Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Simply find somewhere YOU (the student) want to go. Don't listen to family, friends, what will make you happy. Also you need to get involoved. There are so many clubs to get involved with, intramural activities, and even shows to go watch. Don't sit at home all of the time and study...become diverse. Finally, make friends. Living in the dorms freshman year was the best thing I could have done. I become best friends with 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the people living on my floor and cherish that experience. This is something that you will tell your kids about someday so make it enjoyable and learn at the same time!!


I think it is very important that students go to the college that they want, not the one that their parents think is the best for them. It also helps to have a little distance between the college where the student will be attending and the parents home.


My advice to future students and their parents is to start the search for college early and don't let let state boundary lines or financial obligations stand in the way of choosing the right school. Students: make friends outside of your major, forge lasting relationships with your professors and take time to try out different ideas and styles. Do not forget your academic responsibilities but go ahead and make a few mistakes because only then can you truly learn more about yourself and who you want to be in the future. Parents: allow your child to forge their own way but always be their to support them and offer guidance. You've already scrificed so much to get them to this point so trust that your behavior has taught them well. In college you only get a short amount of time and making the most of your experience is essential to feeling prepared when you graduate. Make those four years last forever so that when your children come to this point you can fondly say this is where I went, this is what I learned and this is who I am and that has made all the difference.


College is a chance to start over. It doesn't matter who you were in high school, or what you were known for; When you come to college, you can redefine yourself. For this reason, it's so important to know going into college what kind of person you want to be. You could choose to drink and party, and that might make you happy for your four years of college, but you'll have nothing to show at the end. Or, you could choose to live for something, to put your time and energy into something worthwhile. When looking for a college, look for one that will help you be that person you want to be. And when you finally get to college, stand firm in your convictions. If you decide not to drink, don't let anyone talk you into it. It might be hard at first, but eventually, people will leave you alone about it. Finally, visit the college you are planning to attend. The tour might be neat and informative, but really pay attention to the atmosphere and friendliness of the students. That's what will make your time in college enjoyable and worth while.


Ask many questions


It's important to know what you want out of your college time. You get four years to create a resume to carry you into your career, and four years to create memories you'll have for a lifetime. You've got to decide which school will best help you to accomplish those two things, as well as balancing your financial and family constraints. If there's a particular program you're interested in, look for that. If you're into a certain activity, look for a school that offers it. Otherwise look for a school that offers a wide variety of majors and opportunities, so that whatever you decide you want to do, you'll be able to find it there.


Have fun!


Be financially prepared and have great study habits.


Let your future students explore, and don't let grades get in the way. From my experience and the people that I have talked to grades don't always matter. Don't let money ruin your college experience, there is always money around.


View a variety of universities. Having a variety of schools to compare between is helpful. When searching, take into mind the size of the school. During my search I only looked at small schools. The last school I visited was a large university and it turned out to be my favorite. Whether you know what you want to study or not, trust your instincts on which school 'feels' the best. You will know the feeling when you visit. You just feel comfortable. I think you will be much happier with your choice if you pick the university that feels right over (for example) the university that has the perfect academic record. Trust your instinct. Get involved in as many activities as possible. Explore! Check out the clubs, intramurals, student government, etc. and find out what you enjoy. There are so many incredible opportunities- take advantage of them. Studying abroad is a must! Spend a semester abroad and discover a new culture. You will discover more about yourself than you thought possible. Finally, party hard, but work hard too. Get the academic and practical acumen you need to get the job of your dreams.