Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Millersville University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


The advice that I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the whole college a good experience. Is to always keep all of your options open, never settle for something when you know that you can do better, or even worse settling for something that doesn't describe you. Hopefully after school you will be working in the career that you majored in at college for the rest of your life, so it better be something that you enjoy. Find and make friends that will lead you in the right direction, yes college is a place to have fun, but it also determines the rest of your life. College can still be fun without making stupid decisions. Your college career will go fast enough so study hard, have fun, and remember live your life to the fullest!


Campus visits are the most important part of finding the right college! You can not possibly know if you like a place unless you experience it first hand.You will know when you are on the right campus. Get involved! Make friends and go on as many adventures with them as you can-- just as long as you reserve time to finish that 10-page paper, or study for your test, you will be fine!


Let your child decide on what he or she wants as a choice of school. The best thing to do is to let your child go and let them experience new things.


My advice for parents and students about finding the right college would have to be that they need to visit as many as they can as a family. Write down the possible colleges that they are interested in attending and go visit them. You will never know what a campus can be like until you walk through it and see what it has to offer. Also, do not be turned off by distance. It is nice to be near mom and dad, but if your dream college is a couple of hours away, then go! Do not be held back by friends, boyfriends, or girlfriends. Picking a college is a big decision and you cannot let anyone else hold weight in your decision because you are ultimately the one that has to be there for four years! Experience everything you can at college. Meet new people and try new things because these are the best years of your life!


Follow your heart.


Choosing the right college is a daunting and challenging experience for not only the student but also the parents. To start the process, the student could speak to their high school teachers to find out where they went to school, and what it was they liked and disliked about that particular school. The student does not have to attend the same school, but it is beneficial to the student to hear what their teachers experience of college was like. It is also an advantage to research online, various schools and compare and contrast degree programs before even setting foot on campus. This will eliminate any unecessary visits and disappointments for the student. Once the student has completed their research online, they can make a list of potential schools and start their visits. If at all possible, the student should ask to see if they can sit in on a class to see if they like the campus but also the class structure offered at the school. Once the student has choosen the school, the best thing to do to make the most of the college experience is to be involved in much as possible and to stay on campus.


In order to find the right college, first you have to research the schools you are considering and visit them. Yes, visit them. The only way you know you or your parents will like it is if you went to the college and took a tour all over. In order to make the most of your college experience you have to get out there and join organizations, do volunteer work for your organizations. Networking is a good thing to do in college because somebody who lives down the the hall from you may have 1 or 2 classes with you. When you get involved and network with your colleagues you give yourself a better chance of being successful. One thing to remember is not to mix your social life with your school life. Your school work should always be number one, and should be the first thing you get done before you go out and play. If you learn how to manage your time correctly, you can make the very best of your college experience and be very happy. So happy that you won't want to go home!


Find a college that you really like, don't settle for one that you think is ok. Its hard for freshmen to get involved sometimes, so make sure there are extra curriculars that you're interested in. Make sure that the college has a wide variety of majors because there's a good chance that you'll want to change majors or add a minor or something. Its really important to find out what people do on weekends (if you're into drinking or not into drinking, it makes a big difference). Definitely visit the campus and check out the people that go there. If it seems like people you could get along with, then ok, but if not, don't take any chances. Work hard at classes from the beginning to keep your GPA high, and volunteer!!!! Volunteering looks so good on resumes and applications and helps you network. Its really important and colleges don't stress it enough.


The advice that I would give is to make sure that the college has a nice campus and good faculty members that are willing to help students with any problems that they may have. College is all about working toward a career choicec that you will love and having fun, of course. Make sure the college of your choice has a good program in which they may help the student achieve that goal of getting a good career in the field of their choice. College is the students path to a happy and successful future and they should make the most out of their college experience. Join clubs, participate in campus activities, play sports....there are so many things to do during those years along with the studying and researching. The college experience is not all about work. It is about getting ready for the real world in so many different, new and wonderful ways.


Find activities that relate to your major to get more experience. Pick friends that you thought you wouldn't be friends with in High School. Live on campus in a dorm your freshman year and come to orientation week. Use your professors for really is about who you know, not what you know.