Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Millersville University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Parents take the time to visit every college your child wants to visit. It is worth the trip, because if your child applies and goes somewhere without a visit... and they hate it. Transfering is never fun. Parents let your child choose their school, they are the ones who are going and will be living there. Students make every second count for something.. studying or social. Live for the expierence, and take chances... you are discovering a new world for yourself.


Research the college or institution before making a committment please. Once you have done that, search for scholarships and funding. The next step is getting involved in everything possible because that is the only way to recieve the most out of your college experience. Explore and exhaust every opportunity available.!!!


Be sure to put a lot of time into finding a school that fits the student best, and in order to do this look at all aspects of the school such as housing, clubs/sports, the surrounding area, distance from home, and certain views/beliefs of the school. These factors can greatly determine whether the student enjoys their time at the school or not. Also, while at college, become involved in as much as you can because that will only enhance your college experience. Its great to be part of the school in more of a sense than just being a student there among thousands of others. Use your time at college to find out who you are and prepare yourself for your future career.


First, after selecting the colleges that offer their major of interest, choose those that are in the region where you would like to reside while attending college. Then take of tour of the campuses of those schools. If you don't feel 'at home' or comfortable at any particular campus then I would recommend thinking twice before attending that school. After taking the tour, if you still feel interested in that school, meet with the teachers that are in the department of your interest. If you don't feel comfortable being around those teachers then that might pose a problem; however, most are nice and very welcoming. Aside from the 'feel' of the campus and faculty/staff, sometimes tuition and housing costs may persuade you to choose a limited amount of potential schools. I contacted some businesses in the area of my interest asking them which schools they recommend for the best education. Having a somewhat rare area of interest, there were only two schools that were preferred in the region where I live. Naturally being independent of any financial help from family, I chose the least expensive school, which worked to my advantage by giving me the best education.


Take advantage of college fairs to see which colleges offer your major or areas of interest. Visit as many colleges as you can in your Junior year. use websites to find open houses-this allows you to get alot of information and meet current students. If you choose a college that is not a good fit initially, transfer to another college. College should be the best 4 years of your life-if you don't feel that way, perhaps you are at the wrong college!!


I would advise them to pick a place that's comfortable for them and not to allow their parents influence be the reason they choose a college. They're going to be the ones living on campus, attending classes, etc. College is a place to learn and grow, that's going to be extremely hard if you're miserable. And for parents, I would tell them that they need to let the student make some of their own choices about the school and even their major. Guidance is always appreciated but college is a time for them to learn who they are, a little bit of freedom in choice can go a long way.


First, make a list of the schools that have the major of your interest. Then, go to these schools and check out the campus to see if you like the way it looks. While there, ask some of the current students any questions you have such as: how is the campus food or how is the campus life. Also, try and find some of the faculty and them questions. Hopefully this will help you narrow down your choices. Make sure to get your applications in on time. Once you have made your decision and are at the school, do not be timid. Try to make friends; in class and outside. Also, join an activity or two. This will give you something to do to get away from school work or anything else you need a break from. Just make the most out what you have in front of you. These are the best years of your life. You can learn so much about your career and yourself, as long as you apply yourself.


This is COLLEGE--there's going to be alcohol on even the dryest of campuses. Then again, this IS college--grow up and leave some time for school work as well.


I would just point out that parents and students alike should take valuable time in choosing what institution they want to go to. The right college makes the student who they want to be. It is kind of like a molding process because each person is unique in their own way and the right college will "mold" them into the person they will become. This is done by having a great environment, inside and outside of the class room, great friends who will be there for the rest of your life, and just an overall great experience on life.


Research the options that each campus has to offer. Get out and visit the campus to get a true feel for how it fits you. When you find the right place, get to know many people and choose some classes that vary within your major.