To look at the administration because a well organized financial aid, records, and bursars office will make the four years a breeze. When you have to worry about scholarship money and loans not being applied to your account correctly it takes away from the school aspect. Also have fun it is the best years of your life.
Go with your heart. Make sure the school you choose is one that fits your personality and academic abilities. Dont just go to a college that all your friends are going to because they they cant graduate for you. Overall, Just enjoy your college experience and make the best of it. Be involved, and join organizations that will help make you a better person and prepare you for success in the real world. Good luck and I wish you nothing but success!!
I would advise students to research the schools that they are interested in and dont go by hear-say. I would advise parents to listen to thier children and not always try to insist that they go to the school of YOUR choice (especially your alma mater). Your school may not be the school for your child.
Do not attend HBCU's they are stressful unorganized and behind in the world of education and Accreditation. Worst type of universities in the nation. Awful administration and thing about these schools are the bands and the social life plenty of attractive people on the campuses but other than thaqt not a place of higher education.
Make sure that you visit the school and see what it has to offer before you make a decision.
Scout the campus, students, and teachers before making the final decision. If you find someone that you feel is on the same page with you stick to that person because everyone isn't thinking about you-the student. If you want the full experience without living on campus make friends that live on and off campus, read postings, or talk to classmates about upcoming events. But I don't advise people to party and hang out late every night nor the nights before early classes. But school isn't a big party you're there to learn so if you don't feel as if your learning and you have the option to transfer then go with your gut feelings after talking with your family. But if you don't have that option try to stick with upper classmen in your major so you won't feel alone because most likely they've felt the same way. Also do some self searching and independent learning; if you need to find on campus help or a therapist to talk to.
I would advise all college hopefuls to pick a school on a couple of things, starting with your intended major. Somtimes a school will be defined by what major/studies it specializes in. Depending on the quality of the program, your life and career after college can be deeply affected. If one doesnt happen to know what they want to with there college career, then the location and size of a college is another important aspect to pay attention to. By size I mean size of the campus and classes. Some students may prefer a small class setting like myself, and a small campus to make class tranfers easier. Others may favor the traditional lecture hall type class with hundreds of students, and a large campus with properties like those of a small town. To make the most out of a college expirience rember that you are in school to learn, but dont slack on your social life and the enjoyment of life. the best advice would be to find a balance between the two.
Visit the school first and ask all the questions that are on your mind even if they sound stupid. Do all your research on the school and attend a sit in class.
College is what you make it. Some might say a campus is boring but that is only because they don't take the time out to get to know people and organizations so that they can be active. Socializing is not your number one priority, work first play later. Focuse on your school work so that you can continue to get your education. Never take a semester off because most get comfortable and never come back.
I would tell parents and students to do serious research before attending any school and visit the school and talk to current students if possible . I wish I would have done it before I decided to attend anything.