Wrestling is good. Football is popular, even though it's not D1. TONS of kids pledge greek houses and this is where the party scene is. People party every night of the week, but the parties aren't anywhere near the dorms so it's not like you'll be disturbed if you want to stay in.
There is always so much to do on campus, you are never at a loss for activity. Whether you enjoy drinking and going up on the hill or you would rather go see the movie playing on campus, listen to the a Capella groups perform, or enjoy other various cultural and exciting events that Lehigh has planned, there is always something fun going on. If it is only partying that you're interested in, you can find a party at Lehigh any night of the week.
We always have things going on every weekend.. i met my friends through classes, but we became very good friends... we study together and prepare for exams together at the library..
I am very heavily involved with Theater on campus. This has been one of the most positive aspects of my Lehigh experience. I have learned to work with professors on an equal level as well as other students. I wish that more people attended theater productions and workshops. It might be a matter of students just being too busy, but it would be nice to fill our 300 seat theater for opening night of a show.
Students do leave their doors open, especially during Freshmen year. I think, again, it all depends on your hall and the people who you're living with/next to.
I met my closest friends in my classes. This is definitely where you are able to find people who have similar interests and who are similar to you.
If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday, which I usually am, I'm either writing a paper, working on an art project, or studying.
People party a lot...sometimes too much. Frats and sororities are very important to people who want to go out a lot. If you aren't in a frat or sorority, you can still get into parties on the hill, so either way, Greek life is important for the party/drinking scene.
Social life is extremely popular topic at Lehigh. Everyone loves the 'hill' which is where the frats and soriorities are. Most frats have registered or non registered parties every weekend. Many people start dating other Lehigh students while on campus. Many athletes seem to start dating as well. A large percentage of the students go greek. The last weekend I went out at Lehigh I went to a off campus party and bbq. There is just always something going on and if there isn't then friends just hang out in the dorms. You meet so many people so easily. Lehigh does have a great social life though.
If you're awake late at night, there's nothing to do in town because everything closes at 10pm or so. I'm not interested in the fraternity scene, but that's the most likely place to spend a waking 2am. My activity of choice is board games or video games with friends.
Doors are always open on my floor, I met my closest friends through parties and classes, and through my fraternity. The party life is great, work hard play hard.
Many people may deny it, but Greek life is dominant, and it is hard to have a social life if you are not outgoing or in a frat/sorority. During the weekends, especially past 10, there is very little to do, but go to parties off-campus or on the hill (frats). There is stufff to do like go to the movies, but not many do that. The parties are not usually even fun, because since the sex ratio is 60 {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} guys, there are much more guys at the parties then girls. They are usually sausage fests. There is not a huge dating scene especially early on. Few relationships last in the first two years, but more settle down junior and senior year. Dorm life in freshmen was amazing; everyone is friendly with eachother especially in M&M (where I lived); I lived in a sophomore dorm this year (Taylor), and it was not even half as social as M&M was. In M&M everyone left there doors open, but in Taylor not one person did. In other words do not expect the same dorm life in sophomore as you do in freshman. You will be very disappointed like I was. Freshman year I had a lot more time to hang out, but this past year the only time I saw most of my friends was at the library.
I personally like Kenner theater and the movies shown there almost every other weekend. In our hall, we left our doors open all day and poked our heads in others rooms all the time. We ate dinner most nights together.
Drinking on "The Hill" as many times during the week as possible. Frats dominate social life as it seemed everyone in my residence hall left for pledging second semester. Want something to do other than drink? You're on your own. Despite the school's entertainment group's sorry attempts to bring in pitiful shows and movies to campus, gravity ramians strong in the social aspect of Greek life. Don't go off campus, you'll be shot. Not much in the area of Lehigh either...only if you're looking to have a variety of things to do, do you worry about that one on campus does.