Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I am currently a junior and have learned a great deal from my education, but know that I have learned more from my experiences. I have learned that life is not always what it seems to be, and more importantly that life is not always fair. You will always deal with people that you may not like nor get along with, but that is the way of the world. Those are key things that you should definitely know entering college. Always put school first regardless of temptations or whether you know what you want to do after college. Entering college I was not sure what I wanted to do, and even as a Junior I am still not entirely sure. Always remember, do not get discouraged if you are undecided about what to do with your life. It is completely natural. If you can take this advice to heart it will make your transition from highschool to college much easier. Lastly, do not take your time in college or your education for granted. As a freshman, I am not sure if I would have taken to heart what I am telling you, but believe me it will make sense eventually.


I would tell myself to enjoy every minute of college. Don't be afraid to meet new people and take the classes that simply interest you. I'd have to tell myself to explore all the opportunities college life has to offer. College isn't only about education, it's about living a life too. I'd say study hard and get involved. I'd also make sure I knew that it's important to keep a balance. I would tell myself not to jam pack the class and work schedule because it's important to get a good amount of sleep. Really, I'd tell myself to be prepared to grow, explore, experience, and change in ways you never imagined. Be prepared to learn about new cultures and meet people from all over the world. Be prepared for making friends that will become your family.


The first piece of advice I would give myself is to visit all potential colleges, because I only visited two and I ended up choosing a school that I did not end up liking. I would also tell myself to meet new people and get involved in extracurricular activities right away, because I struggled a lot my first year since I did not do either of these things. I would also prepare myself for certain things that take place in college, like parties for instance. I would tell myself to be smart, sensible, and stand up for I think is right. Another thing I would prepare myself for is the amount of studying I would need to do. School came easy to me in high school, but college level courses require much more extra time. I might also recommend taking as many college credits in high school as I can, because it is really helpful entering college a little bit ahead.


To not be so set on a certain type of college...especially choosing by location. I thought I would only attend a school in the BIG city but now that I am a student at ISU a very small city...I am SO SO SO thankful. I love it.


I would advise myself to choose a major outside the field of Liberal Arts. The classes were amazing ways to experience the world in a new way, but the job opportunities as a graduate are bleak.


The best advice that I could give myself would be time management. This is not like high schools where you can get your homework done quickly, but you need to spend time on it! Take advantage of those free blocks of time between classes. If you focus and work on reading and assignments everyday then you will be able to stay on top of everything in your classes. Once you fall behind you never truly catch up.


Start developing study habits now. The better you develop your study habits now, the more they'll carry over to college. I myself didn't study a whole lot in high school and when i got to college, i had a pretty hard time on tests for a while, before i figured out what kind of studying worked best for me.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior there are many things I would tell myself. First, look more closely at the acedemic ratings of the college I am planning on attending. Second, Apply for more scholarships. I am facing a lot of difficulty by lacking money. Financial aid and Part time jobs can only ammount to so much. If I could do it over again I would HIGHLY reccommend taking more college credit in high school. The community college credit that I did take in high school put me one step ahead of everyone else in my classes. I also feel like I learn more in a community college because you get more of a one on one focused learning approach. Lastly, I would tell myself to go to a private college. I think that there is the one one one focused learning there but the professors are better educated.


I would have tried harder in my last year of high school. I also would have taken more interesting and challenging classes my freshman year of college and done more activities and clubs.


Danielle, don't be afraid to be yourself and do exactly what you want. You may be nervous those first couple of weeks, but open up and you'll realize that you'll meet the friends of a lifetime. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and don't worry so much what others may think about you because college is a time to experience life. School is very important and don't forget to focus on your studies, but at the same time try not to get too stressed about it all. You know you'll survive and make it through. Enjoy your weekends and breaks back at home because your family supports you so much. Don't forget to ask how they're doing and remember that it's not just all about you. Think about the actions you take and how they will impact your future. Just remember your dad's words, "Play hard but study hard," and those will get you through your college career.