Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Millersville University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Upon graduation from high school, I had decided to attend a local community college due to financial reasons. I felt as though it was the logical choice to attend community college for two years, and then transfer to a four year school to save myself money while receiving just as good education as four year schools offer. I have always aspired to become an educator. As a secondary education major, I am enrolled in a foundation of education class. One of the assignments in the education class was to complete ten hours of classroom observation at a local middle or high school. I was so grateful to find out that I was going to have the opportunity to see the daily school routines from a teacher’s perspective. During this experience, I was informed of almost every aspect of teaching. I enjoyed every minute of the opportunity and have a greater respect for teachers. If I had chosen to go to a university, I might not have had this opportunity as a first year student. This community college has given me an excellent education thus far, outstanding opportunities, and hope for a better future, all of which I value greatly.


Out of my college experience, i have gotten a sence of independance, and new knowledge. Independance is very inportant because we all have to learn how to take care of ourselves at some point, and college allows for you to grow independantly without being completely on your own. New knowledge is always useful. The more you know, whether it is common sence or book knowledge, the better off you will be. I have learned things that i need for my career choice, but i have also learned critical thinking and common sence which i use every day.


I have learned a lot about life itself. I have learned that only you can make yourself happy and only you can be the one you trust. I've learned to push myself to do good work and get all my work done before play. I've picked up a lot of responsibilities since i have been in college. I have learned to do a lot of things on my own, and i feel confident doing these things. Overall i think i have grown a lot since high school. College makes you realize who you are as a person, and this helps you decide the direction you want to take your life.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is independence. I was able to learn to do many things on my own and to be responsible. I am able to feel confidence in everything I do. The leadership I learned from my professors is a lifetime learning experience. I feel totally comfortable to enter the real world or to further my education. Millersville is a school I would recommend to anyone. There is so much I can say about how valuable Millersville University is too me. I am very proud to call Millersville University my university. Millersville has prepared me to face the world's challenges and to believe in myself.


From my college experience, I have learned about how to manage time. Being a member of the women's basketball team, I would have to go to practices early in the morning before class, then go to my classes and go back to a practice while being on time for everything. Also I learned that when the assignment is given out, that same day I should get started on it because with my schedule it is almost impossible to get anything done at the last minute.


So far my first year college experience has been a success academically and socially. I have learned so many knew things from my professors, counselors, and even from some of my fellow peers. This new knowledge that has been imparted to me has made me grow stronger as a person and as a student. My college experience is not only teaching me the academics but it is teaching me life lessons. I am learning the different aspects of elementary educations, how to be more independent and so much more. My college experience is something that will always be a part of my future. Attending college is very important because I value my education and I take it very seriously. It is valuable to me because it will help in my future to become who I am destined to be. Overall my college experience has been a very significant part of my life, and it is something that I value and don?t take for granted. In the future I plan to continue to attend college and work to the best of my abilities.


I can remember when I was in elementary school; I wanted to be like my first grade teacher, Mrs.Moranda. She was a very nice young lady that I have ever met. She always used kind words to me and others. So as time went by, I was trying to figure out my destiny in life. I know that I had to go further than high school. I didn?t put a lot of thought into college at that time. Now, my eyes have been open and college is the place for me. A college education provides me choices. My college experience has made a difference in life. I have choices to make that I didn't have before.So college was a big step in my life. This college experience has been very valuable to my life. I will be able to get a jod in my field of work. My college will allow me to recieve better wages than before. A college degree will make a differences in my life.


I am a firefighter/paramedic for a paid fire department. When our department critiques a major incident, it always seems like the biggest problems revolve around poor communication on the fireground. Tasks may not be carried out as desired or are done incorrectly, often due to a message not being delivered clearly or not painting a thorough picture. As a firefighter that is utilized as an acting officer and as a paramedic, the course work involved in this degree benefits my fire service career and department by teaching me the crucial skills necessary to better interact with my coworkers and the public on both fire scenes and medical calls. Firefighters are forced to make split second decisions and instructing others to carry out tasks in a concise, respectful and professional manner not only instills confidence in my crews but increases the level of safety that is crucial during a fire or medical incident. Having a communications degree has been valualbe by increasing my interpersonal relationships, helping me be able to defuse escalating situations involving irate citizens and create presentations for educating my peers and the public.


The most valuable experince was that I was able to graduate at all. Though I had a mental illness, had language difficulties, and had no family in the United States, I became resilient and perservered. Learning has become one of the most exciting experiences in my entire life, since it opened so many new doors for me, that I now feel I can do anything with my life if I only try. Going to college has enabled me to follow my dreams of going to graduate school and becoming a counselor for the mentally ill in my community. Most people can succeed in college, regarless of any disabilities or handi-caps. At Millersville I was given the chance of a lifetime to prove myself. My foreign student advisor was one of the most influential persons in college. Even though I had tremendous difficulties due to my handi-caps, he pushed me, gave the facts of not succeeding to me, and encouraged me from beginning to end of my time at Millersville University. Currently I am attending the University of the Rockies as a graduate students which I could not have done without my undergraduate experinces at Millersville University.


Millersville has prepared me not only for my career but molded me into an extraordinary individual, with great knowledge of my profession. I have learned to be independent, well rounded and responsible. The college has also prepared me for the next step in my life and that is my career. I am confident that when I graduate I will be able to step into a job and be qualified to do the tasks that are give to me. I will be a hard worker and dependable. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. The University has given me an experience I will never forget. The culture, and lifestyles of the community are a never to forget experience. One that I hope to keep in touch with as my life turns to the next page. I was fortunate enough to have interaction with some of the greatest individuals that ever existed. The staff and students have guided me to the man that I am today and will always be caring, thoughtful and reliable. In ending, with a lot of hard work and dedication I walk away with one of life?s most important possessions, A DIPLOMA.