Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Millersville University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


I cannot describe everything that I have gotten out of my college experience, since there are too many. The main experiences were based on becoming more mature and dealing with my mental illness. I have grown enormously, since I graduated from college. Since I have a mental illness and my major was in psychology, I have come enormously far in my recovery. Due to frequent hopsitalization I was not able to achieve a high GPA, but my GPA was not really that important. To me it was important that I had learned a lot about myself and the field of pscyhology. My college experience prepared me for graduate school where I am excelling now. Now after many years of struggling with my mental illness I am in a position to help other people with mental illnesses. Now I can fulfill my dreams of becoming a counselor which I could never have done without my education.


The experience of going to college, whether online or at an actual campus, provides students with more than just an education. The interaction that takes place between the student and those they come in contact with during their time in school will change them in ways that can never be replaced. I thought that when I went in the military first, instead of college like my siblings, I would not miss anything. Now that I have been in school and experienced all the activities, clubs, cultures, and people I feel that no one should be left out of the chance to attend college. I am 46 years old, retired from the Air Force, have 2 grown girls in college, and two young grandsons. I am very proud of what I have accomplished so far, but I know that there is so much more to do and I want my children and grandchildren to see that college is the way to achieve it. Thank you


I have learned so much from my studies at school as well as made good connection with professors. I also made a lot of new friends that I plan on keeping a relation with after school is over. I have never been bored on campus because there is always something to do, and as long as I stayed invovled in student activites, which there are plenty, you will never be looking for something to do. I also think that I have made several connections with people that I could possibly use when I am done with college and working on my career. I don't think I could have asked for a better experience than I am having now at college, and I am glad that I picked Millersville University as my school of choice.


It really grew and shaped me into the person I have been today. If it wasn't for Millersville, I would not have had the ammount of opportunities or friendships I have now. It has been a really amazing experience. i would recommend it to anyone who is interested in working hard, and enjoying life. Anyone would benefit from this school, because it has an excellent learning environment, and a vibrant community.


In my short experience getting myself enrolled into college, I have learned many things already. The first steps I needed to take have given me insight to the reality of being on my own. College will allow me to begin my adult life and challenge me to do things I have counted on my parents to do. I hope to grow in all aspects of my life and create memories that will last a lifetime. College, to me, is a stepping stone to the rest of my life and a learning experience that I will carry with me in my years to come.


My college experience thus far has been more than I could possibly have hoped for. I am enjoying my experience very much. It has been very valuable to attend becuase it is preparing me for my future. I hope to one day be a teacher and college is teaching me how to do so and be the best I can be at it. College is the best experience of my life so far, and I love being there and embracing every new experience that presents itself to me. I am priveleged to be able to attend and I intend to make the best of it while I am there. It has given me more confidence in interacting with others and it has begun to teach me what I need to begin the rest of my life successfully.


College has been the single most important experience I have ever received. Millersville University has made me appreciate friendship, the value of a dollar and education. My brother who attended Millersville University ten years earlier once said successful people suround themselves with people who are successful. I see many people at Millersville who are very serious about their college degree while having free time to enjoy their college experience. I have made many friends who are graduates of Millersvilles or who are in honor college classes. They do no take education for granted and I have learned many vauble life lessons from them,. Many friends I have known grew up in impoverished situations and appreciate what their family has gone through. This is similar to my situation because my parents came to the United States as immigrants during the Vietnam War, and it is my priority to graudate form college to make them proud of me. It is very valuable to attend college because in today's job market a bachleor's degree is becoming the norm and education is the single most important tool you can ever receive.


Although my academic experience at Millersville has not been wonderful, I would not take back my descision to attend there. I have learn a great deal about myself and challenged myself to better who I am. I have made many diverse friends and also found new and exciting interests at Millersville. I love the area in Lancaster County, it has become my home away from home. I have been attending this school for two and a half years and learned that my needs exceeeds what Millersville has to offer for their science majors. I will be transferring this spring to Rowan Universiry in New jersey. And as I transfer I will continue to seek all opportunties to better myself and my education.


Before college I attended two different job corps center(Atterbury and Clearfield jop corps centers) from 2007 to 2009. When I started college I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I did not know how to approach the situation, with me being out of school for two years and not learning math and english and other subjects i learned in high school. Once I got into school and got into the rhythm of taking notes, doing homework, and typing papers it was much easier. I gained independence, I got a chance to witness and understand the different cultures on campus, socialize with people of different backgrounds, and I also learned how to live in a diverse environment. If i would not have attended college I would have been able to experince these things in my how town because I live in a area where everyone is from the same background and see the same things I see everyday. Attending college was the best choice I made since I left high school.


Having transferred from a University at which I was very unhappy, my attitude about the school I attend could only improve. Attending Millersville has strengthened my ability to think for myself and make educated decisions about my life path. The failure of past advisors to actually advise in course scheduling or general education issues hindered me in some aspects, but more than a hinderance I have become very independent and headstrong in my own thinking. I figured out the path I should take by myself, and subsequently by my own will, will graduate a year ahead of most. I have become proud of myself and believe in my own convictions. I know now that I can do whatever I set my mind to. Through working 20 to 25 hours a week while successfully taking 15 and even 18 credits per semester (all while sustaining a successful long-distance relationship with my now fiance), I know now that I am and always will be successful if I create a goal for myself and believe in it.