Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Visit the school more times than just the orientation days


The decision of which college to attend is very daunting. The first piece of advise I give to high school seniors is to visit each school they are interested in. Pay attention to how you feel when you are walking through the campus, the current students you meet on the sidewalk, and the overall environment. Think of the things that relax you, and see if that campus has it. For example, nature, coffee shops, or a comedy club. Second, explore the city each school is in. Even if you like the campus, if the location is not a fit, college life may be difficult. Make sure they have the kinds of activities you enjoy, and services you need. An enjoyable college experience can be grealy improved through two steps. The first step, be open to change. This involves making new friends who may not be like your friends at home. That doesn't mean you can't be friends with your old friends too, really you will just have more friends! Second, learn how to separate work and play. Set a time to study, get the work done, and your relaxation time will be much more enjoyable. Best wishes!


Dont be dead set on any particular college. Have an open mind to other colleges and make visits to them. I would have never picked this college had I not made a visit here, but in the end, it is the place that fits me best.


Make sure when looking for schools that you are looking for the school you want to go to, not just where your parents want you to go, or where your friends are going. It is important that you make your own path and go on your own journey. College isn't just about the schoolwork. It is also about learning who are you are , who you want to be someday, and what you want to acomplish!


Do lots of research, but in the end, go with your gut instinct on where you think you or your student would be most happy.


Make sure the campus has the lifestyle the student is looking for. Small witha bunch of close friends, large with a night life. Make sure you really know socially what you want in college. The school will fall into place. But if you are uncomfortable socially you will be unsuccessful uin your school work.


Finding the right college is a complex process that involves many considerations. Do not base your decision solely on financial reasoning. I feel the best school is the one in which a person feels most comfortable, and has the opportunity to study many areas under well-known and knowledgeable faculty and professors. If it doesn't feel right or comfortable, it probably isn't. In order to make the most of a college experience, live in the dorms for at least a year and keep your door open! It's a great way to make friends and get to know those living around you. Secondly, get involved in at least one club or organization that interests you. These are a great way to meet other people, including upper classmen and faculty, and provide a unique learning experience. Do not feel that the only way to have fun at college is by attending frat parties every weekend. There are many sporting event and cultural activities that an adviser or resident assistant should be able to help you find. Remember, college is a great time to discover the world and learn more about the unique person you are. Make it count!


Visit the college on your own and see how the normal students treat you. A good college like Iowa State University will have helpful, kind, and happy students- given you don't come during finals week!


Parents should let the student do whatever they want in school without trying to sway them one way or another. As long as they're going somewhere they will get a career, so they might as well do what they enjoy.


Anyone who is considering college should first decide what is most important to them, research and visit many different schools, and then make a decision based on their findings. They must also accept the fact that college life is very different than living with parents, and be willing to accept that change.