The greatest advice I could give to parents and student?s college hunting is to not rush the decision. College students essentially are living at school, and deciding where you want to live, as well as receive an education, and build a new life is a very big deal. Look at every facet of every school and allow yourself time to really look at all the factors, cost, location, reputation. I began the process of choosing my school in the beginning of my junior year in high school. My parents and I drove many miles, and definitely had some aggravating moments, but it is really important to visit as many colleges as possible. Many schools I thought I would love because of others opinions and experiences and online descriptions I ended up completely hating. I chose a college three hours from home, and sometimes it?s hard to be away and be on my own. However at the end of the day I know I chose the right school for me, a place where I feel like I am at home and receiving a great education. That?s what I hope all future students can find as well.
To find the right colleg my advice would be to tour it, but also try to spend the day there on a normal school day. This will allow you to gain the whole experiene and see if you feel like you fit in. To make most of the experience while at college, join clubs or groups that you would enjoy being in. The athletics department as well as the music and arts programs are excellent at Millersville, and you should base part of you decision to go to a school on the extra programs they offer.
First I would tell the parents that they should make sure and visit the school with their child before they attend it. The parent should make sure that the student has put alot of consideration into their choice in finding a school that best suits them! As a student going to be an incoming freshman make sure that you live in the dorms your first semester, it makes setting up a good foundation and meeting new people alot easier. Another thing to keep in mind as a student is that you should try and attend any orientation that your school provides, it is a great way to meet new people. But the number one thing thing to keep in mind as a soon to be college student is that you should keep an open mind, try new things, and try and meet as many new people as possble. Finally, even if you are homesick try not to go home alot on weekends, because you will never learn to like it without trying and putting in the extra effort.
Pick a place where you will feel comfortable and at home. Don't be shy, try to make friends with anyone you can! Coming in freshman year, everyone's in the same boat, and everyone is looking for friends, so be outgoing and be yourself! Also, the move is going to be hard on your parents if you're going to live away from home, so give them a call at least once a week so they know that you're alive, okay and having fun. :-) Good luck!
To students, pick where you want to go! Don't let your parents opinions about what is best for you make your decision. Take their opinions into account, but if you want to be happy when you're in school you are the only one who can decide what will make you happy. On the same note, parent's don't restrict your kid's choices. This is a time for them to start making decisions on their own, and they will probably make better decisions if they like the school they are enrolled in. Students, if you know what you want to do, take into account the programs the school offers, and the percentages of graduates who get jobs, this is important if you want a good career! Once you get to college, get out there and get involved! Friends aren't going to come to you, I found that out the hard way. Try clubs, sports, different organizations. Also, make friends in your classes, they come in handy if it's a hard class, and make great study buddies. Get to know upper class men, they have good advice and they can really help you out.
Sometimes a smaller school is better than a larger school, especially of the student comes from a small town. A smaller school provides a more intimate atmosphere but sill provides the same quality education. It is possible to spend less on tuition but sill gain a good education. State schools are generally cheaper than private schools. Choose a school based on the quality of the program you are interested in, rather than the name of the school.
The easiest way to make the transition from high school to college is to get involved in extracurricular activities. Extracurriculars provide opportunities to meet new people who share your interests.
find somewhere that you can imagine yourself spending alot of your time at, that fits you needs and wants.
My advice to students who are looking for the right college and desire to make the most of their college experience can find it in three words: Priority and balance. If you're looking for a college where you can recieve the most amount of knowledge and education for your future plans and careers, then your priority is in the right place and any college that offers that is the right college for you. In order to get the most out of your college experience, you must learn how to balance your time between your study life as well as your social life. It is said that too much of anything is a bad thing, and this is true in the case of getting the most out of your college experience. However, if there were to be an unbalance in anything, I would advise you to spend more effort towards making time in your studies than in socializing. There is so much to do on campus already, that it is almost impossible to avoid having a excessive amount of social time. But do not forget your priorities, because when you look away from your goals, all you see are obstacles.
Do not skimp on visiting prospective schools. I visited many schools, some more than once. Make sure you do your homework on financial aid and apply for the federal aid loans.
Take the time to really find out about the school you want to attend. Visit the school, go on campus and see how friendly or helpful students are. Get a real "feel" and meet the professors, eat on campus, attend a sporting event. When you choose a college, please go out and find extra curricular activities. There are sports, clubs, organizations of all kinds, more than I probably know about. Read the school email invitations to cultural events or job fairs. If you feel uncomfortable, bring a friend. Don't be afraid to try new things. The only way to really enjoy college is to engulf yourself in your surroundings. Put yourself in a favorable position. By going out to events or trying out for something, it's the best way to meet some new friends, which is how you make life-long friends. Putting yourself out there will have you enjoying your school in no time. I know most of my friends I made have been through organizations I have joined. Find those people with common interests. Just remember to have fun, be yourself, and don't stress too much, this is only the rest of your life, haha.