What advice would i give myself if i were a high school senior again? I would tell myself to be confident and to take the homework and class assignments seriously. I would tell myself to try the absolute best that i can so that i would not regret anything. I would tell myself to not and try to be like anyone else. Being yourself in highschool is the most important thing. I believe that if your not yourself in highschool that you will look back and feel as though you were fake and pretending your whole life to be something that you never really was. I would tell myself to get help from teachers whenever i needed it and not just when i was failing. And last but not least I would tell myself to stay true to my friends, because friends become very important in life. Even if you jus need someone to talk to and to hear you out.
If I had the chance to talk to myself a year ago, I would encourage myself to be more confident. In college, it is encouraged that we think for ourselves. In the beginning of the year, I was afraid to be wrong - it was a right-or-wrong mentality that was leftover from high school. It took some adjusting to understand this new way of thinking. I would encourage myself to speak up and state my case and the reasoning behind it.
I would tell myself not to be afraid of meeting new people, to be outgoing. I would remind myself that no matter what, it is not my fault if my relationships with others don't work out. There will be others. I would tell myself to be confident in my personality. If someone doesn't like it, then they don't need to be my friend. Someone will like me for me - there are so many people to get to know.
Those are the most important things that I would tell myself, if I had the chance. Lastly, I'd remind myself, "No regrets."
If I could go back in time there are two pieces of advice I would give myself. The first is not to worry so much about losing all my friends. I have found from experience that it is not impossible to stay in touch while at college. With all of the new technology of today, being two hundred miles away is the same as two thousand miles away. I have learned that true friends will always be there for you and that college is a great opportunity for new friends.
Taking one day at a time is the second piece of advice I would give myself. I have learned not to stress out about the little things in life. Having good friends and a good environment makes it very easy to find little pieces of joy and happiness in life. Focus on the positive things in life and this will help you get through the hard times. Before you know it, you will be enjoying and flying through college.
When one is preparing for college, especially the week before school starts, the original response is uncertainty and panic. However, college may be difficult, but it is not impossible. To achieve the best transition from high school to college, being prepared is essential. First, I advise meeting with your major department ahead of time, so you are at least comfortable with that part of campus. Second, know you are going to forget things. Forgetting is just a part of life because you can not account for every situation. Therefore, be as prepared as you can, but don't panic if you don't have everything. There will be time to go back home and bring that jacket or textbook that you have forgotten. Finally, and most importantly, do not be overwhelmed after your first full day of classes. After Calculus II on my first day of college, I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of homework and the difficulty of the class. Also, reading the syllabus on the first day can also be slightly intimidating. However, if you just take college day by day, and keep an organized planner, you will make it. Don't get stressed, just enjoy college!
If I had the ability to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would encourage and coach myself for the academic hurdles and learning adventures to come. I would reassure myself that a traditional college route is not always the best or first decision to make. If I were standing in front of myself five years ago I would encourage myself to hold on to my sense of naivet? and wonder for the world. I would inspire myself once again to gain from the world and my experiences and accept them lovingly. In this moment I am preparing myself for three years at a community college, five independently funded trips to Berlin and falling in love with education of a foreign language. I could only give myself reassuring advice, for my academic future lain not just in classrooms but around the globe.
If I were to go back in time to when I was a senior in high school, there would be some advice that I would give myself before I enter college. First, I would tell myself to work as hard as I can to earn scholarships and make money before I get to college because once I?m there I won?t have as much time as in high school. I would also advise myself to make lots of friends and be open to new people when I get to college. Finding new friends and making many connections is important to help me succeed and feel at home while at college. I would let myself know of classes I particularly liked and didn?t like and whether or not to take them. I know now that I would try to graduate a semester early again, but perhaps I would let my senior-self know to try to combine classes and requirements earlier on in my college career. Overall I would just tell myself to work hard and enjoy it while it lasts. You only go through college once, and it?s an experience you just don?t want to miss!
I would tell myself to take advantage of other sites instead of the schools to buy your books. Instead of spending $400 on books this semster, I spent $210. It's a great way to save money to use for other activities. That's the other thing I would tell myself, too take advantage of all the activites that you can. I passed up on taking a scuba certification class last semester and I was mad at myself for not taking advantage of the opportunity.
The advice I would give myself would be to take every single day slowly and enjoy every minute of it. Once getting into college you are literally thrown into the real world with no return. There is no going back and certainly no "do overs". I wish I could go back and tell myself as a high school senior to take life as it is and enjoy it. Once you leave high school, all your friends go to colleges all across the U.S. In high school you had everyone at your finger tips without any worry that they might end up at a school 8 hours away from you. I would love to be able to just tell myself to slow down and to enjoy those around me, because the next year, you won't have all those people surrounding you day in and day out.
I would tell myself that I should work as hard as I can at everything I do, because college work takes a lot of time and dedication as well. Also I would tell myself to study and remeber all that was taught to me in high school because even the irrelevant information in high school becomes relevant in college. I would also say that there is no need to stress and be worried about living on campus because it is a wonderful experience and will delvelop wonderful friendships and enjoy dorm life.
Get involved in some kind of activity on campus. It is hands down the best way to get to know people. I didn't really like any of the people who lived in the dorms with me, but I always hung out with the people that I met in Marching Band. Most college campuses have clubs, sports, music, and academic groups that really bring people together. If you are worried about not making any friends and not meeting anyone, so everyone else you are around! Don't be afraid to just randomly strike up a conversation with someone--you just might make a friend.