Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Millersville University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Make sure you go to class everyday!! NO SKIPPING. Also test out diffrent classes so you can find what kind of career you would like.


If I could go back in time and give my younger self some advice, then I would have some very interesting things to tell myself. I would tell myself that giving alot of studying is not something that you should wait to start doing but that you should actually start it now while you are still in high school. You should study alot everyday during your high school years and if you keep it up then by the time you reach college, you will be used to doing a lot of work, studying, and it will not come as a surprise to you since you have practiced doing it back in high school. Also, you should practice how to write papers in high school alot of times so that when you hit college and are assigned a 7-page paper for instance, you will then have many strategies on how to come up with alot of things to write on your paper and you will also know how to avoid writing too many words.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to apply more reasonable schools. I wasn't being realistic in my college choices. I was all over the place and wasn't sure exactly where I wanted to go. I would have told myself to do more recearch on schools and apply for scholarships so that I wouldn't have to struggle as much now. I would remind myself not to apply to schools so late becuase then maybe I would have gotten the chance to go to a school I really wanted to go to. Millersville University is not all bad, but wasn;t my first choice. In the beginning of senior year is when I really should have been paying attention to where I wanted to go and should have went on more collge tours. Overall I would tell myself to be prepared and not take college so lightly because it is hard work. I would tell myself to look up as many scholarships and grants as possible. Now that money is tight, I'm not sure if I'll be able to come back next fall.


Education has always been one of my main values, so coming to college was not an option not for me and neither for my family. I know that i have accomplish my long term goals and college was just going to be a stepping stone into my future career. It will help me become a more independent woman, network and gain the knowledge in many liberal courses. I know i have to maintain a positive attitude and stay strong through my college journey. I know i am making not only myself happy but everyone else who loves me and believes in me.


Knowing what I know now about college life, the advice I would give myself (or really ANY high school senior) is to SLOW DOWN. I took up so much time unnecessarily worrying about classwork, presentations, and even my annoying roommate that turns out, wasn't really all that annoying afterall. It is far too easy to stress out about things when you are in the moment and have a lot on your plate, but taking a few moments each day to relax and refocus yourself will help you in the long run and even offer INSTANT relief. I began meditating, going to the gym, and choosing to take the stairs or walk places instead of using the elevator or shuttle buses. These small changes made a huge difference in my everyday life and I wish I would've started these practices sooner because of the immediate positive impact they had on my life as a college student!


Before I came to college, I was bombarded by my parents, their friends, and my friends that it will be the best time of my life. As I heard those words, I couldn't help think why it would be the best time. Would it be the football games? Or would it be the vast amount of knowledge I would attempt to soak up in my 4 years here. Over and again I tried searching for the answer. After the past year and a half that I've spent at school, I am almost positive I have found out why it is the best time of my life and why its a such a valuable life experience as I go forth into my career. I have found that the giant clash of culture here provides anyone who is willing with a new insight into life. As a teen at home, you are only exposed to a culture that is condoned by your parents. A structured environment to keep you safe. But at school, all of those fences are torn down and you get to finally experience the cultures that so many other people enjoy around the world.


Out of my college experience, I have recieved a great deal of passion to persue my desires to become a registered nurse. I have been largely encouraged to strive to become a better person, and to aim for the best in my future. I have recieved hope that my future can be immensely better if I only continue to work hard, and put my whole heart into following my dreams. My education has become so valuable to me because I see my family struggling with financial hardships, and I don't want to have to put my future family through those same struggles. I have so much to offer to the Health and Medicine field, and I believe I can make a difference in many people's lives.


College has caused me to apprehend important civil and social lessons such as respect, network and discipline. I have learned to connect with others through school associations, and to evolve as an individual in society. I am currently taking extra core accounting courses at a Maryland Community College. I am a part-time Masters of Accounting student at the University of Maryland, College Park. College induced a sense of assurance in me, regarding my future as a bright and successful businessman. Thanks to my college experience, I have begun an Accounting-Finance English Tutoring business, mapped out several business plans for my friend's companies and helped my family reduce the financial burden of college. I have developed vital critical thinking skills and gained the confidence to undertake leadership roles at various occasions. College has given me invaluable skills and I am ready to take over the future. I am currently in dire need of scholarships in order to complete my Masters program. I have acquired patience and optimism. I am counting on your bountiful cooperation to aid me in the achievement of my Master degree.


I attended Burlington County College for two years after being a home schooled student. Those two years at the college provided me with the tools to further my academics however, it was the extraordinary people that I met that made being on campus such a remarkable experience. I was vary shy when I first came to Burlington County College, as this was my first time attending an actual school. It was not until my final year that I got involved with student clubs and activities. Now that I have graduated from the college I regret not being involved from my first day on campus. I made unbelievable friends during my last year, from fellow club members to student government officers as we volunteered and participated in numerous events. From helping kids draw while they waited to get a free teeth cleaning, to collaborating on graphic design projects for real life clients. My college experience has made me a happier person; I am able to open up to people more and be less withdrawn. After attending Burlington County College I received not just an education, but the value of friends; friends who I hope will always be part of my life.


When I started my college experience I was just trying to catch up to the college level because with my illness it kept me away from school throughout my high school year, so I was not really prepare for college. Now, that I am in a two year college it is giving me the opportunities to catch up with my peers and to get the education my mother and other family members want from me. It is preparing me by teaching me the skills needed for a four year college. It is giving me the study skills needed to continue my education on a higher level. It is also giving me the chance to figure out what I want to do for a profession before I go to a four year college. It is also helping me with my social skills need for college and the world beyond college. So far college is giving something to look forward to in my life. I am hoping college gives more to me while I am attending it.