The most popular groups on campus are the greek organizations. Most of the greeks live at the top of campus in a section known as "The hill". The hill is usually where people go to party and meet people but other than that you can see greeks advertising or fundraising at local shops, you can see them wearing shirts around campus and there is always some type of greek activity happening somewhere on campus. That being said, you also do not have to be greek. Lehigh hosts a lot of really fun/interesting events for people who prefer to stay indoors on a saturday night or don't really like being on "The hill" for whatever reason. There are "Late night Lehigh" band performances, events sometimes movies on the front lawn or there is always a move playing in the theatre. There are a lot of options of things to do and always people to go with. The next big thing is sports. I almost feel like everyone at Lehigh is on a sports team or has been on a sports team at some point in their life. Lehigh students really show a lot of pride yearly for their teams and it only gets stronger. I think the best advice anyone can get as far as Lehigh clubs and groups is to take advantage of them your freshman year. You can learn so much and it gets harder to get involved in different things as you get older. Freshman year is prime time for socializing and people are usually always friendly.
Lehigh students are firmly committed to the Work Hard, Play Hard philosophy. Outside of the classroom, students strive to get involved in as many organizations as possible and usually devote a majority of their free time to their extra-curricular commitments. In the spring semester, approximately 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of first-year students will join a fraternity or sorority. Regardless of Greek affiliation, students join sports teams, student government, band and orchestra, religious groups, community service organizations, cultural clubs, professional societies, and a variety of others. With so many options, students tend to take advantage of as many opportunities as they can so that they are never left bored. Students are so involved at Lehigh that the orientation leader position (one that requires a full semester of preparation, an intensive week of training, and that students give up a week of their summer vacation) is the most competitive application process for any student organization.
Lehigh students are firmly committed to the Work Hard, Play Hard philosophy. Outside of the classroom, students strive to get involved in as many organizations as possible and usually devote a majority of their free time to their extra-curricular commitments. In the spring semester, approximately 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of first-year students will join a fraternity or sorority. Regardless of Greek affiliation, students join sports teams, student government, band and orchestra, religious groups, community service organizations, cultural clubs, professional societies, and a variety of others. With so many options, students tend to take advantage of as many opportunities as they can so that they are never left bored. Students are so involved at Lehigh that the orientation leader position (one that requires a full semester of preparation, an intensive week of training, and that students give up a week of their summer vacation) is the most competitive application process for any student organization.
Mostly just random hook ups, though dating does happen. Lehigh-Laf Week is huge, everyone participates, definitely biggest event on campus. Fraternities and Sororities are pretty crucial, though not everyone joins them. Greek life dominates campus.
Mostly just random hook ups, though dating does happen. Lehigh-Laf Week is huge, everyone participates, definitely biggest event on campus. Fraternities and Sororities are pretty crucial, though not everyone joins them. Greek life dominates campus.
Mostly just random hook ups, though dating does happen. Lehigh-Laf Week is huge, everyone participates, definitely biggest event on campus. Fraternities and Sororities are pretty crucial, though not everyone joins them. Greek life dominates campus.
Make and Take craft days on Fridays are the greatest. There are movies on Fridays and Saturdays at Ulrich. Other clubs sponsor movies all the time. Lots of guest speakers throughout the year. There's always something to do. Plus lots of music concerts from the school's music groups.
There are tons of activities to get involved in here. There is a clubs page on Lehigh's website that lists around 40 clubs to join. Intramural sports are popular among freshman and greeks, and a majority of the people here are athletic, so there is always a basketball game or whatever going on somewhere. Athletic events are not that popular, as I mentioned before.
The dating scene is basically nonexistent here. I don't know that many couples who are consistently dating/together here. Lehigh is more of a one-night hookup scene, or a 'friend with benefits' kind of thing.
There are a ton of traditional events here. Football tailgates, Lehigh-Laf football game, Sundaze, bed races... some of them revolve around Greek life and some don't.
Speaking of Greek life, it completely dominates the social scene here, basically because there's not much else to do here. I know a lot of people who go out almost every night of the week, and you may feel left out if you don't go out at all. In my case, I am a non-greek but I typically don't have any trouble finding parties on Fridays and Saturdays, and I like that. However, if you want the busiest, craziest, most active social life ever, go Greek. I'm more of an independent, chill guy so I chose not to, and I still go out and have a good time. A ton of people bitch and moan about the social life here, saying that if you don't go greek your social life will be shot and will have nothing fun to do. It's true that if you go greek your social life is set and then some. However, if you just sit around in your room all day and don't make an effort to go around campus and meet people/ do anything social, then yeah, your social life here will suck. However, I'm not greek and I have made an effort to talk to and make friends with all kinds of people, and I have things to do all the time.
The frats are a big part of student life at Lehigh. In the beginning people left their doors open but now they're typically closed. If I'm awake at 2 on a Tuesday I'm probably studying or watching comedy central or playing super smash bros with people. Every year we race beds on wheels, have a huge bonfire, and generally go crazy the week of the Lehigh Lafayette football game. You can find a party every night of the week but you also will have problem finding people who don't want to go out that night or in general.
A promotional video on International Programs at Lehigh University's College of Education.