Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Millersville University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


The advice I would give myself would not be of a great amount. My high school was a college preparation school, so I already knew what to expect. The most advice I can give myself as a high school senior, or even before that, would be to apply for scholarships every day I get the chance to. Putting out of pocket has been the hardest experience ever. SInce my grades have always been good, it has not been hard for me to qualify, yet it has been hard for me to receive them.


If I could back in time to when I was a senior in high school to give myself advice about college life and making the transition, there would multiple things I would say. The first and the most important thing I would say is to try harder and focus in your classes. College professors will not give you a break like your high school teachers do. I would also say don’t go to college right away save money and work to figure out what you want to really do with your life. Another very important thing I would tell myself is to take advanced placement classes so you don’t have to take them later on in college. I would stress to myself how important it is to do as many scholarships as I can. I would tell myself to stay away from the loans and credit cards that you think you need, but you really don’t. The last and most important thing I would tell myself is to try your harder in college we are paying for it, so let’s make it worth it.


20 yrs. ago I had the chance to go to college fresh out of high school and I decided to take a different route. I took the opportunity that was given to me for granted. If nothing else, this is one thing I totally regret not doing. Going to college is a blessing as many of us and especially our ancestors never had the chance to do. College an open door where you can learn what is necessary to secure a good career. Where you can find stability for your future and accomplish your goals in order to achieve your dreams. My life would be different if I would have made the right choice back then. Can't change the past but I can do something about the future. They say it's never too late. Well! I am now 45 trying to achieve what I should have achieved years ago. Don't do the same mistake as I did. Now it's your turn. This is your time! Your young and fresh and full of energy. Don't let this amazing opportunity slip through your fingers. Embrace it and you will be proud of your success.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self to help give advice I would say is do not procrastinate with your time. That is the one main thing that I learned right away in college is that you have to manage your time wisely. You need to make priorities for the important things like school work and studying for tests. Another important thing that I would tell myself back in high school is that you need plenty of time for studying for tests. This isn't like in high school where you can get away with little studying and cramming; you actually have to take time out and study well in advance. The last important thing that I would tell myself is to find a great group of friends that will be there for you and support you. That has really meant so much to me in college because they are like your family when you are not home and you need people that you can rely on and support you. My friends are absolutely an important thing to surviving college because I don’t know where I would be without mine.


Jessica , You will face many obstacles in your life ,and college will be the biggest of them all. Many times you will want to quit because of your job, assignments, finances and the overall demands of College, but if you just hold on a bit longer you will see that you will get the hang of it. This is an investment, and it is all a process to help polish us into successful individuals. Soon your dream of having a degree in Psychology will come true! You are smart, you are capable, and you are beautiful. I now see that you can be successful as long as you are determined. Do not compare yourself to others, or think less of yourself. Those who called you “stupid” obviously have never seen what is deep inside your heart and do not know what a strong and intelligent person you truly are. Those erroneous words will last only but a moment, but if you do not educate yourself, regret can last forever. Keep this quote in your heart: “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; Education will not. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent...” ~Calvin Coolidge ~


College is a personal and a social experience, but above all else, it is meant to be an academic experience. As a senior I fantisized mostly about the personal and social aspects of college, rather than the academic or even the financial side. I took two AP english classes in high school, and after a semester in college I would go back and tell myself to take as many AP classes as possible! Advanced Placement classes are a great value for your money considering the rising cost of college. But more importantly, the skills and knowledge they give you are priceless. AP helped me to get an idea of what college classes would be like and I felt very prepared for the classes I was walking into. By getting college credit from my AP exams I was able to skip certain college classes which will allow me to graduate college sooner and also pay less toward my education. After seeing the value of only two AP classes, I wish I could go back to high school and take as many AP classes as I could, in order to be as productive and prepared as possible for my time in college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would make myself aware of how hard I need to work to open more doors for myself. i would make it known to myself that i need to receive the best education possible. I would let myself know that there are certain things that universities are looking for that I should be working on such as grades, extra curricular activities and other things of that nature. If i could go back and make myself more aware i would prepare myself for the big change in college being on my own and having as much freedom as i possobly can. All in all I would prepare myself so that I could have a awesome and uplifting college experience.


I would probably say, "Hey, don't freak out about figuring out what you're going to do for the rest of your life. If you don't know what major to declare, that's ok. Take a bunch of courses in areas you think you might be interested in, and go from there. Everything will work out. Also, when you first get on campus, hook up with some sort of social group; whether it's a religious group, sports group, or some sort of club, just plug in somewhere. It helps you make friends and makes it easier to adjust to college life. And don't be afraid of your roommate! They're in the same boat as you, and chances are you'll be great friends. Oh, and SAVE YOUR MONEY. Don't go spending all willy-nilly. You're going to have to pay for books (which are never cheap) and some classes require other things you may need to purchase. College is expensive, and every cent counts! Also, It's ok if you have to take out a loan. 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of college students have to at some point. Lastly, ENJOY YOURSELF! College is a great experience!"


Considering I was in college 30 years ago, things have changed over the years especially with technology. High school seniors pretty much know what they need to take to college. I wish I had then what the students have today. The one thing I would tell myself about college is not to get overly involved in activities. I did that in my sophmore year at Millersville and wasn't able to complete all what needed to be done. This was very frustrating to me as well as detrimental to my overall success at school. I wasn't able to give 100 percent to anything and my classes suffered as well as some of my friendships. It wasn't a good thing at all. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you probably are and you need to re-evaluate what you are doing or not doing. Keep on top of things and be the best you can be and do the best you can do. Just don't overdo it!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to save as much money as I possibly could. Having to pay for college on my own has definitely been one of the biggest challenges I’ve had to face in college. I’ve received no financial help from my parents whatsoever, so I’ve had to take out student loans to pay for my education. I would also tell my past self to search and apply for as many scholarships as possible. I had the mindset that other students would be more qualified to get the scholarship than I would be, so I didn’t apply for as many. I see now how important those are, and I hope that you all consider me for this very important scholarship to continuing my education!