Lehigh University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


GREEK LIFE is huge on campus! They're are twenty something frats and nine sorrorities and it doesn't stop there. Whether or not your in a frat, you definitely party at this school. The biggest orgonizations other than the greeks are definitely the sports teams, being a division one school definitely gives us a fair share of athletes. Personally I'm not in greek life or on a sports team, but everyone i know is or is best friends with people who are. I don't know a lot of people who aren't involved in some way or another in these two scenes, they're deffinitely are people who don't go out much and what not, but they're a small minority. Myself, I go out at least thursday, friday and saturday (sometimes tuesdays). We go out around 10:30 or 11 and stay out sometimes until four in the morning. Theree isn't a big bar scene at all, and quite frankly the only people who go are seniors who live off campus. The social scene for freshmen, sophomores and juniors in on "The Hill" and all parties are at HUGE frat houses. The two biggest events in the year, which also promote drinking, are Lehigh/Laf week first semster and greek week second semester. Let's just say they're an excuse to drink every day, all day for an entire week. In terms of dating, as of right now, just finishing out my sophomore year, they're isn't a lot of it. I barely know anyone who has or had a steady boyfriend/girlfriend for a consistent or long time. There's a lot of hooking up at my school, but no one seems to want a relationship (at least from a girls perspective). I'm not trying to say you can't come to our school if your not a big drinker, i'm just telling you how it is. You might want to think twice about what you want in considering coming here is your not planning on drinking every weekend. From my perspective, I don't know what there is to do on a saturday night besides go to a frat party.


Dating scene = mostly random hookups. I had a boyfriend that I met at Lehigh and dated all 4 years and we were seen as odd. Lehigh is a big party school. Greek life is a big part of it- especially the hill. Too many drugs in the past couple of years.


There is always something going on at Lehigh. The Greek scene is very popular here with the Hill. The most popular sports team on campus would probably be Football or Soccer. Lehigh/Lafayette week is a very popular week for everyone on campus. All students get involved and the amount of students that go to the football game at the end of the week is amazing.


Greek life is a huge part of Lehigh's social calendar. The fraternities on the hill have parties pretty much every weekend and sometimes during the week. I estimate about half of Lehigh's entire population is pledged to a fraternity or sorority. They have a large presence on campus and someone is always hosting some sort of fundraiser or special social event. A great thing about Lehigh is that even if you're not much of a party-goer, like me, there is always something for you to do. Ulrich Student Center shows free movies every weekend with complimentary popcorn and soda. They're new movies, too, usually just recently out of theatres. The Hawk's Nest is a popular hang-out. The food is really good, though a little expensive, and there are TVs, a pool table, foosball table and air hockey tables. Different groups also host guests like comedians and musicians. Zoellner Arts Center seems to always have a concert or two going on, and students perform plays frequently. You'll never be able to say there's nothing to do. Everyone here is very friendly. Whenever we're in our rooms, the girls on my floor and I leave our doors open. You can always hear people socializing and helping each other with homework. People are very community-oriented.


Students can leave their dorms open and athletic events are not extremely popular. Guest speakers are very common and often attended. Greek week, lehigh-lafayette week are the major traditions. People party tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday nights. Frats and sororities are pretty important. Last weekend I went to several frat parties and if you don't want to drink there are events set up on campus like comedy, movies... You don't go off campus except when you are a sr to the bars.


Greek life is huge on Lehigh, and I chose to be part of it for this reason. I'm not a typical "sorority girl," but I knew if I didn't do a sorority I probably would struggle socially. Most of the parties revolve around frat houses, and although there are other things to do, most people ignore them. The majority of socializing also involves a Natty Lite.


The most popular organization is definitely the Association of Student Alumni because it connects alumni with students, gives tours of the campus, and even helps with the admissions process. Fraternities and sororities are also extremely popular here because greek life is a huge aspect of Lehigh.


You can find a party just about every day of the week if you look for one either at a frat or off campus.


Most popular groups are definitely Fraternities/Sororities and club sports. I am involved with the school newspaper, it requires a night of alot of work when an assignment is due. Dorm doors are hinged and students are told to not prop them open, however social students leave them open. Wrestling, football and basketball get the biggest turnout. As far as dating goes, there are only a few nice restaurants to take someone out to, the movies are inaccessible unless you have a car (not a freshman). A good amount of my closest friends lived in my freshman dorm. Awake at 2am on a tuesday, not much is going on, video games with friends or AIM. Traditions to note: Lehigh/Lafayette football game, Greek week, and sundaze (concert). People party alot, 4-7 times a week depending on the time of year or if finals are coming up. Fraternities/Sororities are very important since there isnt much else to do on a weekend in Bethlehem. Last weekend I was on spring break, but a usual weekend has some beirut and a few parties thrown in there. The university usually has things happening on saturday nights, from comedians to bands to guest speakers. Off campus there are usually keg parties.


Students in dorms almost always leave doors open. Athletic events and other things sponsored by the school are pretty well attended, especially the music and theater events. Those are generally incredible. The dating scene freshman year doesn't really exist. Most people let the freedom of college go to their heads for a year or so, but then start to settle down. After freshman year, many people get involved in more serious and long term relationships, but certainly not everyone. There are a lot of people who are single and loving it. I met my closest friends at orientation and pre-orientation. Lehigh offers pre-orientation programs where you can go do service projects in South Bethlehem or spend a few days doing outdoorsy things, like white water rafting and playing paintball. At 2am on Tuesday, if I am awake, I am in the lounge with other people from my floor doing homework and listening to music. There are a million traditions here. The biggest one is probably Lehigh-Laf, or the weekend of the Lehigh-Lafayette football game. It's all people talk about for an entire month or so. The week right before is completely insane with all kinds of giveaways, parties, shows, and other events every night. Another is Sundaze, which is a big music festival with pretty big names every Spring. Last weekend I went to an off-campus party with some friends and came back to get food at Hawk's Nest. Then we all watched part of a movie. We all started falling asleep. During the day on Saturday and Sunday, I spent almost all of my time in the library working. On Saturdays, there are generally pre-release films shown on campus and there's always something going on at Lamberton. A lot of people just hang out in the dorm and watch a movie or something too. Off-campus there are parties, but there are also some art galleries and good restaurants. I live really far from eveything off-campus, so I don't go there much, but there are definitely really good places to eat and I'm told the art galleries are awesome.