Greek life is deffinitely a defining characteristic of Lehigh-and although much of administration doesn't like it-students and alumni celebrate it. You can find a party any day between tuesday and saturday-and not just something little. If it's not on the hill-what Lehigh students call the place where all Greek houses are situated, its likely to find a team, or group of friends partying off campus. At Lehigh you don't pay a door price for a cup of all you can drink, and it's not exclusive. Anyone is welcome at a party until there is literally no more room, and the natty light or grain alcohol is free. The bar life is limited to three bars and is really reserved for off-campus seniors. The fraternity houses give all you need regarding party life and free alcohol. While the social scene is dominated by sports teams and greek houses (which sometimes cross over) gdi's (goddamn independants...or non greeks) are always welcome and can always be found at a party. Greeks, particularly girls are not afriad to go to a party of another sorority and inter-greek life competition is limited. Lehigh has a hook-up culture like no other. If you're half decent looking and drunk and want to hook-up you can, and you will. As long as you don't sleep with too many guys you probably won't be labled a whore, and people accept social promiscuity rather lightly. Dating exists on campus but more in your sophomore and junior years. Sometimes it feels as if those in relationships are a secret-and it's deffinitely more prevalent in non-greeks than in greek life. People are pretty comfortable with one another here-for instance I've never locked my door and my friends arn't afriad to go through my closet and borrow something when I'm not around-they know which things I wouldn't want them taking and they honor that. Two major traditions define Lehigh social life. First, in the fall is Lehigh-Lafayette Week. Lehigh Lafayette has the most played football rivalry in the country and we aren't afriad to celebrate. Despite that we have lost for four straight years, we definitely out-party Lafayette and thats a fact. The whole week is a drunken mess, complete with parades, bed races, a bon fire and a rally, sporting racy t-shirts that say questionable things, with graphic pictures all denoting the mountain hawks supremacy to the lafayette leopards. The second highly anticipated activity of the year is Greek Week- this is when all sororities and fraternities comptete in a week long event of festivities-and you guessed it drunken debauchery. Between parties like fiji island, and dphi mardi gras and daily beer-b-ques are events such as the dance competition, opening ceremonies (complete with togas and a theme for each house), Mr. Lehigh, a beauty competition for boys-and the girls version too, Theta Chi Sweetheart.