Every decision a person makes in college reflects their future, and each decision a person makes leads them into their lives. To me college is simple, you just live life. I would tell myself three things if I could go back to my high school self. The first thing I would tell myself would be to get stronger in my faith because being surrounded by others that don’t believe the same things as me is hard and it only gets harder as I grow. So stand firm in what I believe in and accept others for who they are. The second thing is that don’t get scared when I make a mistake because it will happened, just believe it will all work out in the end. The most important thing I would tell myself is when I get into college I am stepping out into the world, and in a world where you can be anybody, be myself.


The biggest piece of advice I would give my high school self is: SAVE MONEY! Getting an education comes at a price, and you are paying for it with your own money. Don't spend all that graduation money you were given. Another piece of advice I would give my past self is: Be outgoing! Your best friends are going to the same school as you, but you can make other friends too. Also, join clubs you wouldn't have in high school; do what YOU want to do, not what you think others expect you to do! My last piece of advice is: Get a good night of sleep. Really. You have all morning/afternoon/evening to be social. Give yourself a good 9 hours at night and you will be more productive and happier when you are awake.