Lehigh University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Parties are every night of the week except when there is a test, and then the whole social scene shuts down for a few days. Parties are amazing and lehigh was at one point ranked the number 3 party school in the nation. I did crew and that activity was very time consuming but I got very close with my fellow teammates and it opened the door to meeting the womens team as well. Freshmen dorms are decent, you have your gryphon, and they are the RAs and they are really layed back and basically just don't want you to damage any thing or get hurt.


There are all sorts of different clubs and activities on campus. I can't speak for all of them, so I'll give you my experience. I'm involved in writing articles for an Opinion journal run by Lehigh students, called the Patriot. It has a kind of reputation for being overly "conservative" but it's just the nature of the people who want to write for it. It is accepting of all viewpoints really, its just by chance we have more conservative leanings. Also, I've been involved with a Christian Fellowship at Lehigh called InterVarsity. Basically, we study the Bible together to try and get a picture of who Jesus actually is while inviting others to come along as well, and we've built some very close relationships with each other, in doing community service, growing faith, and just serving each other and Lehigh when we have needs. It's just one of a couple Christian groups on campus, this is just the one that appealed to me. I wasn't exactly Christian when I first started, so it's been a process, but the friends I've made are ones that would last a lifetime. Also I've been involved with Swing Club, which is basically, swing dancing! If you are unfamiliar with it, its a 1950's style of dancing, involving lots of turns, spins, dips, flips, etc. When I first saw it, I thought it looked awesome. So I showed up, and they give lessons every week. There also a performance swing group which does shows for various events, but usually that happens second semester after tryouts. It's quite a fun workout, and there are swing dances held every so often with live bands that come to Lehigh. It's like prom, but set about 50 years ago.


The most popular clubs and organizations are ASA, UP, Leadership Lehigh, and intramural sports. The club sports are fairly popular and I am involved in Lehigh Unregistered, Leadership Lehigh, intramural sports, and applied to ASA, but could not get in. First semester many students left their door open as they were trying to meet new people. Second semester students did not keep their doors open as much, but many don't lock their doors. Athletic events are popular if you can drink. The football games are popular because of tailgates, the wrestling matches may be an exception but hardly anyone goes to basketball games because their are no tailgates. Guest speakers get a range of audiences, but on the whole the showings are relatively small with students having busy schedules. Theater is somewhat popular, but does not have great student turnout. The drug scene seems to be okay at Lehigh. Marijuana is very popular, but the more serious drugs have limited use. Weed is easy to get. I met my closest friends through a pre-orientation trip called OAP and through dorm life. On a Tuesday at 2 AM I am up because I should be working, but probably talking to people in the lounge who should be working too. The Lehigh Lafayette Football game as well as the week leading up to it is a big tradition. Greek week is another big one. Sundaze is a fun event UP holds each year. Saturday nights you could participate in Late Night Lehigh, events held for students who don't want to go out and party. You could go to the Hawks Nest and get something to eat, or hang out with any other friends who decide to stay in and watch TV or play videogames.


Most people at Lehigh are pretty social. There is a lot of partying, as I'm sure there is on any college campus. Things that people will do on the weekends: off campus parties, bars, movies (on campus... one of the student groups shows movies every weekend at our on campus theater), comedy shows, hanging out with friends, and parties on the hill.


Must join greek life to have any social life especially as a male. girls can get into pretty much any and every party.


Lehigh has a very predominant Greek life with about 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body participating. As the tour guides always say "40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} Greek means 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} not Greek", so there is still plenty of room to avoid that scene. The students are very friendly and always willing to help out. Lehigh football is the only sport that attracts a lot of attention, although all of the sports teams have a gathering of fans.


GREEK LIFE, there is an off campus social life too soccer club is awesome the girls are great and its pretty competitive dorm doors are always open and unlocked athletic events are attended , lehigh vs laf is the biggest turnout for football guest speakers can be popular no one dates really, they hookup it is a problem at lehigh i met my closest friends as a freshman, they lived on my hall if im up at 2 am on a tuesday it means i have a test on wednesday and i am studying as a freshman though i was probably hanging out with friends in the common room at 2 am people are out every night of the week if you want to go the greek scene is huge went to my friends frat house and hung out i don't know what to do on a saturday night that is fun and the place does not have alcohol, ive gone out and hung out with friends without drinking off campus has parties, and just hanging out i also live off campus


Lots of groups, organizations. The music program is pretty fun, I've been to tons of concerts and even traveled to China with the choir! The Community Service Office and Alpha Phi Omega, the service fraternity are really great. I've been able to work in service on campus, in the South Bethlehem Community, and in the nation. I went on a spring break trip to Atlanta this year- so amazing!! Frats and sororities are big, about 1/3 of the students are in one. But you don't have to be in a house to go to a party, or attend a greek-sponsored event. Dorm life is so fun- very communal, even at the upper-class level. The campus definitly unites over Lehigh-Lafayette rivalry. The week of the football game, the campus goes crazy. The marching band plays in class, there is a giant bonfire, people stop doing there work, drink in class, and generally hate Lafayette with a vengence. It is an amazing bonding time for the student body and really brings out pride for Lehigh. Lehigh-Laf week was one of my favorite experiences as a college student. One of the suggested questions on here is: What are you doing on a Tuesday night at 2am if you're awake. I'll give just a few examples of some things that I've done in the past few weeks on a weekday night around that time: watched a movie with dormmates; made a cake; just returned from Rutgers b/c we wanted sandwiches from there; studied; played fooseball; put together a 1000 piece puzzle; talked about politics; gone to a concert.


Interaction within the dorm all depends on who is in the dorm. In my hall, we all tended to keep our doors open towards the beginning of the year and as the year went on, we started to close them but everyone still came by and knocked to go to dinner or hang out. I met my closest friends in a combination of my sorority and my hall because those were the people I chose to spend the most time with. There are buses that go to the local movie theaters on Fridays and Saturdays and some fantastic places to get lunch right off campus. It's not suggested to go off campus alone at night. Staying up late is a part of college life. Sometimes, we would watch movies starting at 11 and other nights we would go to bed around 12 calling it an early night. That's not everyone though. A number of my friends went to bed around 10:30 but it felt like most people were up later.


During my freshmen year, I lived in Dravo Residential Hall, and we left our doors open and became very close with our specific hall, along with other halls within the house. They were really my only friends. Some of them joined sororities and some didn't and we moved to Sayre Park Village during sophomore year. In Sayre, since we had a kitchen and living room, our door was usually closed, but there were still small events when the weather was nice which brought us together. It is really the experience you want to make it. We party every weekend, but not much on weekdays, academic work really takes over you during the week. The Greek scene is always there, which provides a place to get drunk and dance around and it is pretty fun, if you are into it. There is also an off campus scene, which involves pretty much the same thing, but on a little more of a personal level, since you usually have to know someone to know where to go. As for not drinking, the school puts on events every weekend, but I don't think attendance is very high. Once again, though, it is what you put into it. If you want to have a game night or movie night or party or concert or whatever, have one. It just takes effort.