Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Choosing a college is like deciding what to wear in the morning. You simply need to choose something that suits you without regard to what others may think. After you narrow it down to about ten or fifteen schools, it is helpful to make a visit to each one while school is in session in order to get a firsthand look at the student population and the general ambiance of the school. On the school visit, you need to talk to students and professors for an in-depth personal analysis of where their priorities lie. If after your review of the school you find your goals in line with theirs, then in is probably a good fit for you. The biggest key to making the most of your college experience is being happy with your college choice. After finding satisfaction in what you have chosen, you need to make the experience personal by pursuing what interests and motivates you. If you can follow this tried and true advice, you will have no trouble succeeding in college.


When choosing your college look for a place that not only has the high academic standards in your prospective area of study but some where that you will fit in. When you tour the campus look at the way the students interact are they polite and kind and helpful or are they rude. I know what why I was drawn to the campus I attend was the why that people would hold the doors open for you, say please and thank you and just smile when you are walking by. Just remember the chose of where to go to college should be left to the student for it is he/she that will be attending the college.


The first thing to look into when deciding to find the right college is if wanting to be far from home. This should be dicided by how close you are to your immediate family. Also, look into what college your friends are going to because one may not be able to make friends easily. Another important thing to look at is how much the college costs and how much financial aid you could get at the colleges. I suggest finding a college that is close enough to drive back and forth between home and school because it may be hard to be away from home for awhile. Make sure to look into a college that can transfer into another college because you may change your mind later in college. When at college, try to get involved with activities because they help you make friends and get confortable with campus.


Visit as many colleges that you can just so you can get the feel of small and big schools feel like. Visit schools that offer different things so you can find the one that fits you best. When looking for schools apply early and apply for loans and scholarships as early as you can.


Make sure that you go on college visits to check out the campus size and layout. Make sure that the college offers a good program that is focused on your intended major.


Go with your gut! Don't worry about anything other than yourself--college is for you. Pick a school with school spirit--you want to be a proud alum!


Look at all of the college possibilites and do not choose too soon. Even if you do not intend to go someplace, still apply because it is an interesting procedure and you could get accepted.


My advice is that the main choice isn't what college you go to, but what you do when you get there. My best advice is to make visits to the schools you plan on attending, and walk around and talk to the students who are there already. Orientation and prospective student programs are great, but they are trying to put their best face forward because they want you to go there. Make sure to find some time to talk to the average student. Ask if you can observe a class. These will tell you more than any brochure a school will give out. Once you are at college, it is essential to find a group of friends who will push you to be successful in school and in life outside of classes. Become active in some club, organization, or intramural activity. These will help you to take the strain off of the day-to-day grind of classes. Make sure to get out of your room and be outside in nature. Most of all, don't lose communication with your parents. Let them know how college is going and visit back home every once in a while.


The most important advice I would give is trust your first impressions of the campus and its advisors. I felt very comfortable at Iowa State. Since being the first generation in my family going to college it was a little stressful for me, becasue i had no help from my parents. I am a minority and Iowa State gave me a lot of help in fitting in, clubs to join, and many other resources if I needed any help.


Make sure you go to as many college tours as possible. Make sure you visit a combination of small private and large public schools as possible in order to get a feel for the size of school you want. Think of the following things when deciding: cost, live on/off campus, area of study, what kind of recreation, clubs, and organiztions are you wanting to particiapte in. In order to make the most out of your college experience GET INVOLVED. It's a great way to make friends, find people to organize study groups with, and extra curricular activities not only look good on resumes-but they also give you actual experience that you can take with you into the workforce.